
Coaching is Multidimensional

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Executive coaches have critical roles within any organization with the purpose of drawing-out talent and developing leadership skills in current and emerging leaders.  One of the key roles of an executive coach is to assist and facilitate emerging leaders in acquiring insight and lucidity about themselves (Ting and Scisco, 2006).  Having the ability to reflect on their own thoughts and perceptions are important to understand why they think what they do, and why the think it.  The term for this capability is called psychological-mindedness, and the concept is described by Bluckert (2005) as the person’s ability or “capacity to reflect on feelings, thoughts, and observed behaviors, and make sense and learn from those observations of those one’s own and others; thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and derive meaning and learning from that reflection” (p. 171).  Many executive coaches must possess the same level of empathy based on the rapport gained with the executive.  Another key role is that of assessing skills and abilities, as well as challenging the executive and providing meaningful and actionable feedback. 

These roles are invaluable to an organization open to honest coaching; however, often times coaching a peer can present challenges due to “power dynamics and political sensitivities” of internal peer coaches (Ting and Scisco, 2006, p. 150). The coach may not be transparent or honest with the coachee which may lead to a lack of trust and ineffective coaching.  Coaching requires a systematic approach with my be perceived as contentious at times.  Challenging an executive’s views on leadership, especially since the executive has gained stature on their own, may not align with what will drive future success.  Executives may view their previous success as a measure of future success; however, as business, culture, and external factors change, the executive must be willing to be challenged in new ways.  Many organizations choose to select coaching and consulting firm to perform executive coaching to avoid potential internal conflict and ineffective coaching (Ting and Scisco, 2006). 

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