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In Module 1, you read an article by leader/organizational power guru Jeffrey Pfeffer. Part of your Module 4 materials is an article by Robert Cialdini. As you might have guessed by now, Pfeffer and Cialdini are two of the most famous and popular authorities on power, influence, and persuasion.

Find at least one online video by Cialdini that discusses persuasion. Post the link to the video and share your thoughts.
After viewing at least one of Cialdini’s videos on persuasion, discuss the following in your first post during the first week of the class:

1. Who do you think is more persuasive given what you’ve read about persuasion for this module—Pfeffer or Cialdini?

2. In what ways do you think these gurus are similar or different?

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Your second task for the discussion is to actually go out and try to use some of Cialdini’s techniques from his videos or the background readings. You can try them on a coworker, a family member, or even a salesperson that you are trying to coax into giving you a better deal. Did it work? How did these tactics work compared to what you tried for the Module 3 discussion? Would you try this technique again?


Power and influence are two essential aspects that are needed in leadership and the successful performance of an organization. When it comes to power, it can be defined as the ability to maintain control in terms of the acting authority and being able to be in control of the different behaviors necessary for the successful operation of a business. Power should also possess enough capacity to impact business operation strategies (Muthusamy and White, 2006). On the other hand, influence is also essential as it involves the different behaviors and attitudes that people can borrow from you and copy from you as a leader. In this aspect, the foreign workers in this area admire your different aspects of leadership, and through this, you can inspire them and make them work well for the organization’s success. Therefore the two factors are essential for the successful performance of an organization.

Based on the assessment given, I can tell that some personal characteristics such as effort and expertise have been maintained and achieved successfully. However, more needs to be understood on the unique attraction in terms of the initial approach that I derive from a colleague once I see them. It will dictate the attitudes and cooperation with such a person on an entire organization’s success. In addition to this, I need more knowledge and guidance on legitimacy, on the ability to conform and follow the attached laws and regulations, as well as being able to incorporate logical justifications in my arguments. This will be very helpful as it will improve on my characteristics as a leader and therefore influence the ability to control and portray power as a great leader in an organization.

Jeffrey Pfeffer, in this video, explains the importance of power and influence in the collaborative age. He brings out the idea that the best way to reduce abuse of power is getting more power for a particular person and to people you believe will give the best using the power given to them. In addition to this, he explains the importance of power and influence when people are collaborating to work in teams and groups.

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