Deliverable 4 – Kingston-Bryce Communication Plan


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As a Project Manager for Kingston-Bryce Limited you have been assigned to create a communication plan. The Board of Directors for Kingston-Bryce Limited (KBL) wants to be updated on a regular basis and this plan will document strategies for communication. The project team will consist of KBL employees as well as employees from the competitor. In order for this acquisition to be successful, you will need to use your project management skills to ensure success and that all stakeholders are updated on a regular basis.


Your task is to Develop a communication plan that will detail strategies to be used to encourage the team to perform project work in Microsoft Word. Include the following in your communication plan:

  • Project kickoff welcome email – this is important because it provides the guidelines for the project and lists the team members, stakeholders, and the duration of the project.
  • Project summary updates – these are used to update stakeholders who are not able to attend a project-related meeting and can provide a status on the effectiveness of the project meeting timelines and the budget.
  • Project closing executive summary – this is used when a project is completed. This document summarizes the overall effectiveness of the project by including a comparison of the budget and the overall project timeline.
  • Document how the meetings will occur:

    Face to face
    Video conferencing
    Conference call

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