Discussion one & two

Consider the following scenario: Cascade Care is la long-term healthcare facility. Leadership of Cascade Care has made two critical decisions to guide the transformation of the healthcare services that they offer. Their first decision was to accentuate their patient safety procedures as the cornerstone of the high-quality long-term healthcare they offer. Their second decision was to strengthen communication channels and enhance teamwork strategies among the staff.

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Patient safety is the cornerstone of high-quality healthcare. Much of the work defining patient safety and practices that prevent harm have focused on negative outcomes of care, such as mortality and morbidity. Nurses are critical to the surveillance and coordination that reduce such adverse outcomes. However, it can be argued that every employee of a hospital, or any other healthcare organization, has direct influence on patient quality and safety. Inherent in the ability to influence patient outcomes are certain ethical, professional, legal, and social obligations. There are no unimportant jobs in healthcare.

This week, you will describe the relationship between a job in healthcare and quality of care and patient safety. You will also explore the ethical and social obligations of individuals in specific roles in healthcare.  Finally, you will consider the relationship between healthcare certifications and your career goals and you will complete your Final Exam.

Discussion: Jobs in Healthcare Settings and Their Effect on Quality and Safety

To achieve meaningful and lasting improvement in healthcare quality and safety in any organization, the goals of individuals who work there, as well as the goals that belong to relevant external entities, must be aligned and in sync. In previous weeks, you explored how healthcare professionals can influence quality and safety.

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In this Discussion, you will reflect on what you have learned and your own personal goals. You will also consider how you might contribute to advancing the cause of quality and safety in your own healthcare career.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the Learning Resources.

• Reflect on the knowledge and insights that you have gained from this and previous courses.

• Go to one of the job sites listed below or one of your own choosing and select a job in a healthcare organization that appeals to you and is consistent with your career goals (Healcare management)

◦ Career Builder. 

◦ Retrieved from http://www.careerbuilder.com/

◦ Monster. 

◦ Retrieved from http://www.monster.com/

◦ Indeed. 

◦ Retrieved from https://www.indeed.com/

• Consider your selected job in relation to one of the following certifications and choose one to focus on for this Discussion (see Required Readings for helpful links):

◦ Certified Professional in Patient Safety

◦ Certification in Healthcare Risk Management

◦ Certification in Healthcare Quality Professional

• Review the interactive Good Samaritan Hospital organizational chart and accompanying videos from this course.

• Review the case study that you selected in Week 1.

By Day 4

Post a comprehensive explanation of the following:

• Identify and describe the job that you selected.

• Explain how you might influence quality and safety (directly or indirectly) if you had the job you selected.

• Explain the ethical and social obligations that you would have if you had the job that you selected.

• Identify an individual depicted in the interactive organizational chart and explain how you might interact with them to improve patient safety and quality if you had the job that you selected.

• Identify the certification that you selected and briefly explain how the certification may help with your career goals.

• Identify at least one professional organization that you may want to join which would help with your professional development in the chosen job, and then explain why that you chose that professional organization.

• Explain how you could help prevent the medical error discussed in the case study that you selected in Week 1 or other medical errors from happening if you had the job that you selected.

Required links:








Discussion: Community Benefit vs. Organizational Benefit

Perhaps you have been to a health fair sponsored by a local hospital in your community. Who benefits from such an effort? When you or your neighbors are screened for signs of illness (hypertension, for instance) or learn about available services, clearly the promotion benefits you, but what about the hospital? Having its name associated with “community service” benefits the organization. Any patients and/or clients the institution attracts may also result is some financial benefits.

Social change is at the heart of Walden’s mission, therefore, in this Discussion, you will identify examples of promotion for social change in your community and analyze whether the promotion benefits the community, the organization, or both.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review this week’s Learning Resources.

• Identify two (2) local healthcare providers: one (1) should be with a for-profit and one (1) should be with a not-for-profit organization. Identify an example of each organization’s effort in promoting a service or services as a form of positive social change.

By Day 4

Post a comprehensive response to the following:

• Describe how each organizations’ efforts in promoting a service fosters positive social change in the community.

• Describe how each organizations’ social change efforts benefits the organization. How does each organization’s promotion benefit the community? How does it benefit the organization?

• Based on the promotion of each organization, are the interests of the community and the interests of the organization harmonious or are they in conflict? Explain.

• How may a non-profit organization be less able to launch a bigger, more professional, more impressive and more visible promotion than a for profit and how might that type of promotion impact the community?

Support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and/or additional sources as appropriate. Your citations must be in APA format. 

Required links:



https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4D76560E00A5637F9221A99E3852232C/S1463423618000907a /community_engaged_primary_healthcare_strategy_to_address_rural_school_student_inequities_a_descriptive_paper



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