data structure and algorithm

You are requested to implement a simple IoT device management system. IoT devices

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can be categorized into three main groups: consumer, enterprise, and industrial.

“Consumer connected devices include smart TVs, smart speakers, toys, wearables and

smart appliances. Smart meters, commercial security systems and smart city technologies

— such as those used to monitor traffic and weather conditions — are examples of industrial

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and enterprise IoT devices. Other technologies, including smart air conditioning, smart

thermostats, smart lighting and smart security, span home, enterprise and industrial

uses.”1 An IoT device can be identified by many fields including category, Identifier, …

1- (2.5 mark) Describe the IoT data type, IoTdevice, using Java classes. Make sure

to use Java inheritance, an interface, and an abstract class.

2- (5 marks: 1mark/method) We want to implement a simple application that

manages the IoT devices. You are asked to develop a Java application that uses

an array to store all information regarding the IoT devices installed in a building and

using the newly created data type IoTdevice defined in 1). You should provide a

menu with the following options:


IoT Device Management System (CSC301, Fall2020)


1- Add a new IoT device

2- Delete all existing IoT devices given a category

3- List all existing IoT devices from one category

4- Check if an IoT devices exists based on its ID

5- Sort all IoT devices based on two criteria of your choice

0- Quit


Your choice? __


Please use the partial Java code provided with this assignment which prints the

menu. You MUST do this lab in groups of maximum two students. This Lab

counts for 7.5 marks. You should upload your work via the course website on time

before September 29th, 23:59. Any late submission will be penalized (-0.25 / day).

Evaluation: You will be evaluated based on a demo during which you will be asked

individually various questions.


Chapter 1:
Catalysts for


Organization of Chapter
Milestones in computing
Milestones in networking
Milestones in information storage and retrieval
Information technology issues


Information Age
Era characterized by unprecedented access to information
Low-cost computers
High-speed communication networks
1.1 Introduction
Advances in Past Two Decades
MP3 players
Digital photography
World Wide Web


Technology and Values
Dynamic between people, technology
People adopt technology
Technology changes society
Using technology can change people
Our experiences physically change our brains (e.g., London taxi drivers)
Experiences with technology can have psychological effects, too (e.g., effects of dependency on cell phones)
Technologies solve problems, but may create new problems
Low-cost international communication
Amish bishops meet twice a year to discuss matters of importance to the church, including whether any new technologies should be allowed.


Aids to Manual Calculating
Tablet: a flat piece used especially for an inscription
Clay, wax tablets (ancient times)
Slates (late Middle Ages)
Paper tablets (19th century)
Rods or wires in rectangular frame
Lines drawn on a counting board
Mathematical tables

Tables of logarithms (17th century)
Income tax tables (today)
1.2 Milestones in Computing


Early Mechanical Calculators
Calculators of Pascal and Leibniz (17th century)
Worked with whole numbers: Did * and / through repeated + and –
Arithmometer of de Colmar (19th century)
Took advantage of advances in machine tools
Adopted by insurance companies
Printing calculator of Scheutzes (19th century)
Used method of differences pioneered by Babbage
Adopted by Dudley Observatory (mainly for astronomy) in New York
Completed astronomical calculations


Social Change  Market for Calculators
Gilded Age (1870-1900. Era of rapid economic growth)
Rapid industrialization
Economic expansion
Concentration of corporate power
New, larger corporations
Multiple layers of management
Multiple locations
Needed up-to-date, comprehensive, reliable, and affordable information


Calculator Adoptions  Social Change
Fierce market
Continuous improvements in size, speed, ease of use
Sales increased rapidly
“Deskilling” and feminization of bookkeeping
People of average ability quite productive
Calculators 6 faster than adding by hand
Wages dropped
Women replaced men


Cash Register
Store owners of late 1800s faced problems
Keeping accurate sales records for department stores
Preventing misuse from clerks
Response to problems: cash register
Created printed, itemized receipts
Maintained printed log of transactions
Rang bell every time drawer was opened
Punched Card Tabulation
Punched cards (late 19th century)
One record per card (or LOC)
Cards could be sorted into groups, allowing computation of subtotals by categories
Early adopters
U.S. Bureau of the Census,
Railroads, Retail organizations
Heavy industries…


