
Coaches tend to have expertise in working with people, particularly to help them develop in a specific area. They are often skilled in the area in which they coach. For example, most NBA coaches are former NBA basketball players; most NFL coaches previously played in the NFL. Is coaching superior to mentoring or is mentoring superior to coaching? What advice can you give on coaching vs mentoring.

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    In my opinion, coaching and mentoring are very much different. For example, I love tennis and if I wanted to learn more about the game, I would get Serena Williams not only to coach me, but she can also be my mentor as well. Of course, I think she is one of the best tennis players in her field and I feel that I can learn some very important points from her.

             However, when it comes to coaching vs mentoring, as mention early, they are very different. Hick, (2009) speaks of a mentor is required when you want the benefits of your knowledge and experience and their advice. He also states that coaching is conversation is called for when your professional experience and beliefs are not what’s required and that can even get in your way at times. But they are still different in many ways.

          On the other hand, according to Surbhi, (2015) coaching is an on-the-job management development program that is between employees and the line managers for a specific short term to help them improve their performance and their skills that are need. Mentoring is also called a career development initiative that is taken by the management to help them guide a person and motivated them in away that is needed for them. 

              In my opinion, I do not think that one is more superior to the other. They both will serve as a purpose for any solution that is needed for the person, or the group that needs the right help to set them on the right path. Like I stated in my post above, I would need Serena William to be my mentor and my coach so it is both that is needed in different ways.

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