Discussion 1: A Balanced Approach


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For this Discussion, you will review the case study scenario from this module’s media of two teachers sharing reading strategies they have implemented within their classrooms for Jamal. It is apparent that some of the strategies are working, whereas others are not. You will assume the role of a special education leader in which you provide guidance and direction in determining the most appropriate evidence-based literacy interventions based on Jamal’s assessment data.

To prepare:

· Review the case study video and the Module’s Learning Resources.

· Enter the Grand City interactive community and locate West Ridge Middle School. View the case study video titled “Implementing Evidence Based Practices.”

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· Consider the following as you review the case study video for this module:

o Both teachers have shared evidence-based reading interventions that they have used with Jamal; some are working, whereas others are not. You are tasked with analyzing the evidence-based interventions and determining which interventions are appropriate to meet Jamal’s individual needs based on the data presented.

· Analyze Jamal’s data summary sheet displaying his needs and abilities in reading. Think about the evidence-based literacy interventions discussed. Consider the most appropriate interventions for Jamal, based on the data provided. 

An evaluation of the reading intervention strategies identified by both teachers in the video. Include the following in your evaluation:

An analysis of what you believe the problem is between the two different classrooms. What are possible solutions to ensure fidelity of implementation across settings?

As the special education leader in charge, an explanation of how would you structure this meeting to relatively analyze the data and bring the two teachers to consensus on the most effective approach for fidelity of the implementation for the outlined evidence-based practices. 

Support your responses with specific references to the case study video, the module’s Learning Resources, and outside resources, as well as personal experience.

                                              Learning Resources

Note: To access this week‘s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Coyne, M. D., Kame’enui, E. J., & Carnine, D. W. (2011). Effective teaching strategies that accommodate diverse learners (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

  • Chapter 3, “Effective      Strategies for Teaching Beginning Reading”
  • Chapter 4, “Effective      Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension”
  • Chapter 8, “Effective Strategies for Teaching      Social Studies”

Ciullo, S., Lembke, E. S., Carlisle, A., Thomas, C. N., Goodwin, M., & Judd, L. (2016). Implementation of evidence-based literacy practices in middle school response to intervention an observation study. Learning Disability Quarterly, 39(1), 44–57.

McKenna, J. W., Shin, M., & Ciullo, S. (2015). Evaluating reading and mathematics instruction for students with learning disabilities. A synthesis of observation research. Learning Disability Quarterly, 38(4), 195–207.

Missett, T. C., & Foster, L. H. (2015). Searching for evidence-based practice: A survey of empirical studies on curricular interventions measuring and reporting fidelity of implementation published during 2004–2013. Journal of Advanced Academics, 26(2), 96–111.

Wexler, J., Reed, D. K., Mitchell, M., Doyle, B., & Clancy, E. (2014). Implementing an evidence-based instructional routine to enhance comprehension of expository text. Intervention in School and Clinic, 50(3), 142–149.

Document: Jamal’s Data Sheets (PDF)

                                                Required Media

Laureate  Education (Producer). (2016b). Case study  video: Implementing evidence-based practices with fidelity [Video file].  Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note:  The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.

In  this video, the special education teacher calls a meeting to review Jamal’s  progress on reading skills for the IEP progress report. The data are showing  more reading growth in the social studies classroom, with little to no growth  in the reading classroom. The team discusses how the reading interventions  (which are the same) are being implemented in the classroom.

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Grand City Community

  • Laureate Education (Producer). (2016b). Implementing      evidence based practices [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Go to the Grand City Community and click into West Ridge Middle School. Review the following scenario: Implementing Evidence Based Practices.

Informal/Formal Assessment Data

Student: Jamal Arguli Sex: M Student I.D.: 879465__ D.O.B.: July 25, 2004__ Age: 12 years old_ Grade: 7 th_


Ms. Roberts, school psychologist, conducted observations of Jamal during reading, language arts, and social studies classes. Additional observations were completed during one-on-one informal and formal assessments. Oral reading and comprehension exercises were administered to identify specific reading difficulties and establish a baseline in reading.

Ms. Arguli, Jamal’s mother, reports difficulty with interest and ability to read. Mother states that Jamal does not like to read, and when asked to read, he becomes upset. Mother requested assistance in getting Jamal at a level in reading consistent with his peers so he feels comfortable when asked to read in front of his peers. Mother also asked for strategies that she can use at home to further assist Jamal in improving his reading capabilities.

Jamal reports an overall dislike of reading and being picked on in the past due to his inability to read. Jamal’s interests include drawing, computer use, mathematics, and outdoor play.

Based on data collected from Jamal’s teachers, he exhibits strengths in visual representation of material and can follow along audibly with the support of visuals. When working independently, Jamal is unable to complete assignments involving reading- and comprehension-related questions and activities. He is often agitated when he is unable to complete given assignments in reading and social studies specifically.

Baseline Data

According to Jamal’s baseline data and observations, he experiences difficulty with grade-leveled vocabulary and reading comprehension. When assessed with the Fountas & Pinnell reading inventory, Jamal scored at a level “T” instructional reading level, which is equivalent to a 5th -grade reading level, requiring further intervention. Students in grade 7 should be reading between the levels of “Y and Z.” Results further demonstrate difficulty comprehending material that has been read. Jamal exhibited difficulty identifying main idea; answering questions involving who, what, when, and where; and identifying unknown vocabulary, scoring a 30% rate of accuracy on both assessments.

Jamal did not meet state standards in reading as evidenced on the district-wide 7 th grade pre-assessment. Results revealed a 45% rate of accuracy on reading comprehension (answering questions about text, retelling, and writing in response to text). Jamal scored 70% rate of accuracy on comprehension questions involving visuals and illustrations. Vocabulary was measured at a 55% rate of accuracy. Jamal was also administered the McLeod Assessment of Reading Comprehension, scoring a 37 equivalent to Grade 5. The McLeod Assessment measured Jamal’s ability to apply knowledge of grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and literal and inferential comprehension on what is read. Both informal and formal observations are all consistent with reading difficulties in both vocabulary and comprehension.

Further observations revealed difficulty understanding and following multi-step directions and instructions, further impacting his overall oral and written work and other school assignments.


Based on both informal and formal assessments, Jamal is in need of evidence-based reading interventions to assist him in the areas of reading comprehension and vocabulary across all content areas. Given that Jamal is in the 7th grade, interventions should be considered that he may use with and without teacher support. Interventions should also focus on Jamal’s interests and strengths as well as his difficulty with identifying the main idea and answering literal and inferential comprehension questions.

2016 Laureate Education, Inc.

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