Data Science & Big Data Analytics Responses

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Discussion 1
Big data plays a vital role for organizations now-a-days. I used to work for a healthcare company as business analyst. Our organization is experiencing challenges in order to manage big data. Organizations are also getting benefited from big data analysis. Healthcare company are dealing with patient’s personal and clinical data to meet their business objectives within their business process.
Healthcare organization can be benefited by using huge volume of data of patients. They collect data from different sources to analyze the big data. Healthcare organizations also collect data from electronic health records, medical records, the summary of patients and clinical data and lab reports of patients to make decision for their business goals.
On a more extensive scale, the conglomeration of patient information can help recognize best practices for explicit conditions, driving normalization of treatment and consistency of care just as results. A significant advance towards the utilization of Big Data in medical care is a compelling usage of electronic health records. Both inpatient and outpatient situations profit by the continuous progression of data that can be set with persistent explicit limits to alarm caregivers of changes, permitting them to go to more patients while as yet conveying better and more effective consideration for each. From pulses to pain, to exercise and dietary patterns, each bit of data, including social and other non-clinical data can help define the best customized treatment plans (Cohen, 2018).
Cohen, M. C. (2018). Big data and service operations. Production and Operations Management, 27(9), 1709-1723
Pastorino, R., De Vito, C., Migliara, G., Glocker, K., Binenbaum, I., Ricciardi, W., & Boccia, S. (2019). Benefits and challenges of Big Data in healthcare: an overview of the European initiatives. European journal of public health, 29(Supplement_3), 23-27.
Discussion 2:
Big data analytics shows its potentiality in the decision-making process. In the process of data analysis, data has been collected and transformed into structured information to assist the organizations’ decision-making process. The challenge of managing big data is not easy, and organization needs the specific data that helps the decision-making process. In order to encounter the challenge, there are two system need to be developed such as healthcare management system and patient management system (Pramanik et al., 2020). In terms of offering to medicate and Medicare services, data analysis helps to determine who needs the service, and who does not. Data analysis plays a significant role in the e-healthcare system. Since the United States does not universal healthcare system, data analysis can help private and government health insurance companies regarding the number of patients who are taking which services. Additionally, it can also help to control the spread of diseases and their mechanism by providing information to study historical data (“5 Ways Big Data is Changing the Healthcare Industry”, 2019).
Moreover, more innovative and state of art medical treatments can be offered by analysis of big data. Due to HIPAA, patients’ information cannot be disclosed to a third party, as a result, the impact of data analysis cannot be discerned to some extent. If the healthcare industry is assigned certified agents to analyze the patient data, data analysis will help many healthcare industry-related institutions to make their strategy. There is always a challenge to keep the privacy of the data because if data is put in the wrong hand, it will be a digester. Government and private organizations can come up with a solution for how data can be analyzed between authorized stakeholders (Shafqat et al., 2020).
5 Ways Big Data is Changing the Healthcare Industry … (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2021, from
Pramanik, M. I., Lau, R. Y., Azad, M. A. K., Hossain, M. S., Chowdhury, M. K. H., & Karmaker, B. K. (2020). Healthcare informatics and analytics in big data. Expert Systems with Applications, 152, 113388.
Shafqat, S., Kishwer, S., Rasool, R. U., Qadir, J., Amjad, T., & Ahmad, H. F. (2020). Big data analytics enhanced healthcare systems: a review. The Journal of Supercomputing, 76(3), 1754-1799.
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