Tabulators  Data-processing Systems
Data-processing system: 3 main components
Receives input data
Performs one or more calculations
Produces output data
Punched cards: Are within these systems
Stored input data and intermediate results
Stored output
On most sophisticated systems, also stored programs
Precursors of Commercial Computers
Atanasoff-Berry Computer to solve linear equations: vacuum tubes: Not programmable
ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and computer): externally programmed with wires: Each instruction was programmed by puting wires into plugboards.
EDVAC: program stored in memory
Small-Scale Experimental Machine used the CRT (Cathode
ay Tube) as a storage device for digital information. It was the first operational, fully electronic computer system that had both program and data stored in its memory.

Vacuum tube is a glass tube that has its gas removed, creating a vacuum. Vacuum tubes contain electrodes for controlling electron flow and were used in early computers as a switch or an amplifier.


First Commercial Computers
Completed UNIVAC (universal automatic computer) in 1951
Delivered to U.S. Bureau of the Census
Predicted, successfully, winner of 1952 Presidential election
Larger base of customers
Far superior sales and marketing organization
Greater investment in research and development
Dominated mainframe market by mid-1960s
CBS News Coverage of 1952 Presidential Election Featured UNIVAC Computer


Programming Languages
Assembly language
Symbolic representations of machine instructions
one assembly language instruction was required for every machine instruction.


First higher-level language (shorter programs)
Designed for scientific applications


U.S. Department of Defense standard
Designed for business applications


Time-Sharing Systems and BASIC
Time-Sharing Systems
Divide computer time among multiple users
Users connect to computer via terminals
Cost of ownership spread among more people
Gave many more people access to computers
Developed at Dartmouth College
Simple, easy-to-learn programming language
Popular language for teaching programming
Replacement for vacuum tube
Invented at Bell Labs (1948)
More reliable
More energy efficient


Integrated Circuit
Semiconductor containing transistors, capacitors, and resistors
Invented at Fairchild Semiconductor and Texas Instruments
Advantages over parts they replaced
More reliable
Less expensive


IBM System/360
Before System/360
IBM dominated mainframe marked in 1960s
IBM computers were incompatible
Switch computers  rewrite programs
Series of 19 computers with varying levels of power
All computers could run same programs
Upgrade without rewriting programs
IBM System/360


Computer inside a semiconductor chip
Invented in 1970 at Intel
Made personal computers practical
Antecedents to the Personal Computer
Whole Earth Catalog: A magazine and product catalog
“Sort of like Google in paperback form” (Steve Jobs)
Stewart Brand saw “technology as a tool for individual and collective transformation” (Fred Turner)
People’s Computer Company
Educated people on how to use computers
People gathered around time-share computers
Culture promoted free exchange of software
Homebrew Computer Club
Meeting place for hobbyists
Steve Wozniak created system that became Apple I


Personal Computer
Altair 8800
Gates and Allen created BASIC interpreter
Interpreter pirated at Homebrew Computer Club meeting
Personal computers became popular
Apple Computer: Apple II
Tandy Corporation: TRS 80
Businesses drawn to personal computers
Computer spreadsheet program: VisiCalc
IBM launches IBM PC
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs with Apple I Personal Computer
Time for Questions


Early Networking: Semaphore Telegraph Tower
1.3 Milestones in Networking
Photo l’Adresse Musée de La Poste, Paris / La Poste
Electricity and Electromagnetism
Volta invented battery (In 1799 He produced an electric current by submerging two different metals close to each other in an acid.)
In 1820 Christian Oersted discovered that electricity creates magnetic field
Sturgeon constructed electromagnet
Henry: communication using electromagnets (1830: Page 51)


U.S. government funded first line
40 miles from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore
Built by Samuel Morse in 1843-1844
Private networks flourished
12,000 miles of lines in 1850
Transcontinental line in 1861 put Pony Express out of business
200,000 miles of lines by 1877
Technology proved versatile (adaptable)
For instance, people kept finding new applications for the telegraph:
Fire alarm boxes
Police call boxes


