Diploma Management Individual Assignment

Assessment guide will be attached to it, 8 references would be good and I will add in another 2 references from my school database by myself. 

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2.0 Political Environment

2.1 Government Stability
Ask the following questions for relevancy for every component you analyse.

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a. Is the information relevant to Winegold?

b. If yes, then is it positive or negative?

c. If no, then redo your research i.e. your information is irrelevant Irrelevant information is usually descriptive .

2.2 Government Relations

2.3 Analysis

3.0 Legal Environment

3.1 Business Laws

3.2 Labour Laws

3.3 Analysis

4.0 Economic Environment

4.1 Currency Exchange Rate

4.2 Economic trends/forecast

4.3 Analysis

6.0 Technological Environment

6.1 Technological Infrastructure

6.2 Communication Networks

6.3 Analysis

5.0 Socio-cultural Environment

2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 6.1 Components of political, legal, economic, technological environments

2.2, 3.2, 4.2, 6.2 Components of political, legal, economic, technological environments

2.3, 3.3, 4.3, 6.3 Analysis Opportunity “O” or Threat “T”

Sweden political environment

Sweden legal environment


Analysing the components of that environment

Research/search: key words

2.0 Political environment

Sweden government stability (2.1) +

Sweden government relations with Australia (2.2) +

Analysis (2.3) O

1,500 word 1,350 < x < 1,650 50% - 750 words

3.0 Legal Environment

Sweden Business Laws (3.1) +

Sweden Labour Laws Australia (3.2) +

Analysis (3.3) O

4.0 Economic Environment

Sweden currency exchange rate Australia (4.1) + Swedish krona

Sweden economic trends/forecasts (4.2) –

Find a third component to analyse

Sweden inflation rate –

Analysis (4.4) T

6.0 Technological Environment

Sweden technological infrastructure (6.1) +

Sweden communication networks (6.2) +

Analysis (6.3) O

2.3, 3.3, 4.3, 6.3 Opportunity (O) or Threat (T)

Socio-cultural environment O

4Os 1T – Yes or

3Os 2Ts – Yes or

2Os 3Ts – No or

4Ts 1O – No

SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats


Yes – yes, invest

No – no, don’t invest

Wait – yes invest, but not now, maybe 2 years later when Covid situation is over & when economy becomes better

Relevant information

Any information that’ll lead you to a conclusion or recommendation (yes, no or wait)

Research: Capture INFORMATION & SOURCE (IS)


Assuming the following are the outcome of your PESTL analysis & SWOT analysis:

S (5) – enhance

W (3) – minimise

O (4) – exploit

T (1) – reduce

Above as examples:

(number): number of SWOT e.g. number of strengths is 5 i.e. S (5), weaknesses is 3 i.e. W (3), etc.


Since the proposal or recommendation is for Winegold to invest in Swedenin 2 years’ time, it is recommended that the organisation takes the following actions to prepare itself for investing in the country (this paragraph (yellow) is applicable only if the proposal is yes, invest in Sweden at the Conclusion section. The words in blue has been included for the entire paragraph (blue + yellow) only if the proposal is “Wait” at the Conclusion section)

Should Winegold Pty Ltd decides to invest in Sweden at some future date, it can adopt the following recommendations to make inroads into the Swedish market (this paragraph (green) is applicable only if the proposal is no, do not invest in Swede at the Conclusion section)

· Invest in more advertisings & promotions of its high quality products & services in Sweden

· Improve its plans of supply chain processes to make them more efficient so as to reach out to customers more effectively

· Take advantage of the good working relationship between Sweden & Australia by requesting for more favourable or preferential tax rates on its exports

· Conduct cross-cultural training for both Australian managers/workers, as well as Swedish managers/workers so as to enable them to understand each other better.


The above examples are for illustration only. Please use your own words to phrase or rephrase as far as possible the recommendations you are going to provide.

Assessment– Individual Business Report

Report Structure

Title Page

This page gives:

· the title of the report

· the author’s name and ID number

· the course name and number, the department, and university

· the date of submission.

