
Question 1

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When a large employer has locations in countries outside of the U.S., a standardized benefits program for all employees across the globe may be impractical and unsuccessful in achieving HR objectives. Discuss how culture and local practices affect the motivational aspects an employer is trying to achieve with a total rewards system.

Within your post, support your response with information from at least two reputable sources (library and/or web-based) and provide the full citation at the end. Use APA format for your references. Bring in your own personal experiences, if applicable.

Question 2

An often-heard phrase in business is that a company’s employees are its most important asset. However, where in the financial statements do we account for this value? Employees are accounted for in terms of the cost of salaries and benefits. Even the financial ratios mentioned in the background materials measure mostly costs.

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Week 1: Does labeling employees as human resources make them more of an investment in the future rather than a current cost? Are employees an asset or expense? How do you define the value of a company’s employees? What about the ethics of treating employees, who are, after all, responsible moral human beings, as costs? Does placing a value on human capital promote or demean human dignity?

Week 2: Comment on any of the following questions. The quality of your posts and engagement with other students is more important than quantity. Do some research on Human Resource Accounting (HRA).

1. What are the benefits associated with HRA?

2. What are the challenges?

3. Would it be possible to calculate a ratio measuring the return on investment in human capital?

4. How would the ability to measure the value employees add to the company affect the job of the Human Resource manager or the role of the Human Resource Department?

How do you define the value of a company’s employees? Are employees best categorized as a business cost or an investment in the future? Are they an asset or an expense? Why is it important to be able to place a value on human capital?

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