According to the United States Census Bureau (2003), women now hold half of the managerial jobs in the United States and they continue to make advancements in this area. What leadership challenges might be unique to women in management or executive positions? Should Executive Coaches take the gender of the trainee into consideration? Why or why not? Do you agree with viewpoints listed below or what different perspective can you share?
In leadership, women will come across many challenges that may affect them in their leadership role. However, as a woman in leadership, you can overcome these biggest challenges as followed:
1. Women held higher standards. According to the PEW Research Center did reports women are held to higher standards than males are. The leadership of a woman will need to make sure that they are able to demonstrate their abilities than men.
2. Fighting gender stereotype: The PEW also has reported that “Most Americans (54%) will say that men are better at their jobs while just 8% will say that women are better at their job. However, 46% plurality will give men the edge when it comes to running a very large company like gas or oil.
3. Playing the game: It will seem that men will have a more advantage of building alliance with others than women will do. There is nothing wrong with this at all, however, a woman can do the same things if she has a strategy plan.
4. Managing many roles: It seems that women will leave their job and raise a family faster than a man will However, women will still return to work while keeping up with technology and any workplace changes.
5. Taking risks: In the long run, women will watch out when it comes to taking risk, while men will take the risk confident, they will will handle the outcome of their decision (Kennedy, 2018).
When it comes to taken gender into consideration, I do not think that should play a part at all, but it will. I feel that everyone should be treated equal. If a woman and a man is being coach, it is because they are both qualified for the position. However, coaching women, the coach may feel that the women may be more sensitive than the man on words that are being said or the high demand that is require for being a great leader who possess leadership skills. According to Tin, (2006, Chapter 3, p. 76) ‘Women who were participants in CCL’s The Women’s Leadership Program, a five-day intensive development program. Where the key components of the program were in which women did review their data and work on their career and goals setting so that it will help them develop a plan.
Yes, because women are not men. This is even true when men are teaching women. Caprino say, in her experience, women and men respond differently to different approaches. While on the other hand, women are more apt “to do the deep work of internal change, “men, due to partly to how they socialized in the Western cultures (i.e., avoid vulnerability and outward display of emotion) that will tend to move to the more tactical approach.