discussion board (Gen)

Please answer the following questions based on the article i posted called “Case study_Too Clean”.

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Look at the figure that Amelia found in Wired pertaining to antibiotics and the microbiota. What conclusions can you draw from this figure?


Given the fact that Amelia found this article in an on-line pop-culture science magazine, do you believe the data presented? Do some research on the impact of antibiotics on the human microbiome using peer-reviewed literature. Summarize your findings from at least three articles in a short paragraph.

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Based on the figure from Wired and on your research, do you think that antibiotics caused Amelia’s Crohn’s disease? Why or why not?


If a diverse gut microbiome is important for optimal health, what steps can you think of to protect and/or re-establish gut flora following an illness like food poisoning?

Answer the below questions based on the following youtube video link


1) What is a normal relationship between humans and bacteria or microorganisms?

2)What purpose do bacteria or microorganisms serve us and what purpose do we serve them?

3) What did you learn that surprised you about the human-bacteria/microorganisms relationship?

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