Digital Marketing Paper on Nissan

Write a 12 page paper APA style, Digital Marketing Plan for Nissan Motor Co. The plan will identify the current marketing opportunity and/or problem(s) and propose digital marketing solutions. Please use header in the attachment.

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Digital Marketing Plan

1. Title Page

2. Table of Contents

3. Introduction to organization/business

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4. Web Design and Mobile Website Strategy (discuss and include example of the strategy, approach, website techniques, landing page, conversion etc.).

5. Analytics Tools and Strategy (what analytics tools would you use, what would you track and analyze? How will this inform your strategy?).

6. SEO, SEM and Remarketing Plan and Strategy (what paid and unpaid techniques will be used and how will remarketing be done?).

7. Email Marketing Plan and Strategy.

8. Social Media Marketing Plan and Strategy (be specific, don’t just say Nissan should do social media marketing).

9. Video Marketing Plan and Strategy.


Mobile Marketing Plan and Strategy.

11. Legal and Privacy Strategy (discuss 2-3 important laws and rules based on your chosen digital marketing strategies and how you would comply with these)

12. Conclusion

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