Alexander Graham Bell
Constructed harmonic telegraph: All of the dots and dashes of Morse code have the same note (sound). The harmonic telegraph assigned a different note (different sound frequency) to each message.
Leveraged concept into first telephone
Social impact of telephone
Blurred public life / private life boundary
Eroded traditional social hierarchies
Reduced privacy: Responsible for the system overheard conversations
Enabled first “online” communities: Party lines (page 54)
Typewriter and Teletype
Individual production of “type set” documents
Common in offices by 1890s
Typewriter connected to telegraph line
Popular uses
Transmitting news stories
Sending records of stock transactions


Hertz generated electromagnetic waves
Marconi invented radio: Wireless Telegraph Co.
First used in business
Wireless telegraph
Transmit voices
Entertainment uses
Suggested by Sarnoff: The receiver can be designed in the form of a simple music box . . . can be placed in the parlor or living room
Important entertainment medium by 1930s
Began in 1884, Invented in 1927 and Became popular in 1950s
Price fell dramatically
Number of stations increased
Social effects
Worldwide audiences
Networks (Channels) strive to be first to deliver news
Impact of incorrect information; e.g., 2000 presidential election

Radio works by transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves. The radio signal is an electronic current moving back and forth very quickly. A transmitter radiates this field outward via an antenna; a receiver then picks up the field and translates it to the sounds heard through the radio.


Remote Computing
Stibitz and Williams built Complex Number Calculator at Bell Labs
Bell Labs part of AT&T (phone company)
Teletype chosen for input/output
Allowed operator to be distant from machine
Long-distance demonstration between New Hampshire and New York City (page 57)
In reaction to the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957, the Department of Defense (DoD) created the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which created the ARPA Network (ARPANET).
Licklider conceived of “Galactic Network”: a Global Network Computer
Decentralized design to improve survivability in case of nuclear attack. Every computer on the network would have the ability to make decisions about how message traffic should be routed.
Packet-switching replaced circuit switching

He typed numbers into the teletype, which transmitted the data 250 miles to the calculator in New York City.
After the calculator had computed the answer, it transmitted the data back to the teletype, which printed the result.


Circuit-switched v. Packet-switched Networks


ARPANET users relied upon the telephone for communications, until Tomlinson at BBN wrote software to send, receive email messages
Roberts created email utility: list email, read them, reply to them,forward them and save them.
Current status
One of world’s most important communication technologies
Around 200 billions of messages sent in U.S. every day
ARPA researchers anticipated the need to connect the ARPANET with other networks based on different designs.
Kahn conceived of open architecture networking
Cerf and Kahn designed TCP/IP protocol
Internet: network of networks communicating using TCP/IP


Created by National Science Foundation
Provided access grants to universities
Encouraged commercial subscribers for regional networks
Banned commercial traffic on NSFNET Backbone
Private companies developed long-distance Internet connections
After private networks established, NSF shut down NSFNET Backbone 1955
There is similar initiative in UAE: ANKABUT
High-speed Internet connection
Makes feasible transfer of very large files (e.g., video)
The growth of file swapping among Internet users has paralleled the growth of broadband connections.

Typical broadband speeds

Taiwan 85.02 average download speed (megabits/second)
Singapore 70.86


Wireless Networks
Cell phones
Motorola demonstrated the first cell phone in 1973, weighed 2 ½ pounds
Now weigh a few ounces and also support texting and broadband Internet access
Public access wireless local area networks
In 1993 Sjodin proposed the development of public access wireless local area networks.
Today wireless Internet access points, or hotspots, are everywhere
Most hotspots use a technology known as Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi or Wireless Fidelity, meaning you can access or connect to a network using radio waves, without needing to use wires.
Time for Questions


Greek Alphabet in the Ancestor of the English Alph.
True alphabet: letters for both consonant and vowel sounds
750 BC: Greeks developed first true alphabet with 24 characters
Simple, efficient way of transforming spoken words into written form compared with earlier writing systems in Mesopotamia and Egypt
Oral culture transitioned to written culture
1.4 Milestones in Information Storage and Retrieval
Codex and Paper
Rectangular pages sewn together on one side
Replaced papyrus scrolls as way of storing books
Allowed quicker access to particular passages
First produced by hand, then by wood engraving
Invented by Chinese, brought to Europe in late Middle Ages
By 15th century replaced parchment for pages in less expensive codices


