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In this course, you are required to design a floor plan for a health care facility. This will include designing the layout of rooms within the facility as well as adding environmental, regulatory, and IT elements within the rooms you design.

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Facility Planning Guide

to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the project.


Research software programs you can use to create a floor plan, and choose one.

Write a brief explanation as to why you chose the program and why it is the best choice for this assignment. Include details on how the faculty member will be able to access your project.

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After working in facility design for many years, you have become well-known in the industry. Your manager has asked you to create either a paper or short handout that new employees can refer to as they receive training through the company. This paper or handout should guide new employees through the process of facility planning.

Create a 350-word paper or handout summarizing the process of addressing facility planning needs in which you:

· Describe the steps of facility planning.

· Consider listing the steps involved in facility planning as part of your description.

· Explain the importance of pre-design planning.

· Explain the rationale (or decision process) when determining whether to renovate or replace a health care facility.

Note: A handout can be a flyer, brochure, poster, etc.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

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Jeremy Blake



Warren Wade


Hayward, C. (2016). Healthcare facility planning: Thinking strategically (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

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