You can use the official Curtin College cover sheet which can be downloaded from the Student Portal

[Forms & Info/Forms and Documents/ Assignments]

Executive Summary

The executive summary provides a brief overview of the substance of the report; usually no more than half a page. It is not an introduction to the topic. The summary should outline all the key features of your report, including the topic, what you did and how you did it, and the main outcomes of your work. A busy manager who might not have time to read the full report should be able to get the gist of the whole report by reading the summary.

The summary:

· states the topic of the report

· outlines your approach to the task if applicable

· gives the most important findings of your research or investigation, or the key aspects of your design

· states the main outcomes or conclusions.

Table of Contents

The contents page sets out the sections and subsections of the report and their corresponding page numbers. It should clearly show the structural relationship between the sections and subsections. A reader looking for specific information should be able to locate the appropriate section easily from the table of contents. The conventions for section and page numbering are as follows:

First subheading

Second subheading


Title of first main section (usually Introduction)


First subheading


Second subheading


Title of second main section




First division in the second subheading


Second division in the second subheading


Title of third main section

(Title of first main section)

The introduction provides the background information needed for the rest of your report to be understood. It is usually half to three-quarters of a page in length. The purpose of the introduction is to set the context for your report, provide sufficient background information for the reader to be able to follow the information presented, and inform the reader about how that information will be presented.

A report introduction should include:

· A brief background of the firm (name of company, what their business is)

· The aim of the firm (what are they hoping to do)

· Purpose and scope of report

· The proposed expansion strategy into the country cited in the unit outline

· Resources required: raw material, technology, skills

· a clear statement of the purpose and aim of the report (why are you writing this report)

· Brief outline of the structure of the report (the structure of the discussion that your report will cover)

Political Environment
(Title of first main section)

Government stability (First subheading)

In order to report on an environment, you need to choose relevant INDICATORS that will show you how stable or unstable a government is. For example, the frequency of government change, the frequency of public disorder due to poor governing, the occurrence of wars are INDICATORS that will allow you to conclude how stable the government is. Discussion has to be in-text referenced (and entered into Reference List) as the information presented is researched from external sources.

For example:

The XYZ government has been stable for a decade (In-text reference). The current political party has been in power over the last decade and is a result of regular democratic elections (In-text reference). This demonstrates that the government is stable and therefore presents a safe place for business operations.

Government relations (Second subheading)


include government relations with other countries, friendliness towards foreign investment, and government’s contribution in promoting stability.

Discussion has to be in-text referenced (and entered into Reference List) as the information presented is researched from external sources.

For example:

The XYZ government has friendly and open relations with neighbouring countries (in-text reference). XYZ is a member of ASEAN, maintains trading relationships globally and has a positive political relationship with home country (in-text reference). These positive political relationships demonstrate the government’s commitment towards foreign trade.

Analysis (Third subheading)

The analysis section is where you present your thoughts on whether the information presented in 2.1 and 2.2 are opportunities or threats. Discussion is not in-text referenced because they are your thoughts.

For example: The stable government and friendly political relationship presents an opportunity for ABC Company because it offers a suitable business environment for conducting operations.

Legal Environment
(Title of first main section)

Business laws (First subheading)

: level of corruption, reliability of business legislations, foreign direct investment laws, similarity to home country laws.

Labour laws (Second subheading) –.

: degree of similarity with home country laws: age, working hours, working conditions

Analysis (Third subheading)

Do the business and labour laws present themselves as opportunities or threats? What impact does this have on the company/business environment?

Economic Environment
(Title of first main section)

Currency exchange rate ($) (First subheading)


Conversion rate, stability of currency

Economic trends/forecasts (Second subheading)

economic boom, economic recession, predicted economic performance, GDP growth rate, unemployment rate, changes in inflation rate

Analysis (Third subheading)

Do the currency exchange rate and the economic forecast present themselves as opportunities or threats? What impact does this have on the company/business environment?

