Direct marketing 2

For the Shark Tank product you chose in Assignment 1.2 what areas would you test to choose a proper market segment in order to persuade that market segment to call, write or go online to purchase this product? Write up your test areas and explain why you feel they would be appropriate?

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Scratch & Grain baking, natural and organic baking kits. Homemade baking with individually packaged and labeled wholesome quality ingredients. Our business objective goals are to increase purchase frequency (in-store and digital) and expand the selling season, and our primary product object is natural and organic.
Jessica Kaye, thirty-five years old white-collar professionals work for RooneyPartners, a PR firm in NYC. She has an annual income of around $120,000. She also has an advanced educational degree and a high degree of autonomy in work. She has a warm and happy family. She has two children, and both are currently in a private primary school. She lives on the upper west side of New York. She works from 9 am to 4 p,m and she believes in a healthy lifestyle. She gives herself an hour to work out after work every day. She loves going to the supermarket and buys healthy vegetables for salads at whole foods every day after her workout. She would like to see and research the ingredients of the foods because she wants to make sure her family lives in organic life.

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Scratch & Grain baking, natural and organic baking kits. Homemade baking with individually packaged and labeled wholesome quality ingredients. My recommendation to the founders Leah Tutin and Taya Geiger, to get their product off the ground or to build their customer base through direct marketing is first to affirm their target market. Their target market is adults aged 30-60, not really binge on sweets and children with healthy lifestyles and middle/upper-middle class. Then do a SWOT analysis to illustrates their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The strategy I suggest is face to face marketing since their product is bakery; they have to let the customer taste it first. What they can do is go around the neighborhood and give them samples. Another one is television marketing. They can show the audience their process of making the cookie because their primary product object is natural and organic.

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