
Read  and watch some videos( each 7-8) to answer the question o discussion.

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this week’s module, we’re reviewing various fundraising tactics.

Assigned Readings:


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Chapters 12-17; 25-28. I recommend you focus on chapters 13-15 and 25. You can skim the rest, and I’ve provided an outline below to help you take notes of what is most important in each chapter. Each mini-lecture reviews this content and is 3-8 minutes in length.

Module 6 Outline x


Module 6 Outline x – Alternative Formats


Learning Objectives:

· Identify and evaluate strategies for multi-channel fundraising

· Apply best practices in using direct mail

· Identify appropriate online fundraising strategies based on organizational mission and resources

· Identify basic components of phone solicitations and special events

· Identify strategies for managing large campaigns; define differences between annual, capital, and endowment campaigns

· Develop strategies for evaluating fundraising messaging and tactics

Learning Activites:

Module Introduction

Mini-Lecture: Strategic Planning for Multi-Channel Fundraising  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DEvIpgV-Hk&feature=youtu.be

Mini-Lecture: Direct Mail Best Practices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0_Gisko3js&feature=youtu.be

Mini-Lecture: Online & Social Media Fundraising https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2jnKxMaI7Q&feature=youtu.be

Mini-Lecture: Special Events.

Video: Capital Campaign Strategies

Mini-Lecture: Evaluation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIh8Dh7DszE&feature=youtu.be

Small Group Discussion Board

You are asked to give an advice brief on using special event fundraising. As a group, compile a list of the 5 most important lessons for using special event fundraising.

Then, write 2 suggestions for how you could ensure that your special event strategy is working (evaluation strategies).

Each person in the group should propose at least 2 important lessons and 1 evaluation strategy, and then as a group you should work together to decide what’s most important, to make your respective final list of 5 lessons and 2 evaluation strategies.

A example from a member

2 days ago

Marilyn De La Cruz 

RE: Special Event Fundraising



Special events should:


Appropriateness of the Event: does it fall within the mission and vision of the organization? Does it give guests an idea of what the organization 


Image of the Organization: does the idea of the event go along with the organization’s branding?


The Energy of Volunteers: are there enough volunteers to execute the event leading up, during the event, and afterward for evaluation purposes?


Front Money: look into the money involved in putting together an event. It can pose a cash flow problem if you need the money for an event.


Repeatability: how often will this event be held? Annual or is it a one time gig? A yearly event can build anticipation and emotional investment from the community.


Timing: is it the right time to execute the event? Coordinate with others that you want to be part of the event.


The Big Picture


Special events evaluation form (p. 192)


How many people came to the event? How many of those were existing donors? Were new donors acquired during the event?


What would you do the same or differently?


Make sure to send thank yous after the event! To volunteers, donors, guests, and sponsors! These events bring supporters to your organization, and it is an opportunity to create and build relationships.


Other example:

Each person in the group should propose at least 
2 important lessons and 1 evaluation strategy
, and then as a group you should work together to decide what’s most important, to make your respective final list of 5 lessons and 2 evaluation strategies.

Two important lessons I have learned in regards to special events fundraising is:

1. Remembering that raising money is a secondary goal, because there are many faster and easier ways to raise money. Special events fundraising should be utilized to raise the organization’s profile and bring in new people. (Klein, pg. 182).

2. Having an event planning checklist is crucial to ensure that important, yet frequently forgotten details are taken care of. This has a direct impact on the successfulness of the special event. (Klein, pg. 190). 

Since the main objective of hosting a special event was to generate new donors, I believe the most important evaluation is determining if the event brought in any new donors, and if so, how many. This will directly answer the question as to whether our objective was met. 

Fundraising Strategies Part 2 Module Outline

Chapter 12:

1. Define multi-channel fundraising.

2. What does Klein identify as the 3 ways to ensure that various engagement strategies work together?




Chapter 13:

1. Identify who might be on a hot, warm, and cold list.

a. Hot:

b. Warm:

c. Cold: (Not typically cost efficient to use)

2. In which ways can you test and evaluate your appeals? (For example, you might test different subject lines in e-mail appeals…)

3. What type of data is useful in testing and evaluating appeals? (Total number of gifts received and total amount given, etc.)

4. How frequently should you appeal to donors, and why?

Chapter 14:

1. Define donor acquisition, and the general cost of acquiring donors.

2. Define donor retention.

3. Define donor upgrade.

4. Identify the components of the direct mail appeal package- what is most important and what should you include?

Chapter 15:

1. Identify websites that can be used for more up to date research on online fundraising.

2. Important elements of building a website?

3. What are differences in how you would approach a first, second, and third e-mail appeal?

Chapter 16:

1. What are 3 different reasons to host a special event?

2. 7 things to consider before deciding to use special event fundraising?

Chapter 25:

1. Identify the 5 steps in using a fundraising campaign.

2. Identify at least 3 different things that campaigns can be used for (for example, a capital campaign…)

Chapter 26:

1. What are the distinctive elements of a capital campaign?

Chapter 27:

1. What distinguishes need in an endowment campaign?

Chapter 28:

1. What is a feasibility study?

2. What questions can a feasibility study help you answer

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