Discussion 1 Bus

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1-2 Discussion: Research and Problem Solving

Discussion Topic

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In our society, it’s crucial that we develop the ability to understand context and problem-solve, whether it’s for civic or professional reasons. This is true for leaders at all levels, from those in charge of diverse industries to politicians and lobbyists. The research process is one fundamental practice that ensures individuals can develop, express, and justify solutions.

In your initial post, briefly introduce yourself to your peers. Then, briefly describe a problem that you or a group of people you belong to are currently experiencing. Explain the main characteristics of the problem, the obstacles you face in getting it solved, and your goal. Then, address the following:

· How would you solve the problem?

· What research and resources will you need to solve it?

· How would you justify your solution?

In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:

· What ideas or resources can you share to help your peers craft their solutions?

· What are some obstacles to your peers’ potential solutions?

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Discussion Rubric


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