Discussion Board Post #3 (DB #3)


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For this week’s discussion board assignment, you will be commenting on something that stood out to you about the podcast and/or videos for the week.


1) Begin by reflecting over the podcast and videos.  

2) Now, develop a 100-200 word post that expands on your thoughts. Here are some questions to help you: What stood out to you? What did you learn? What changed your perspective? Were you familiar with the topic prior? How do you understand the dance in relation to the module’s theme? Why do you think it is important to understand the connections between folklórico and ritual?

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3) Create a new thread and use a word or phrase that exemplifies your thoughts as the title of your post. (For example, mine would be: “Colonial Legacy”). Once you have finished submitting your post, spend some time reading your classmates’ posts.

4) Post a response to at least one of your classmates. How does their post connect to yours? What do they have in common? How do they differ? What did your classmate bring up about the lesson that you had not considered?

Original Post Due Wednesday, November 4th by 9:00pm

Peer-Response due Friday, November 6th by 9:00pm

This assignment is worth 4% of your final grade.





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