Discussion 2: Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks


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After reading and considering the differences and similarities between theoretical and conceptual frameworks from different sources, the next step is to consider what type of theoretical or conceptual framework would be appropriate for your topic of interest. 

Please note that this is not always easy or obvious, as it is a rare event to find a theory or concept paper that exactly mirrors your topic. Consult with the Walden Library to be creative with keywords and search strategies that will generate a scholarly article (or articles) appropriate to your topic. 

For this Discussion, you will examine the theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research.

To prepare for this Discussion:

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· Review the Grant and Osanloo article related to conceptual and theoretical frameworks found in the Learning Resources and consider how a conceptual framework differs from a theoretical framework.

· Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help to help you search for a research article on your topic of interest that uses a theoretical or conceptual framework. (Note: This can be the same article as the one you will use for your Annotated Bibliography in this week’s Assignment.) 

By Day 4

Post an explanation of how Grant and Osanloo (2014) describe the differences between conceptual and a theoretical framework. Support your explanation with examples from the article as well as from your texts. 

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

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