Deconstruct Media Messages 20DA1


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  1. Explain the history and development of each form of media (television, radio, newspaper, social media, and a blog).

    How long has it existed?
    How has it changed from its beginning state?
    How does the delivery method (form of media) impact the message being delivered? (Consider authority, trustworthiness, and context of delivery.)

  2. Describe the purpose of each form of media.

    Who is the target audience?
    What are its strengths?
    What are its weaknesses?
    How has it been used and misused?

  3. Evaluate each media message for the presence of bias. Use the five key questions as identified by the Center for Media Literacy.

    Who created the message?
    What creative techniques are used to attract your attention?
    How might other people understand this message differently than you do?
    What values, lifestyles, and points of view are represented in, or omitted from, this message?
    Why is this message being sent? (Consider whether the message is meant to inform, persuade, or entertain.)

  4. Evaluate the accuracy of each media message:

    Is it a reliable and valid source?
    Does it contain verifiable facts versus opinions?

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  • Media Message Examples
  • Below are five media message examples for you to review and compare. Click on the links provided to
    access each example. You will need to view the media messages and explore the sites and information
    surrounding them to gather the required information. You may find that some of the information may
    not be available for each example: You will need to reference this missing information in your summary
    and consider how that lack of information will impact your ranking.

    Note: If this project would be appropriate for a company you work for, you may choose a topic that is
    applicable to your company instead of the one provided in this scenario. If you choose a different topic,
    you must still review and compare five examples of media messages, including a blog, a radio broadcast,
    a social media post (on Twitter), a newspaper article, and a television broadcast. You will have to create
    a Microsoft Word document containing the links and appropriate citations for your examples, and
    submit it along with your brief.

    1. Blog: Interview: Mayor Jackie Biskupski of Salt Lake City, Utah
    This interview from the Moms Clean Air Force website focuses on the commitment that Salt
    Lake City has made to addressing environmental issues within its communities.

    2. Radio: Urban Life Isn’t A Walk In The Park

    In this segment from Science Friday, a weekly NPR radio broadcast, the participants discuss the
    how air pollution can impact individuals exercising or participating in physical activities in urban
    areas. A transcript of the broadcast is available at the bottom of the page.

    3. Twitter: Clean Air Campaign

    This tweet from the Clean Air Campaign provides information on sources of particle pollution,
    which contributes to smog. The image shows hazy skies and smoke coming from a factory’s

    4. Newspaper: Pollution May Dim Thinking Skills, Study in China Suggests

    This New York Times article focuses on the results of a study that links prolonged exposure to
    pollution to a decrease in cognitive abilities.

    5. Television: Wildfires in Western States are Disrupting Efforts to Curb Air Pollution
    This PBS News Hour broadcast explores the impact that smoke from the California wildfires is
    having on cities and populations all across the United States.

    Interview: Mayor Jackie Biskupski of Salt Lake City, Utah

    Urban Life Isn’t A Walk In The Park

      Media Message Examples

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