
Executive Coaches will continue to be needed in organizations across the United States. Great leaders are much like athletes who need coaching, support, direction, and encouragement. Do you agree with the point of view below and how would you encourage to be a better leader and coach in theses trying times?

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COVID-19 has forced a new work culture and therefore a new challenge to coaching. Coaches’ goal is to not only enhance the individual but also to help the organization set up a sustainable coaching initiative (Ting & Scisco, 2006). Ting and Scisco (2006) explained that coaches will need to recommend that coaching services should be put into budgetary considerations and will help different individuals, such as HR Reps, “have an appropriate level of coaching resources during the first fiscal year” (p. 417).  Rock et al., (2013) investigated the challenge of coaching virtually and how to educate teachers to incorporate their coaching while furthering their knowledge. Rock et al., explained a four-part way of coaching/educating, “(a) instructing, (b) correcting, (c) encouraging, and (d) questioning” (p. 3). For a coach, these four roles are more passive and reflective rather than how an educator would use them to have healthy control over their virtual classrooms. Teachers need to be able to understand how to correctly use these tools with different approaches to keep up with future trends.

The future trends are based on the changing world and how it shrinks every day; Smith (2019) examined this in the international soccer league.  The international soccer league had individuals of all races participating and it was visible the different coaching styles. Smtih (2019) explained that the coaches understood that their coaching style would have to change depending on who they were coaching. The main difference was the way individuals responded to discipline; the British team responded negatively while the Korean team responded positively (Smith, 2019). This is a look into how the world of soccer is being intertwined so with these coaches acknowledging that they must change their approach, executive coaches will have to wary of the culture of the individual that they are coaching as the world continues to get smaller. 

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