Discussion and Assignment

Discussion and Assignment 

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IHP 604 Module Five Activity Guidelines and Rubric

Using the Raw Data Example document, create an Excel bar graphs comparing 2016 infection rates (CLABSI, CAUTI, and SSI) against the national hospital
benchmark values. At the bottom of the graphs, write a one-paragraph summary of the impact of meeting or not meeting the national quality benchmarks on
value-based reimbursement. Copy and paste the graph in a Word document.

Read Chapter 17 in the textbook, view the video Introduction to Quality Measurement, review the Measures, Quality Measures, and Hospital Value-Based
Purchasing resources, and review the material available in the Johns Hopkins Core Measures webpage to guide your response. These resources will assist you in
understanding quality measures: what they are, why the data is collected and used, and how organizational leaders use this data to influence decisions and take


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Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

CLABSI Includes bar graphs with correct comparison
of CLABSI data against national values

Includes bar graphs but does not include
correct comparison of CLABSI data against
national values

Does not include bar graphs for CLABSI


CAUTI Includes bar graphs with correct comparison
of CAUTI data against national values

Includes bar graphs but does not include
correct comparison of CAUTI data against
national values

Does not include bar graphs for CAUTI 20

SSI Includes bar graphs with correct comparison
of SSI data against national values

Includes bar graphs but does not include
correct comparison of SSI data against
national values

Does not include bar graphs for SSI 20


Includes summary response with an effective
analysis of the impact of meeting or not
meeting the national quality benchmarks on
value-based reimbursement

Includes summary response but does not
include an effective analysis of the impact of
meeting or not meeting the national quality
benchmarks on value-based reimbursement

Does not include summary response 20

Articulation of

Summary response has no major errors
related to grammar, spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in a
professional and easy-to-read format

Summary response has major errors related
to grammar, spelling, syntax, and
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas

Summary response has critical errors related
to grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%









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