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2020/11/19 Topic: Week 7 Discussion – Working with Your Data – Discussion Group 7

https://canvas.eee.uci.edu/groups/98037/discussion_topics/439343 1/2

This is a graded discussion: 5 points possible
due Nov 19

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Week 7 Discussion – Working with Your Data – Discussion Group 7
Christine Marie Tomlinson (Use my name instead of pronouns.)


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Week 7 Discussion – Working with Your Data
Please note that this is a required discussion! Your initial post is due Thursday by 11:59pm
PDT and a response to at least one other student is required by Friday at 11:59pm PDT.

In part, this discussion should interact with your data collection and other assignments. The
goal is to present some ideas to the class and perhaps gain some suggestions, insights, or
support. This is an opportunity to be collaborative with your work. Remember – research is a
collaborative activity!

Part One

Please reflect on the information about culture and online culture. As part of your reflection,
take note of how your reading on online communities fits in. Additionally, do you notice
anything interesting about the culture of your chosen subreddit?

Part Two

How are you planning to organize your data for analysis? What do you like about the approach
you have chosen? Please share an example of a post or comment that has brought up
something interesting for you. Provide the (at least brief) theme/coding for this post or
comment (it may be easiest to embed this as an image
(https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10700-4212190965) ). Explain how this might fit
with some of the academic articles you have found.


You will not be able to view anyone’s post until you submit your initial post.

The initial post (3 points) is due on Thursday, and you are expected to respond to at least
one classmates’ posts (2 points) by the end of Friday.

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2020/11/19 Topic: Week 7 Discussion – Working with Your Data – Discussion Group 7

https://canvas.eee.uci.edu/groups/98037/discussion_topics/439343 2/2

Replies are only visible to those who have posted at least one reply.

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