Socio-cultural Environment
(Title of first main section)


Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions

– (First subheading)

(Do not include theory, only application. This discussion can be presented in a tabular format or paragraph format)



Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions

Home Country

Host Country


Collectivism Vs Individualism

Power Distance

Uncertainty avoidance

Time orientation

Quality Vs Quantity of life
Femininity vs Masculinity




Collectivism Vs Individualism (First division in the second subheading)

Power Distance (Second division in the second subheading)

Uncertainty avoidance (Third division in the second subheading)

Time orientation (Fourth division in the second subheading)

Quality Vs Quantity of life OR Femininity vs Masculinity (Fifth division in the second subheading)

Analysis (Second subheading)

How similar/dissimilar are the cultures? How does this similarity/dissimilarity impact on the managerial functions? Does this present an opportunity or a threat? Why?

Technological Environment
(Title of first main section)

Technological infrastructure (First subheading)

Degree of sophistication in the infrastructure and technology

Communication networks (Second subheading)

Reliability of the communication networks (internet/phone)

Analysis (Third subheading)

How will the degree of sophistication in the technological infrastructure and reliability of the communication networks impact the company? Do they present an opportunity or a threat?

SWOT Analysis
(Title of first main section)


ABC company has:


ABC company has:


This is an example

XYZ Country:

Economic environment

· Favourable currency exchange rate will offer cheaper labour costs

Technological environment

· Communication networks are advanced

· Infrastructure is reliable

· In the process of advancing the technological environment

Legal environment

· Conducive legislation and laws that encourage foreign investments


This is an example

XYZ Country:

Political environment

· Unstable government

· High level of corruption and poor security

Sociocultural environment

· High degree of difference between the XYZ and home country cultures

(Title of first main section)

1. With a logical recommendation on whether the organisation should go ahead with the expansion- why, when, how.

2. Generally, if the Strengths and Opportunities outweigh the Threats and Weaknesses, the expansion should proceed.

(Title of first main section)

Provide an ‘action plan’ based on the findings discussed, by suggestions on how to

1. Overcome problems (Weakness and Threats analysis)

2. Use the company’s Strengths and how the company could exploit the Opportunities presented in the SWOT.

a) List them in the same order as the information provided in the report

b) Should be a numbered or bullet pointed list

c) Begin each recommendation with an instructive verb

d) Place the recommendations on a new page

e) Only require three to four recommendations

(Title of first main section)

Minimum of 6 references (Less than 6 references will receive an instant FAIL) and minimum two references from Curtin Database

Referencing style as per the study guide

WIKIPEDIA online encyclopaedia not allowed


1. The PESTL analysis must be RELEVANT to your discussion. You must demonstrate the link between the information you have provided and your organisation. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY INFORMATION YOU CANNOT SHOW RELEVANCE TO.

2. THE Opportunities and Threats can be derived from the PESTL analysis as these are external factors

3. Do not use 1st person stance

4. All sections except the title page, table of contents, executive summary and reference list are included in the 1,500 word count.

5. You are allowed a leeway of 10% with the word count (over by 10% > 1650 words or under by 10% > 1350 words). Students will be penalised 10% of their overall mark for not complying with the word restrictions.

Individual Business

FUNM 1100

Student Name:

Student ID:


Lecturer’s Name:


Executive Summary

The objective of this report is to explore the viability of Puawei Pty Ltd of extending

their operations to


. The results of the report indicate that opportunities exist

in political, economic, socio-cultural, technological and legal environment while the

economic and technological environment presents as threats. According to the

findings, the opportunities outweigh the threats. Therefore, it is recommended that

Puawei Pty Ltd expand to Canada by outsourcing from other Canadian company as

the company has no

experience in expanding overseas.


Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 4

2.0 Political Environment 5

2.1 Government Stability

2.2 Government Relations

2.3 Analysis

3.0 Legal Environment 7

3.1 Business Laws

3.2 Labour Laws

3.3 Analysis

4.0 Economic Environment 9

4.1 Current Exchange Rate

4.2 Economic Trends / Forecasts

4.3 Analysis

5.0 Socio-cultural Environment 12

5.1 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions

5.2 Analysis

6.0 Technological Environment 14

6.1 Technological Infrastructure

6.2 Communication Networks

6.3 Analysis

7.0 SWOT Analysis 17

8.0 Conclusion 18

9.0 Recommendations 19

References 20


1.0 Introduction

An Australian-owned electronics manufacturer company named Puawei Ptd Ltd is

considering to expand their business operations into Canada. Resources required for

manufacturing are divided into three categories – raw materials, technology and

skills. The objective of the report is to investigate the political, legal, economic, socio-

cultural and technological environments (PESTL) of Canada. This report covers the

strengths and weaknesses of the company, opportunities and threats of expanding

business into Canada and recommendations on expansion. The suggested

expansion strategy is outsourcing form Canadian supplier as the company has no

experience in expanding overseas.


2.0 Political Environment

2.1 Government stability

Canada is a politically stable country which is governed by a parliamentary system

which spans 4 years per election (Ferris and Olmstead 2017). Canada is ranked the

84th percent for Political Stability and Absence of Violence and Terrorism and also

97th percent for Government Effectiveness as stated by The Worldwide Governance

Indicators (WGI) project (Edunova 2019).

Figure 1: Political risk index of Canada

Source: Figure reproduced from The Global Economy (2019).

Based on the graph above, he political risk index of Canada has been increasing

over the last few years but drops slightly in 2017. This could be due to the influx of

refugees that they have accepted into their country. Overall, Canada is still a safe

and stable place for businesses to hold their operations at.

2.2 Government relations

The Australian and Canadian governments have a very good trade relationship with

one another and both countries are members of the Comprehensive and Progressive

Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (Austrade 2019). Canada is also a member




of the Group of Seven (G7) which has Free Trade Agreements with huge nations

such as US and Mexico which indicates their friendliness toward foreign investments

(Edunova 2019).

The positive political relations may facilitate the company with regards to obtaining

resources for their manufacturing plant.

2.3 Analysis

Political stability in Canada and the positive government relations with other large

countries exhibit as an opportunity for Puawei Pty Ltd as these conditions point to a

suitable environment for conducting operations.


3.0 Legal Environment

3.1 Business laws

Figure 2: Canada Corruption Rank

Source: Figure reproduced from Trading Economics (2019).

The ease of doing business in Canada has dropped throughout the years with

Canada ranking in the 22nd worldwide (Trading Economics 2019). On the brighter side,

Canada has an extremely low level of corruption, ranking 9th in a least corrupt nation

study (Trading Economics 2019).

Both Australian and the Canadian legal systems are based on the English common

law which makes it easy for Australian businesses to adapt to since both countries

have similar laws. The only exception in Canada is the State of Quebec which based

their laws on the French Civil Code (Bullock, 2016).

The high similarity of legal systems for both countries makes it convenient to conduct

business in Canada.

3.2 Labour laws

Labour laws in both countries are slightly different, with the maximum number of

working hours for a week being 48 hours in Canada (Government of Canada 2017) and

38 hours in Australia (Fair Work 2019). However, both countries have relatively high

minimum wages – ranging from $11.00 to $15.00 depending on the province in

Canada (RCC 2019), which is comparable to the $18.93 of Australia (Fair Work 2019).

Both countries signed an agreement also known as ‘’the 1957 agreement’’ to avoid

double taxation and use similar systems like dividend imputation to do so (IBFB





3.3 Analysis

The legal environment poses as an opportunity since both countries have similar

laws, it makes it convenient for Puawei Pty Ltd to do business in Canada as they do

not have to adapt too much, making it easier to conduct business in Canada.


4.0 Economic Environment

4.1 Currency exchange rate ($)

Figure 3: AUD to CAD Chart

Source: Figure reproduced from XE (2019).