Gutenberg’s Printing Press
Based on movable metal type rather than wood blocks (Codex)
Church principal customer of early publishers
Powerful mass communication tool
Printing press’s impact on Reformation
More than 300,000 copies of Luther’s publications
Protestants out-published Catholics by 10-to-1 in the middle 16th century
Newspapers: Stimulated free expression
Governments responded
Impact on American Revolution
Newspapers helped unify colonies
Persuaded public opinion toward independence from Great Britain

Reformation is the action or process of reforming an institution or practice.
A 16th-century movement for the reform of abuses in the Roman Church ending in the establishment of the Reformed and Protestant Churches.


Vannevar Bush envisioned Memex (Memory and Index): an information retrieval system equipped with “any item may select immediately and automatically another”
Ted Nelson
Coined word hypertext: a linked network of nodes containing information
Proposed creation of Xanadu: a worldwide network of connected literature
Douglas Engelbart
In 1960s, people submitted computer jobs in the form of decks of punch cards and waited hours to run.
Computer output was pages full of numbers that programmers had examine.
Engelbart wondered why people couldn’t interact directly with computers and view the output on a CRT, like radar images.
Directed construction of NLS (oNLine System)
Demonstrated windows, email, mouse, videoconferencing
Douglas Engelbart Rehearses for
“The Mother of All Demos”


Graphical User Interface
Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center)
Alan Kay saw Doug Engelbart demo in 1968
Alto personal computer (early 1970s)
Bit-mapped display, keyboard, and mouse
Apple Computer
Steve Jobs visited Xerox PARC in 1979
Apple released Macintosh (1984)
Bit-mapped display, keyboard, mouse and affordable price
Microsoft released Windows 3.0 (1990)
Released in May 1990
Quickly became dominant graphical user interface
Single-Computer Hypertext Systems
Peter Brown at University of Kent
Guide (1982)
Released versions for Macintosh and IBM PC
Apple Computer
HyperCard (1987)
Hypertext system based on “stacks” of “cards”
Links represented by buttons
Basis for best-selling games Myst and Riven


World Wide Web
First browser built at CERN in Switzerland
Tim Berners-Lee: WorldWideWeb (1990)
Berners-Lee created Web protocols
Protocols based on TCP/IP  general
Later browsers
Netscape Navigator
Netscape Mozilla
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome(most popular)


Traffic Information on the Web
Copyright © 2011 by WSDOT. Reprinted with permission.


Search Engines
Crawler-based engines (Google, AltaVista)
Programs called spiders follow hyperlinks and visit millions of Web pages
System automatically constructs Web page database
Human-assisted engines (Open Directory)
Humans build Web page database
Web page summaries more accurate
Far fewer Web pages in database
Hybrid systems (MSN Search)
Time for Questions


Information Technology
Devices used in creation, storage, manipulation, dissemination of data, sound, and/or images
Tablets, smartphones, laptop computers
People making greater use of IT
Costs keep falling
Capabilities keep rising
1.5 Information Technology Issues


IT Issues
Easy way to keep in touch
Spam has become a real problem
Free access to huge amounts of information
Harmful consequences of some sites
CDs, MP3s
Free or cheap copies readily available
May be unfair to musicians
Credit cards
Convenience over cash and checks
Increases possibility of identity theft
Who owns information about transactions?
Loan applications
Based on credit history, not personal interview
Lower interest rates, but less flexibility
Saves time, allows more flexible work hours
Do teleworkers get overlooked for promotions?
Improved global communication network
Allows companies to sell to entire world
Allows companies to move jobs out of U.S.
Should IT consumers be concerned about working conditions in factories in developing countries?
World Wide Web
A conduit for democratic ideas?
Another tool for totalitarian governments?


Revolutionary discoveries are rare; change is usually incremental
Information technology has long history
Social conditions give rise to new technologies
Adoption of technologies can change society
Rate of technological change accelerating



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