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. This article is a good example of a literature review. It is a comprehensive review of the literature. What are your thoughts concerning the way he structured it? What are your thoughts concerning the themes he identified? Do you agree or disagree with his general assertions? Choose 1 statement from this article and support or refute it based on the literature, Scripture, and personal reflection. 

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Benchmark Assessment



School of Education, Liberty University

Author Note


I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to XXXXXXXXX




The benchmark assessment contained in this document is designed to be used to assess student mastery of fifth-grade mathematic standards in the state of Ohio. There are 24 questions, many with multiple parts, covering 12 standards. These standards are scheduled to be covered in the first two quarters of the school year. This assessment includes higher order thinking questions by allowing the students to show how they found the correct answer. Allowing a student to show their work does require the student to think beyond a quick answer. Beside each number is the standard in which the particular question is addressing. (Italics)

Keywords: standards, assessment, curriculum, higher order thinking

1. 5.nbt.1

Use the place value chart and arrows to show how the value of each digit changes.


6.673 x 100 = _____________


  68.4 ➗1000 = _____________


Explain in complete sentences how and why the value of the 6 changed in part b.



2. 5.nbt.2

a)   457 x 10 =

b)   457 x =

c)   457 x =

d)   457 x =

e) Explain in complete sentences the pattern of the number of zeros in the answer of each equation.


3. 5.nbt.2

Use the fact 84 x 64 = 5,376 to find out the multiplication of 8,400 x 64,000. Explain your method using complete sentences.


4. 5.nbt.1

The following equations involve different quantities and use different operations yet produce the same result. Draw a place value chart and use words (on the lines below) to explain why this is true.

5.24 x = 5,240

524,000 ÷ = 5,240


5. 5.md.1

Compare using >, <, or =


3 yards ____ 12 feet


14 feet ___ 155 inches


2 miles ___ 11,242 feet

6. 5.md.1

Compare using >, <, or =


4 gallons ___ 494 ounces


10 quarts ______ 40 cups


84 ounces ____ 5 pints

7. 5.nbt.3

Mr. DeKlavon wrote 2.619 on the board. Dave says it is two and six hundred nineteen thousandths. Georgiana says it is 2 ones 6 tenths 1 hundredth 9 thousandths. Who is right? Use words and numbers to explain your answer in complete sentences with examples as needed.


8. 5.nbt.3

Arrange the numbers in order from least to greatest.

a. 3.049 3.059 3.05 3.04


b. 182.205 182.05 182.105 182.025

9. 5.nbt.4

For open international competition, the throwing circle in the men’s shot put must have a diameter of 2.135 meters. Round this number to the nearest hundredth. Draw a number line to show your work.

10. 5.nbt.4

Jen’s pedometer said she walked 2.549 miles. She rounded her distance to 3 miles. Her brother rounded her distance to 2.5 miles. When they argued about it, their mom said they were both right. Explain how that could be true. Use number lines and words to explain your reasoning.

11. 5.nbt.7

Van Cortlandt Park

’s walking trail is 1.02 km longer than

Marine Park


Central Park

’s walking trail is 0.242 km longer than Van Cortlandt’s.

a. Fill in the missing information in the chart below.

New York City’s Walking Trails

______ km

Central Park

______ km

Marine Park

1.28 km

Van Cortlandt Park

b. If a tourist walked all 3 trails in a day, how many kilometers would he or she have walked?

12. 5.nbt.7

Draw place value disks on the place value chart to solve. Show each step using the standard algorithm.

4.236 ÷ 3 = ______

Ones .




3 4.236

13. 5.oa.1

Compare the two expressions using > , < , or = . In the space beneath each pair of expressions, explain how you can compare without calculating. Draw a model if it helps you.

a. 24 × (20 + 5) ____ (20 + 5) × 12

b. 18 × 27 ____ 20 twenty-sevens minus 1 twenty-seven

c. 19 × 9 ____ 3 nineteens, tripled

14. 5.oa.1

Saleem says 45 × 32 is the same as (45 × 3) + (45 × 2). Explain Saleem’s error using words, numbers, and/or pictures.

15. 5.oa.2

Write the numerical expressions in words. Then, solve.



The Value of the Expression

a. 12 × (5 + 25)

b. (62 – 12) × 11

c. (45 + 55) × 23

d. (30 × 2) + (8 × 2)

16. 5.oa.2

A box contains 24 oranges. Mr. Lee ordered 8 boxes for his store and 12 boxes for his restaurant.

a. Write an expression to show how to find the total number of oranges ordered.

b. Next week, Mr. Lee will double the number of boxes he orders. Write a new expression to represent the number of oranges in next week’s order.

c. Evaluate your expression from Part (b) to find the total number of oranges ordered in both weeks.

17. 5.nbt.5

Solve using the standard algorithm.

a. 431 × 12 = _________

b. 123 × 23 = _________

c. 312 × 32 = _________

18. 5.nbt.5

Draw an area model, and then solve using the standard algorithm. Use arrows to match the partial products from the area model to the partial products of the algorithm.

a. 34 × 21 = _________ 3 4

x 21

b. 434 × 21 = _________ 4 3 4

x 2 1

19. 5.nbt.6

Janice bought 28 apps for her phone that, altogether, used 1,348 MB of space.

a. If each app used the same amount of space, about how many MB of memory did each app use? Show how you estimated.

b. If half of the apps were free and the other half were $1.99 each, about how much did she spend?

20. 5.nbt.6

Louis brings 79 pencils to school. After he gives each of his 15 classmates an equal number of pencils, he will give any leftover pencils to his teacher.

a. How many pencils will Louis’s teacher receive?

b. If Louis decides instead to take an equal share of the pencils along with his classmates, will his teacher receive more pencils or fewer pencils? Show your thinking.

21. 5.nf.1

Draw a rectangular fraction model to find the sum. Simplify your answer, if possible.

a. + =

b. + =

22. 5.nf.1

For the following problems, draw a picture using the rectangular fraction model and write the answer. Simplify your answer, if possible.

a. – =

b. – =

23. 5.nf.2

Mr. Penman had liter of saltwater. He used of a liter for an experiment. How much saltwater does Mr. Penman have left?

24. 5.nf.2

Carlos wants to practice piano 2 hours each day. He practices piano for hour before school and hour when he gets home. How many hours has Carlos practiced piano? How much longer does he need to practice before going to bed in order to meet his goal?


Embarc. (2015). EMBARC: Grade 5. EMBARC.Online. https://embarc.online/course/index.php?categoryid=7.

Ohio DOE. (2017). Standards by Grade Level: Fifth Grade. Columbus.

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