As of 31th March, the currency conversion rate of 1 AUD equals to 0.95 CAD (XE

2019). Based on the graph above, the currency rate for both countries can be

considered stable. Currency stability is very important because it will affect the

financial status of companies.


Figure 4: USD to CAD Chart

Source: Figure reproduced from XE (2019).

The exchange rate for 1 USD is 1.34CAD (XE 2019). According to the graph above,

the highest and lowest points of the graph fluctuate within 0.4. Thus, indicates that

Canada’s currency is stable even when pitted against the strong US dollar.

4.2 Economic forecasts

Table 1: Canada Economic Forecasts

Overview Actual Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2020

GDP Growth Rate (%) 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.6

Unemployment Rate (%) 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 6.3 6.7

Inflation Rate (%) 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.2

Source: Table reproduced from Trading Economics (2019).

Canada has a low GDP growth rate which indicates that the economic situation of Canada is

weak. Increasing unemployment rate may be great for the company as the new operation

needs labor. The inflation rate will then affect the purchasing power of the Canadian dollar

(Trading Economics 2019). These negative indicators indicate that Canada’s economy

is experiencing recession.



4.3 Analysis

Overall, even though the currency exchange rates are stable, the indicators in the

economic forecasts shows negative impacts on business. Thus, the economic

environment can be concluded as a threat to future business operations.


5.0 Socio-cultural Environment

5.1 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions

Figure 5: Hoftstede’s Dimension Comparison

Source: Figure reproduced from Hofstede Insights (2019).

Hofstede’s Cultural

Australia Canada Implications

Collectivism vs

Individualism Individualism Canadians answer only
to themselves and have
a high sense of self-

Power Distance Low PD Low PD Canadians are less
formal with regards to
workplace hierarchy and
communicate openly

Uncertainty Avoidance Moderate


Canadians embrace the
unknown and are willing
to try something different

Time Orientation

Short time

Short time

Canadians focus on
instant gratification
rather than deferred

Femininity vs Masculinity



Canadians prefer a
balance between work
and life























Individualism Power Distance Uncertainty

Time Orientation Masculinity




5.2 Analysis

According to the chart above, there are many similarities between Australia and

Canada with regards to the Hofstede’s dimensions. Socio-cultural environment

poses as an opportunity as Puawei does not need to make much changes with it

managerial style and functions as what works in Australia should work in Canada.


6.0 Technological Environment

6.1 Technological infrastructure

In terms of technology and innovation, Canada has slipped from 9th to 12th placing in

recent years. Countries like Australia and Japan are continuing to improve while

Canada lacks behind (The Conference Board of Canada 2018). In spite of the Canada’s

efforts to enhance its unenlightened commercial innovation performance, the

situation continues to exasperate (Toronto 2015). This may affect labour productivity

and cause manufacturing processes not to operate at their maximum potential due to

the lack of technological infrastructure.

In Puawei’s situation, being a smartphone company means that it needs a high level

of innovation because the smartphone technology moves at a very fast pace. Setting

up a business in Canada may be detrimental to the company’s R&D sector.

6.2 Communication networks

Figure 6: Smartphone Penetration Rate in Canada 2014-2013

Source: Figure reproduced from Statista (2019).

Since Puawei is in the smartphone business, it is also important to look at Canada’s

smartphone user penetration. According to the chart above, Canada has a high

percentage of smartphone penetration and this already high figure is expected to

increase in the next few years.



Figure 7: Number of internet users 2000-2016

Source: Figure reproduced from Statista (2019).

Smartphones are complemented with internet service and in 2016, online services

reached 81.19% of the entire population (Statista 2019). The graph above shows that

the time Canadians spent online are increasing gradually every year. This shows that

the online service market is huge and will grow bigger.

Figure 8: Fixed broadbrand Internet prices

Source: Figure reproduced from Dobby (2016).

The chart above shows that the prices of internet services in Canada are approximately

the top of numerous developed countries.


