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As you can see, a great deal of preparation takes place long before the actual training begins. Trainers must plan for the location of training, the room layout or learn virtual tools, audience needs, handouts and presentation media, and myriad other details that must all be arranged in advance. In addition to working out the implementation details of training, the trainer must prepare and rehearse for the presentation. Even the best possible training design can result in failure if not properly implemented and skillfully presented. Make sure to practice your training before you start recording it. Review and re-record your training as needed. It may take more than one attempt. 

The week begins and you review the progress you have made on your online training program for your client. You are proud of the work you are creating for Ryan and his team. With your strategic training and development process flowchart (Module 1), learning objectives, budget (Module 3), detailed lesson plan (Module 4), and other items of importance in hand you are now ready to begin creating your online training activities and visual aids. 

It is important to remember that appropriate training materials must address various learning styles and incorporate participant assessment in the learning process. There is a lot of work to do and your deadline to present the training is quickly approaching. 

Continue reading for your assignment instructions. 

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  1. Over the next two modules (5 & 6) you will develop all of the training activities and visual aids needed for your online training program which will be presented to the class in Module 8. This includes your recorded training presentation. Consider the following as you develop your program. Note, the questions below are for you to think about as you determine which activities and visual aids to use. You do not need to write out and submit responses to these questions for your instructor.

    What will you include? 
    As you develop content, consider how you will evaluate student learning. 
    What training methods will you use? 
    How are the training methods you chose related to the needs of the learners? 
    Ensure your training content incorporates methods that facilitate the transfer of training. 
    Determine how you will measure transfer after the training is concluded. 
    How long will the training last? (No longer than 15-30 minutes for this course)
    What presentation tools/methods will work best for this training?

Online training presentation minimum requirements, continue reading:

  1. At a minimum your online training program presentation must include the following:

    Title slide
    Agenda and Pre-evaluation (if applicable for your program)
    Present the training material, including handouts, etc.
    Post-evaluation (required)
    Peer-review Online Training Presentation Evaluation form (coming up in Module 7)
    Your online training program will be posted in Canvas under Discussions for your peers to participate in. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions about your training with your peers and instructor. Anticipate questions you may be asked and your answers.

IMPORTANT! Your online training program must be recorded and include audio. Your participants must be able to hear you deliver the training material to them. 

  1. Screencast-O-Matic is a free and easy video creation tool that will bring your online training presentation to life. Click here to learn more: 
  2. PowerPoint (Microsoft 10) – Click on Insert > Audio > select “record audio” to add individual audio clips throughout your training presentation. 
  3. If you choose to use video so your participants can see you that is okay. 

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Training and Evaluation for Shell Company


Department, Institutional Affiliation




Training and Evaluation for Shell Company

Training programs can sometimes be costly endeavor for modern firms. In the United States, for example, firms often allocate a total of approximately $170 billion in human resource development and professional courses. These investments are often necessary for attracting and retaining highly talented and qualified employees, and keeping up with contemporary technological requirements. Furthermore, employee participation in high-quality training increases their opportunities for advancements, skill development, as well as professional growth. During financial crises, however, firms often tend to cut the funds that are apportioned for training employees in new skills and competences. These decisions are often regarded as unaffordable luxuries. Thus, evaluation programs should be established to assess the success of training initiatives. Shell Company requires an elaborate and effective evaluation plan to determine if the training benefits justify the financial investments, and if the knowledge and skills that are gained in the training courses are indeed applied in real-work settings.

Link to the first evaluation form

Reasons for Selecting the first Evaluation Instrument

There are various reasons why I selected the above evaluation instrument. This instrument was informed by the Kirkpatrick’s Taxonomy model, which provides a comprehensive framework for designing an efficacious assessment criteria. The model or example, provides a four-level approach that can be employed to assess the success of any training course. These levels include reaction, learning, behavior, and results (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrickm, 2016). At the reaction level, my assessment focused on gauging the degree to which the participants respond to the training. This included asking them to complete a short survey, which enabled them to determine if the conditions for learning were met or were present. In particular, feedback forms were created, which utilized different tools, such as comment boxes and five-point Likert scales.

Link to the second evaluation

Reason for Selecting the Second Evaluation

The second instrument focused on determining the extent to which the participants learned from the training exercise. Most precisely, a few questions were provided, which required them to state some of the areas that they learned. This was particularly helpful in determining their level of skills acquisition and retention. In particular, practical tests were utilized to determine their levels of knowledge before, during, and after the training programs. The assessment also placed emphases on the behavioral aspects of the program. This was initiated after the training. It utilizes various evaluation models, which seek to examine whether the training courses that the participants were administered can be translated into real-world practice environment. To attain this objective, the employees were asked to mention some of the concepts that they had learned and how they are going to utilize them in the work contexts. Additionally, they were given practical examination, which involved the translation of their knowledge to practice. Finally, the results aspect of the training and evaluation tool explored whether the program met all the stakeholders’ expectations. In the firm, the stakeholders are often the management executives who decided to allocate a lot of financial resources towards implementing the training in the first place. The purpose of determining the return on such expectations, can be done by undertaking a cost-benefit analysis.


Many firms often allocate millions of dollars to fund training courses, which may not be applied in the job settings. This practice creates a large gap between learning outcomes and the actual training transfer, such as the degree to which training contents are applied to practice. Moreover, a lack of training transfer can also increase the financial costs, and is highly time-consuming. To determine the promising trainings, it is important for Shell and its human resource team to assess and document the potential training benefits.

The evaluation of training programs should not be based solely on the participants’ responses, which are examined shortly after a training course. This is because determining the actual benefits is important in examining not just the short-term effects, but also participants’ long term outcomes back at work (Grohmann&Kauffeld, 2013). As such, future human resource development professionals will be tasked with assessing the benefits of trainings systematically since the purpose and benefits of such initiatives are often continually questioned by stakeholders.

In light of the above, the evaluation model that the firm will embrace will be critical in meeting the practical demands of employees. Additionally, it has high usability, because the questionnaires can be well accepted by the respondents and easily applicable to a wide range of training programs that the company offers. Moreover, it is time-efficient, thus, important for the company’s fast-moving business environment. There are various benefits of the evaluation tool that has been designed for the company. For instance, it is efficacious in justifying the financial input made, and serves as quality management instrument. Moreover, it can provide feedback to human resource departments and trainers for enhancing their training initiatives. In so doing, it helps to inform the process of making more accurate decisions regarding the continuation of training programs. The firm can also utilize the evaluation outcomes as marketing tools for human resource departments and training institutes to attract possible job candidates.

The company has made various steps to ensure that the evaluation is effective. The questionnaires, for example, illustrate a high usability in terms of time efficiency. Moreover, it addresses broader issues, such as examining determinants of successful training transfers. This aspect is especially important in optimizing future training programs. The training courses have also been evaluated with the utilization of standardized assessment metrics and training-specific models.


Grohmann, A., &Kauffeld, S. (2013). Evaluating training programs: development and correlates

of the Q questionnaire for Professional T raining E valuation. International Journal of

Training and Development, 17(2), 135-155.

Kirkpatrick, J. D., & Kirkpatrick, W. K. (2016). Kirkpatrick’s four levels of training evaluation.

Association for Talent Development.

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