Cybersecurity (Information Governance related Concepts)

Topic: – Cybersecurity (Information Governance related Concepts)

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The course research paper is a formatted APA paper. It is 12 pages, double spaced. Paper length requirement is 12 pages of content from Title Page through References. The Final papers will contain a title page, abstract, introduction/topic paragraph, summary/conclusion, and reference page. Research paper topics are approved by the course instructor and can be on any course related topic in the field of Information Technology, Governance Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices.



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The abstract is on its own page. The first paragraph of the abstract should not be indented. It is typically 150 to 250 words and summarizes the main points of the paper. It should include your thesis and summarize your main points and results. Do not include quotations here. Define any abbreviations and acronyms you use in the paper here. You might want to write it after you’ve written the rest of your paper, so that it’s easy to summarize.

In academic publishing, writing a good abstract is important, because it is the first, and sometimes only, bit of information your readers get to help them decide whether they should read or buy your article. After this paragraph, there is a page break that forces the beginning of your paper onto its own page: You will want to keep it there.

This Is Your Title: It Should Be Less Than Twelve Words

This is your introduction and thesis paragraph. The introduction should be about five or six sentences and provide some background or context for your topic. Do not use I or you in academic writing. When appropriate, include recent events relating to the topic. For example, if you are writing about cyber warfare, you might mention Russia using cyber-attacks to influence the last US presidential election. Your thesis should be one sentence and outline the main points of the paper.

Literature Review or Background

Summarize and quote the important research on this topic that has gone before you. Define subject-specific vocabulary or related theory. Usually, you want to look at books for background. You might want to use your textbook or an encyclopedia to find the names of researchers or theories that are important to the topic, then, search for those names on the library website. Use keywords when research of your topic in databases (example: cyber warfare or cyber attack) to find related articles and books. Need help?

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Anytime you summarize what someone else has said, include the author’s last name and year either in the text or in parentheses at the end. If you quote someone else, include the author’s last name, year, and page number either in the text or in parentheses at the end. If an article has three to five authors, write their last names out the first time, then cite only the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” If an article has six or more authors, include only the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” If the source does not have an author, such as a website, put the name of the article or webpage in parentheses at the end.

The whole point of in-text citations is so your reader can find the correct source in your


, so make sure authors or titles match both in-text and in References. Find out more about in-text citation on the

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Business sources are not standard APA citations; See

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for more information.


The discussion should be the largest part of your paper and include your argument, research, and experiences (for example, through Service-Learning). Each main point of your paper should start its own paragraph with a strong first sentence. Again, do not use I or you in academic writing.

Remember to introduce quotations with who said it and/or why it’s important. Make sure quotes fit seamlessly in your paper. Include short quotations (40 words or less) in-text with quotation marks. Use ellipsis (…) when omitting sections from a quote and use four periods (….) if omitting the end section of a quote.

This is a longer quote, which is 40 or more words. Indent the quote a half-inch from the left margin and double-space it with no quotation marks. To get the right format, just click on “Quote” in the Styles area on the Word frame above. In parentheses, include the author’s last name, year, and page number.


The conclusion restates the thesis and summarizes the main arguments or points of the article, so that your reader could just read the conclusion to generally understand the paper. What is important to learn from reading your paper? If you know of areas in this topic that need further study, mention them. After this paragraph, there is a page break that forces References onto its own page: You will want to keep it there.


American Psychological Association. (year). Article title. Name of Journal, volume, pages.

Author(s). (year). Book title. Where published: Publisher. Retrieved from URL of book

Author(s) of essay or chapter. (year). In Author (Ed.), Book title (pages of essay or chapter). Where published: Publisher. Retrieved from URL of chapter or essay

Freud, S. (year). Article title. Name of Journal, volume (issue), pages. Retrieved from journal URL

Jung, C., & Freud, S. (year). Article title. Name of Journal, volume (issue), pages. Retrieved from article URL if poor navigation on site

Neu, J, Lakoff, R., Kamin, J., Green, P. Lessig, L., Brody, E., … Prinzker, T. (year). Book title (edition if given). Where published: Publisher.

Pavlov, I., Jung, C., & Freud, S. (year of last update). Web page title. Retrieved from URL of Web page

Skinner, B. F. (year). Article title. Name of Journal, volume, pages. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx








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This Is Your Title: It Should Be Less Than Twelve Words

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Cybersecurity, Threats, Standards in information Governance or Security


Cybersecurity, Threats, Standards in information Governance or Security

Chandan Reddy Varna

University of the Cumberland’s


Cybersecurity is the protection of information, useful data, and networks from unauthorized access. Its main purpose is to secure the use of cyberspace and cyberspace enabled systems from cyberattacks. (Craigen, Diakun-Thibault, & Purs, 2014). Cyberspace or the use of the internet has become a vital part of everyone’s life through which a huge amount of personal and private information is shared. The need to protect the information from illegal users has become the primary need due to the increasing number of cyberattacks and its related risks. Most of these attacks are intended to access, alter, change, or delete the important information or to disrupt multiple operations. This paper highlights the need and importance of cybersecurity against cybercrimes and unauthorized access. It discusses the major threats and challenges of cybersecurity and the ways by which they can be controlled. Moreover, it also discusses the relationship between cyberspace and cybersecurity in relation to information governance concepts.


Cyberspace, cybersecurity, Information Governance, Information Security and Privacy, Authenticity, Confidentiality, Cyberattacks.


