digital marketing memo

follow the instruction write two assignments of Memo

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For this memo, I’d like you to do a deeper dive into the in-class exercise from Wednesday’s class.

Once more, I’d like you to put your social media manager hats on and think about how a company of your choosing can use Berger’s 6 factors to enhance social conversations (aka earned content on social media). Your in-class team answers were a good start, but with only 20 minutes, some answers were not personally relevant, detailed enough, or did not pertain to digital marketing strategies.


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This memo is your chance to showcase a little more personality, thought, and depth. Please choose a company that you are actually passionate about or find interesting.

Respond to the following prompt in bullet points and short answers. Your memo should be between 1-2 pages depending on your formatting preferences.

Pick a company, explain what kind of company is, and why you find it interesting from a digital marketing perspective. Give 1) an example of how the company can leverage each of the 6 factors below to boost social conversations, and 2) why this is an example of each factor.

· Social currency (or capital)

· Triggers (or associations)

· Emotion

· Public

· Practical value

· Stories


Here’s some supplementary reading about Berger’s 6 factors:


For this memo, I’d like you to bring online reputation management to life by applying concepts to a company you find interesting.

Put your online reputation manager hats on and think about how a company of your choosing should handle negative online chatter.


Respond to the following prompts in bullet points and short answers. Your memo should be between 1-2 pages depending on your formatting preferences.


1) Pick a company, describe what kind of company it is, and briefly explain why you find the company interesting from a digital marketing perspective.  

2) Describe a PR issue that would be relevant for this particular company or industry.

3) Describe how the company should respond to this PR issue over two online channels from the list below. For each channel, list a specific site (e.g., if you chose a restaurant and want to discuss how they would respond on an online review site, you would list and describe how they should respond (i.e., describe the context and the content of the response.)

· Online review sites

· Scam reporting sites

· Online forums

· Press articles

· Activist sites

· Social media sites

· Blogs

· Informational sites

4) Great! PR crisis averted. Now your team is able to focus on boosting positive content. Propose and describe a microsite that would make sense for the company.


For further reading about successful examples of microsites, click here:

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