digital business design

COURSE CODE: MDGTB201 COURSE NAME: Digital Business Design

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Midterm Task brief & rubrics

Students will provide an individual project report which covers both theoretical and practical application of the digital design theories, including
the development and recommendations for a digital transformation solution in an organization of their choice. Demonstration of the use of digital
interfaces, applications and understanding of new business models and disruption are expected.

The project should include recommendations on the implementation of digital technologies and solutions to improve the effectiveness of an
organization through the definition of this digital transformation


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The report will comprise:

• Audit of the current digital landscape of the organization.

• Evaluation of the competitive environment.

• Identification of target customer


• SWOT of the current landscape and TOWS matrix of proposed solution.

• Definition of objectives, strategies, tactics and architecture.

• Outline of the proposed solution implementation.


Wordcount: 2,500-3,500 words.
Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
Text alignment: Justified.
The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

Submission: Sunday 7th of February 2021 at 23:59 CEST – Via Moodle (Turnitin).

Weight: This task is a 40% of your total grade for this subject.

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

1. To design state of the art digital business interfaces that exceed user expectation.

2. To design applications using methods that align with the best practices.

3. To design and manage the full user digital experience from start to end.

Excellent 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal Fail 60-69 Fail <60

Audit of current digital

Excellent audit assessing
all the actual elements of


Technology used and
implemented by the


Good audit assessing
most of the actual elements
of Digital Technology used

and implemented by the

Fair audit assessing
the actual relevant
elements of Digital

Technology used and
implemented by the

Insufficient audit assessing
just a few or irrelevant

elements of Digital
Technology used and
implemented by the


Unsatisfactory or virtually
no audit. Assess of few,
irrelevant or no elements

of Digital Technology
used and implemented by

the organization

Evaluation of competitive

Excellent evaluation of

existing competitors in the

sector marketspace

Good evaluation of existing
competitors in the industry

sector marketspace

Fair evaluation of
existing competitors in

the industry sector

Inadequate evaluation of
existing competitors in the

industry sector marketspace

Unsatisfactory or virtually
no evaluation of existing


Identification of target

customer segments
Excellent identification &

evaluation of key customer

groups and segments.

Good identification &
evaluation of key customer

groups and segments.

Just adequate
identification &

evaluation of key
customer groups and


Inadequate identification &
evaluation of key customer

groups and segments.

Virtually no evaluation of
key customer groups nor

customer segments.

Excellent SWOT & TOWS

on the organisation’s current

future use of DT.

Good SWOT & TOWS on the
organisation’s current and

future use of DT.

Satisfactory SWOT &
TOWS on the

organisation’s current

and future use of DT.

Inadequate SWOT & TOWS
on the organisation’s current

and future use of DT.

Virtually no SWOT or
TOWS on the

organisation’s current and
future use of DT.

Objectives, strategies, tactics

& architecture
Excellent definition of

objectives and proposed

Good definition of objectives
and proposed strategies.

Satisfactory definition of
objectives and proposed


Inadequate definition of
objectives and proposed


Virtually no definition of
objectives or proposed


Proposed solution

Excellent definition of

objectives and proposed
Good definition of objectives
and proposed strategies.
Satisfactory definition of
objectives and proposed
Inadequate definition of
objectives and proposed
Virtually no definition of
objectives or proposed

Report style

The work is underpinned
with a wide range of

excellent and relevant
academic references,

showing depth of research
and understanding. The
work is presented to a


The work is underpinned with
a wide range of good and

relevant academic references,
showing depth of research

and understanding. The work
is presented to a good

The work is underpinned
with a wide range of

satisfactory and relevant
academic references,

showing depth of
research and

understanding. The work
is presented to a

satisfactory standard.

The work lacks academic
references and contains

inadequate online

The work is badly
presented and contains

inadequate online or
virtually no references

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