
need someone to do a design,i have attached week 2 assignment and lecture notes

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Health care facilities have uniquely defined characteristics based on the needs of the facility or population served. Poor design may lead to staff, visitor, or patient stress. In large facilities, the inability to find a department may lead to frustrations and disorientation. Poor layout may also lead to staff inefficiencies or fines because of failure to meet regulatory requirements.

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Throughout this course you will design a floor plan for the facility you select in this assignment. This assignment illustrates the difficult balances between patient flow, workflow, safety, and aesthetics. You will use this document as a guide to understand the environmental design elements you should include in your final design. You will submit the Facility Planning Template each week as your assignment.


Complete the Week 2 section of the

Facility Planning Template



Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


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Facility Planning

Healthcare Facilities Challenges
Fluctuating demand and use
Capacity constraints
Staffing shortages
Focus on patient safety
Increased importance of information management

How do we know a resource is full?
Typical Resources
Hospital Rooms
What do we do to add resources?

Healthcare Facilities Challenges
Rapid changes in development of new technology
Rapidly rising costs
Aging facilities
Limited access to capital

Planning Stages
Predesign planning
Schematic design
Design development
Contract document development
Occupancy or move in

Space Planning Principles
Separate key types of campus traffic
Clearly define the front door
Coordinate customer intake and access services
Optimize the use of prime real estate (near the front door)
Minimize the total number of outpatient destinations; group-related clinical services near an intake area

Space Planning Principles
Position diagnostic and treatment services for changing technology and future operational flexibility by collocating services with similar facility needs
Minimize inpatient transfers
Unbundle high-volume, recurring outpatient services to an off-site location
Move building support services to less expensive buildings
Provide flexible, generic administrative office space

Renovate or Replace?
Good campus condition
Space to grow and adapt
Great existing location
Limited alternative sites
Urgent needs and timeline
Limited capital
Aging facility and infrastructure
No space for expansion
Adjacencies and zoning are failing
Opportunity to sell the campus
Great site available
Beneficial financing
Supportive donor
(Meade, 2010)

Meade, W. (2010, August). Renovate or replace? Advice on making the billion-dollar decision. Health Facilities Management, (912). Retrieved from

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