6.3 Analysis

Even though the high-level penetration of internet users present itself as an

opportunity, the low level of innovation and high prices for internet services in

Canada presents as a threat to the business. Therefore, we conclude that Canada’s

lack of innovation with regards to it technological infrastructure will affect Puawei

which relies on innovation in the smartphone industry to keep a competitive age will



7.0 SWOT Analysis

Strengths Puawei Pty Ltd has:

 Profuse financial capitals

 Long history in manufacturing business

 Striking smartphone design

 Good company image

Weaknesses Puawei Pty Ltd has:

 No experience in expanding overseas

 Deficient knowledge about international business

 Weak marketing capability

 Insufficient manpower resources

Opportunities Canada has:
Political Environment

 Stable and safe environment

 Friendly relationships with neighbouring countries
Legal Environment

 Low level of corruption

 Similar legal systems with home country
Economic Environment

 Stable currency
Socio-cultural Environment

 Similar cultures with home country
Technological Environment

 High number of internet users

 High number of smartphone users

Threats Canada has:
Economic Environment

 Higher currency

 Bad economic forecast
Technological Environment

 Low level of innovation

 High prices of internet services


8.0 Conclusion

According to the results of the research, the external environment which includes

political, legal, and socio-cultural environment presents itself as opportunities while

economic and technological environment presents itself as threats. Overall, the

strengths and opportunities outweigh the weaknesses and threats. It can be

concluded that a promising future presents positive business prospects for Puawei

Pty Ltd.


9.0 Recommendations

According to the results od the report, it is advisable that Puawei Pty Ltd expand

their operations into Canada by following recommendations:

 Expand only manufacturing department to Canada

 Retain Research and Development departments in Australia

 Train a Canadian manger to oversee the process due to similar cultures

 Invest in a manufacturing plant that has lower minimum wage


Reference List

Bullock, Lara. 2016. “Northern Exposure.” Lawyers Weekly.

Canada – Economic Forecasts – 2019-2021 Outlook. n.d. Trading Economics. 01/04/2019.


Canada Corruption Rank. n.d. Trading Economics, 01/04/2019


Canada Corruption Rank. n.d. Trading Economics, 31/03/2019.


Canada Falls in Conference Board’s Innovation Rankings, As Weaknesses Persist. n.d. The

Conference Board of Canada, 01/04/2019.



Canadian Economy and Political Stability. 2019. Edunova, 01/04/2019.

Country Comparison. n.d. Hofstede Insights, 28/03/2019. https://www.hofstede-


Dobby, Christine. 2019. “How Canada’s Internet, wireless rates compare with international

prices.” https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/how-canadas-internet-


Ease of Doing Business in Canada. n.d. Trading Economics, 03/04/2019.


Export Markets – Canada. n.d. Austrade, 31/03/2019/


Ferris, J Stephen and Derek E. H. Olmstead. 2017. “Fixed versus flexible election terms:

explaining innovation in the timing of Canada’s election cycle.” Constitutional Political

Economy 28 (4): 117-141. https://search-proquest-



Hours of Work. n.d. Government of Canada, 28/03/2019.



IBFD. 2008. “Convention Between Canada and Australia for the Avoidance of

Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to taxes on

income.” Australia – Canada Income Treaty.

























Minimum Wage by Province. n.d. Retail Council of Canada, 01/01/2019.



Statista. 2019. Smartphone Penetration Rate as Share of the population 2014-2023.


Toronto, Marketwired. 2015. “Science, Technology and Innovation Council: Canada’s

Innovation Challenges and Opportunities: 2014 report on the state of Canada’s

science, technology and innovation system.” https://search-proquest-



XE Currency Charts: AUD to CAD. n.d. XE, 31/03/2019.


XE Currency Charts: USD to AUD. n.d. XE, 04/04/2019.


Canada: Political stability. n.d. The Global Economy. 28/03/2019.


Minimum Wage by Province

Minimum Wage by Province








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