discussion 3

 Reflect on the assigned readings for Week 3 and then type a two-page paper regarding what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), the term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.  Define and describe what you thought was worthy of your understanding in half a page, and then explain why you felt it was important, how you will use it, and/or how important it is in project planning.  

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The Project Life Cycle

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Project Management

Chapter 3: The Project Life Cycle


Phases of a project

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Project Management
Chapter 3: The Project Life Cycle
Initiation phase
Project sponsor is identified
Scope and deliverables are defined
Relationship to organizational goals is key
Budget is approved
Broad statements are made about risks, approach, timelines
Stakeholders are identified
Project Manager is assigned
At end of phase, approved project charter is the approval to proceed to the planning phase

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
License (CC-BY).
Project Management
Chapter 3: The Project Life Cycle
Planning phase
Deliverables are clearly defined
Based on the deliverables, a work breakdown structure or WBS defines the “work packages”
The work packages are used to develop a schedule
Plans are made for management of stakeholders, communication, quality, costs, risks, procurement, resources including human resources

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
License (CC-BY).
Project Management
Chapter 3: The Project Life Cycle
Implementation (Execution) Phase
Project team is hired and developed
Procurements take place
Project work is underway
Project must be monitored and changes managed
Communication to stakeholders is an important ongoing activity

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License (CC-BY).
Project Management
Chapter 3: The Project Life Cycle
Closing phase
Closing out procurements—final payments
Identify lessons learned

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License (CC-BY).
Project Management
Chapter 3: The Project Life Cycle
Project Phases
Implementation (Execution)

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
License (CC-BY).
Project Management
Chapter 3: The Project Life Cycle

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
License (CC-BY).
Project Management
Chapter 3: The Project Life Cycle


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