discussion also response to 2 other people discussions, due in 5 hours


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Factors that shape

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    Post: Everybody posts once

    Describe the document you’re going to revise for this module, and discuss the factors that influenced your thinking and work as you created the document – factors related to:

    • audience
    • purpose
    • setting
    • document

    • process

    What factors did you take into account or not take into account? Why?

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    When thinking about revising the document for a new audience, purpose, or setting, how will these factors influence your thinking about the document or the processes you might use to revise it?


    If you are able, post the document as an attachment. You’ll get better responses if people can refer to the actual document.

    Respond: Everybody responds twice

    Suggest another audience, purpose, or setting where the content of this document might be useful, and then answer these questions: I uploaded the files of the 1 discussion and the other will paste down 

    • What strategies might be most effective for learning about the audience in this new scenario?
    • What ethical issues might be relevant to production or distribution of this document?
    • ———–

     The document I am choosing to revise is a document I recently created for my workplace. I work in a small restaurant and I wrote up an opening and closing checklist with all the duties of the opener or closer for the day. This means my audience was either the opener or closer of the restaurant. The purpose was to ensure a smooth shift for the opener, closer, and other employees.

    I didn’t exactly take into account the process and could’ve done a better job at listing things in the order that they will be completed. I also didn’t really take into account formatting other than trying to fit it all on one page. I did take into account my audience as I tried to word the tasks so everyone would be able to understand.

    When thinking about revising this document I could focus on making the checklist more condensed without compromising information. I would also focus on making the list flow in chronological order. I could change the audience to the managers that check our work in a way such as: “did the employee…”. I could also add headings or subcategories. 

    Chad Davis

    Mr. Courtney


    27 November 2018


    What is mindfulness, why is it valuable and why is it valuable for your practice ?

    Mindfulness can be describe as many things depending on the situation you are in. Being mindful is awareness of a situation and be thoughtful about how you handle it. Being mindful is taken others into consideration and not just thinking about yourself. To be mindful is to open your eyes, to see not only situations but people. To be mindful is to be fully present during a certain time or event. Being mindful is also being observant of your surroundings. Just like there are countless ways to describe being mindful, there are just as many reasons as way to be mindful. Just think if someone was not mindful of a touchy situation that you are. For example, having a insecurity that is out of your control and is sensitive to you. Then someone makes fun of that flaw you are embarrassed about. It would destroy you and hurt your feelings. Doing nothing but making that flaw bigger in your eyes. Leaving you to think why could someone be so cruel? When in actuality they were not being cruel. They were not being mindful in what they had to said out of their mouth and did not take the time to think before speaking. When you are not mindful, you can easily be perceived as something you are not. Which is why it is important to be mindful at all times.

    The values of being mindful is endless and infinite. Think about a time where you were mindful of you surroundings and saved something. That can range from money all the way to someone’s life. If you wasn’t always mindful of your surroundings, you might not have found all those countless bills on the ground or got in line in time to get something to eat. Being mindful can get you more then just food and money, it can get you another day. Everyone around you is not always mindful which can be dangerous. How mindful do you think someone is of your life, when they are texting and driving? Or even worse drinking and driving? They are basically saying, they can care less about you life, their life, and anyone else on the streets. Which is why it is important for you to always be mindful because when that same guys is swerving on the streets he does not hit you. Or when that girl runs the red light, you stop even though you have the green light. If you struggle with being mindful, think about how it can affect you family and friends in the worse ways or someone else’s.

    This is why it is important to practice being mindful because it literally can mean life or death. That why it’s important even when you do not have to be mindful because it out of your hands. To practice because it may one day be in your hands. Also practicing mindfulness can save a life. Even though it is not your job exactly to be mindful of the road when you are in the passenger seat. It does not hurt to have a another pair eyes on the road, no matter how trustee the driver may be. Because we are human and can not see everything all the time. A perfect way to practice being mindful is when you see a situation end badly or unsettling. Ask yourself how you could have been mindful in the situation and changed the outcome. Also you can ask yourself what can you do in the moment. In what way would you want a bystander to be mindful in situation you may be in. Like if you have had to many drinks and was not in the right state of mind to do anything. Doing things like this can not only help you with your every day life but others as well. Which is why we should look at being mindful as a 24/7 job.

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