Diet Analysis Power Point Project

Food Intake Record

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HUN1201 Human Nutrition

Name: ________________ Date:______________

Day of the week: (Circle one) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Time of day

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(include condiments)



How Cooked**

Added Fat?***

Physical activity



duration in time











































































































Cups-dry loose items ie cereal

Ounces (oz) =liquid or some dry loose items – milk, juice etc.

Tablespoon- Larger spoon- measure mayo, mustard, oil etc

Teaspoon- spices, ingredients, mayo, butter etc.

**How Cooked: Baked, broiled, boiled, fried, sautéed, grilled

*** Added fat: food cooked in butter, oil, oil added to pasta or rice etc…


One sheet per day.

My Plate Project is an opportunity to learn more about your own eating patterns and identify gaps in food groups, which can impact your nutritional health. This project requires you to use the information in the course, public access tools for measuring dietary intake, and other reliable sources of health information to create a personal assessment.

On the Food Intake Record form, you will record everything you eat for 3 days.

You have to generate a meal plan checklist using the Choose My Plate tool, and analyze your meal plan.

You will then, in essay form, write a summary and analysis of your diet intake.

· Identifying the areas of strength and areas of weakness.

· You will also address what you should do to improve your intake to make a more complete and nutritionally balanced diet.

· If there are unique reasons for large gaps or overages, you should explain that.


Step 1: Complete 3 days of food intake records. This record will include all that you eat and drink during the 3 days (Use Form for the Food Intake Record attached). How food is prepared is also important to make note of.

Food Intake Record

HUN1201 Human Nutrition

Name: _______________________________ Date:______________

Day of the week: (Circle one) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


Food individual


How cooked?


Physical activity





Cups-dry loose items ie cereal

Ounces (oz) =liquid or some dry loose items – milk, juice etc.

Tablespoon- Larger spoon- measure mayo, mustard, oil etc

Teaspoon- spices, ingredients, mayo, butter etc.

**How Cooked: Baked, broiled, boiled, fried, sautéed, grilled

*** Added fat: food cooked in butter, oil, oil added to pasta or rice etc…

 Go to

to calculate your food calories.

You will go to Food calculator and search food.

Select a food-amount & serving-Calculate. You can View Nutrition Facts for the food consumed.

You will find information about: Calories from fat. Carbs, cholesterol, sodium, Vitamins. Use this information in your analysis.

Step 2:

Go to My Plate. Gov

. Look around the website and locate the following sources of information:


You will enter your personal profile information once you select Start.

This includes your

· age,

· Sex,

· current weight (pounds)

· height (feet, inches)

· physical activity level (min/day of activity)

Calculate food plan

You will get two options, choose one of the to:

· a. Calories to achieve a healthy weight;

· b. Calories to maintain your current weight.

You will be given a suggested meal plan called My Plate Daily Checklist which will guide you on the recommended My Plate food groups to meet your nutrient needs

ie: Your MyPlate Plan:

2000 Calories

Below are the daily recommended amounts for each food group. 

Click on the food group buttons to learn more and get started. 

View as pdf

You will also see the MyPlate Daily checklist.

Step 3:

By Using MyPlate Daily Checklist, you can make your own plan. Use the daily recommended amounts for each food group. 

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

I glass Orange Juice

1 cup Berries

1 banana/ ½ cup OJ

1 Einstein Bagel

2 sl Whole Wheat Toast

1 ½ cup Cornflakes

2 Tbsp Cream Cheese

1 boiled Egg

1 cup Skim Milk

Step 4: Project Summary – This is what you will turn in!!

Prepare all project information into POWER POINT (>10 >20 SLIDES) Final PowerPoint projects should be the complete assessment of your personal dietary habits after collecting detailed data. 

Students are expected to put some personal insight into the final presentation and submit a complete, written project consistent with college-level work. This includes proper citation of references, proper grammar, correct spelling, and APA format style. Projects submitted after the publish due date and time will not be accepted, per the Course Syllabus.

Project report will contain the following sections:

A. Introduction

B. Food intake record (3)

C. My Plate Plan

D. Discussion

E. References

Narrative Discussion:

Answer the following questions in essay format. Include references; consider grammar, spelling and collegiate writing conventions.

1. Discuss reasons your intake exceeds, meets or is below your target. Make suggestions where changes could be made in order to meet your target amounts.

2. We you surprised at how many (or how few) calories were in something that you ate?

3. Do you have any new goals as a result of completing this assessment?

Example: My intake of fruits exceeded my target goals. I met my goal at breakfast, but I continued to eat fruit all day. Even though fruits provide good sources of vitamins and minerals, exceeding my goal every day could lead to extra calories which could result in weight gain. I was surprised to find out that the bagel, which I love, had four servings of grain! I will switch Tomas’ bagels which I can buy at Publix, and only have 2 servings of grain, therefore half the calories.

4. Name at least one nutrient from each food group that you could be at risk if you do not meet (or if you exceed) the recommended amounts.

Example: “for the three days, I ate an average of one serving of vegetable. My intake should be 3-5 servings. Vegetables are good sources of many vitamins and minerals. If I continue to be below my target intake, I might not, for example, meet my requirement for Potassium. Potassium is necessary to help control blood pressure, and is necessary for bone health along with other important functions (Nutrition and You pg. ).

I could not believe that I ate an average of 10 ounces of meat (protein) per day!! If I continue down this path……….”

5. Offer any other personal insights and learning experience you had from this project

My Plate Meal Plans: provide your completed reports and work to assess your intake

Physical Activity Assessment: Rate your activity level as sedentary, moderate or active. How did you do?

1. Review the content from

2. Refer to the chapters in your textbook on Energy Balance, Weight Management and Fitness to assist your written analysis of your physical activity.
Use citations from your text to validate your responses.

3. Identify one practical and realistic goal for making improvements.

My Wins

What are some small changes that you are planning to incorporate that will help you to cut back on saturated and trans fat, added sugar or sodium? (List at least 3, and explain how you plan to get it done).


List in proper citation style any additional references you used to enhance your discussion. At least 2 references are required for minimum criteria. The course textbook may be one, if specific pages are noted for the information you use in discussion.

GRADING CRITERIA – Worth a total of 100 points in the course


Full Marks

Partial Marks

Limited or No Marks

Narrative Discussion 50

50 pts. All 5 elements fully addressed and accurate with course

20-30 pts. Discussion addresses most of the requirements

10 > 0 pts. Discussion is poorly developed

Food Record

Daily intake 15

15 All reports provided

10 =2 reports provided

5=1 Report provided

Meal plan 15

15 Complete Plan provided

10 Missing info. in Plan

0-3 Deficient Plan

My Wins 5

5-5 ideas provided

>3 ideas provided

0 pts. Not addressed

Writing style 10

10 Work is free of errors, spelling issues, or grammar issues

3-6 pts. Work has some to moderate errors

>1-0 pts Significant errors or writing issues

References 5

5 pts. Work has at least 2 quality sources provided and in proper format

3-1pts. References given but are limited or have improper format

>1-0 pts. Missing references or using unacceptable source

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