
What are your thoughts on the topic I’ve presented below? Provide points on what you like the most and what you disagree with if any.

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One topic that I could explore is students who have disabilities and their access to academic support. I would use questionnaires and then use this information for in depth interviews. It would be a phenomenological. The study would be semi-structured. I would use either a stratified random sampling from students from a few universities so I could have a good representation of what I am looking for or a heterogeneous sampling so that I can have representations of different people with different disabilities. The sample size would depend on the number of students at each university. If the population of disabled students was 1,500 students, I would sample 20% of them which would be 300 questionnaires (Malec & Newman, 2013). I know that the 300 people I sent questionnaires to would not participate.

 I would bring them to the universities so that the administration can stress their importance. I would also make questionnaires easy to fill out and not too long so that more people would fill out. Many people think that questionnaires that are mailed are junk, so they throw them out. (Malec & Newman, 2013). I would also give questionnaires to administrators and instructors to increase validity. I would give questionnaires to all of them because the sample size would be less than 100. Because there are differences in disabilities and their severity, I would try to represent each disability. A large sample is needed for generality and it would have to be observed for a period of 2 or 4 years. There would need to be several interviews to get the full meaning of the experiences. Researchers must be careful to word questions so that they are leading. The subjects may have problems remembering certain things so the questions must be asked while things are going on (Nehrkorn-Bailey & al, 2018). Real time data can solve this problem. I would consider adjusting data to account for errors with dropouts in survey.

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