deliverable 07 R&W

 masters degree

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must pay attention to detail

Deliverable 7 – Scholarly Research Paper


  • Create a research question for a study that will help fill a gap and provide benefits in a field.
  • Design a research strategy in order to answer a research question.
  • Evaluate research and data that can help answer the research question and support a hypothesis.
  • Draft a paper that answers the research question based on findings.
  • Revise research and writing based on feedback.
  • Compose a report inclusive of research and data analysis.


You have received your master’s degree and now have a job in your field. Your boss has encouraged you to do research on a topic in your field and write a scholarly paper for publication. You remember that you took a graduate course in Research and Writing, in which you already did some work on a research question you have always been interested in. This will be an opportunity for you to pursue that research question in more detail and put everything together in a scholarly paper.


Create a research question you are interested in, conduct the research to answer that question, and write a complete scholarly paper on your question. This paper should contain the following sections:

  • An introductory section that explains your research question, your purpose, and how your paper fills a deficiency or gap in the research. Also explain any limitations to your study and how you dealt with any potential ethical issues.
  • A section reviewing the current literature on this topic.  This section should discuss as least five relevant and current articles related to your research question.
  • A section on the methods you followed to perform your research.
  • A section on data collection and analysis.
  • A section that details your findings.
  • A concluding section that evaluates the usefulness of your study and any practical implications it has.

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