The use of the internet has made it easy for people to connect, communicate, and share information with each other. The shared information in the cyberspace can be exploited by unauthorized users and identity theft through illegal access. The need to protect the data and information has led to the need for cybersecurity. It aims to defend the data shared over the network so that it sustains its originality. Cybersecurity is important because it protects everything that pertains to sensitive data and personally identifiable information like bank account information, credit card numbers, and social security numbers. (Tunggal, 2020). For example, Facebook faced a huge cyberattack in 2018, in which more than 50 million users were affected in which the attackers gained illegal access to personal data ( Perez & Whittaker, 2018). Comment by Mary Harward: Indent all new paragraphs 3-5 spaces except for the first paragraph of the Abstract section

Literature Review

( Cheong and & Chang, (2007) discusses discussed the relationship between IT governance and data governance as they are closely related. The vast use of Information technology and the sharing of information online and over the networks has led to the need to protect the data from unauthorized access and changes. Data governance is important to manage the data effectively so that it can be protected against illegal access. The infrastructure of IT should be designed in a well-managed way so that unwanted activities can be controlled, and the risks of the cyber attacks can be lowered.  Comment by Mary Harward: Be sure to indent 3-5 spaces for new paragraphs
Review this format which I updated when you reference authors this way. Follow this same format when you begin a paragraph with a citation.
Note you have to use PAST TENSE here also … these authors discussed rather than discusses. You are discussing published work that took place in the PAST!
Review your paragraphs below for this also

(Sutherland, 2017) discussed that due to the increasing use of the internet and growing reliance on digital governments and networks, cybersecurity is gaining more importance. The national governments are adopting and using cybersecurity strategies to deal with the cyber attack challenges and threats. National Cybersecurity Policy framework is implemented to protect the digital governments. It ensures that the security is maintained at every level of government, including the sub-national levels, contractors, and independent agencies. The paper highlights a few major cyber attacks, for example, that of the South African government and devise responses to cybercrime and cyberwarfare.  Comment by Mary Harward: See comment above

(Shafqat & Masood, 2016) discusses and provides a comparative analysis of the multiple national cybersecurity strategies of various countries. The vulnerabilities in cyberspace and the cyberattacks continuously threaten the national security through which the daily life and routine of citizens are disturbed. The aim of all the strategies is to secure the cyberspace against the cyber attacks. The comparison is carried out on the basis of objectives, timeline, infrastructure, and legal measures. The main target of all the strategies included to maintain safe cyberspace and to raise cyber attack awareness. Although there are many similarities in the strategies, there occurs a difference in the scope and approach of every strategy. It has been observed that the strategies from the UK, USA, and Germany are better than the rest of the strategies because they have also emphasized on the use of cyber capabilities to defend assets.  Comment by Mary Harward: See comments above
Comment by Mary Harward:

(Craigen, Diakun-Thibault, & Purs, 2014) explains that the term cybersecurity is a vast collection of resources and processes that protects cyberspace from illegal users and cyber attacks. Several definitions of cybersecurity are being described, which states that cybersecurity is an interdisciplinary domain and not a technical domain. Its fundamental concept is security and protection from hazardous events and changing. It is very important to have a structured definition of cybersecurity in order to have its proper implementation.  Comment by Mary Harward: See comment above Comment by Mary Harward: explained

(Eugen & Petrut, 2018) discusses the concept of cybersecurity as part of information governance, their relationship, vulnerabilities in cyberspace, and approaches to achieve cybersecurity. This paper has discussed the importance of security in cyberspace that cab established through confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and availability. Furthermore, the structure of cyberattacks is analyzed using the Cyber Kill Chain framework that allows a perception of attack and helps to understand the strategy of attacks and vulnerabilities that were exploited to launch that attack. Comment by Mary Harward: see comments above.. discussed also
rather than discusses

The reasons for attacks are discussed like security breaches, unauthorized access, and the measures that can be taken to avoid such attacks are discussed. 

An extensive survey of threats in cybersecurity and cyberspace is discussed by J(Jang-Jaccard & and Nepal (, 2014) and highlighted in this paper. The vulnerability of society, organizations, and individuals because of their dependence on the internet and solutions provided by information technology that has made them vulnerable to cyber attacks is discussed. Furthermore, the reasons for these threats and how they affect organizations, people are discussed.


Cyberspace basically is an amalgamation of different networks contributing towards Virtual Computer World where people communicate online, create millions of data and information online. According to 2019 statistics, internet users worldwide are 4.388 billion, and social media users 3,484 billion creating over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day (Irfan, 2018). Although cyberspace has brought many advanced changes in life by providing us facility to manage organizations, businesses online, creating and managing information and data online, and automating our work, it has also left us vulnerable to many threats that we encounter online. The threats exist in the form of cyberattacks and malware attacks, cyberbullying, hacking, identity theft, data loss, risk of privacy and personal information which leads us to the importance of cybersecurity and its relationship with information governance that deals with information security, data governance, risk management, maintaining privacy, confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity.

This section will discuss the security issues in cyberspace, the measures to avoid those threats, and the extent to which cybersecurity is achieved in cyberspace.

As already discussed, the quintillion bytes of data generated is very important, but its generation in this abundance makes it difficult to maintain its quality, consistency, and integrity. Data governance encompasses the procedures, strategies, and principles developed to ensure the quality, maintainability, availability, correctness, security, and trustworthiness of data. Many organizations have started using different approaches like cloud computing to maintain the data to ensure that correct and single truth version of data reaches its employees and customers. Comment by Mary Harward: Reference would be good here

Cybersecurity is a very vast field but still a subset of information security, where cybersecurity is defined as securing information, assets, data generated online or digitally. Information security deals with data and information, both physically and digitally . (Cyber Security Standards, n.d.). Cybersecurity can be achieved through three pillars people that should know their responsibilities to prevent threats, processes that should define responsibilities of everyone and technology, which means taking all prevention measures like antivirus programs and technologies to reduce cyberattacks. Comment by Mary Harward: Period comes AFTER the in-text citation

One of the major cyberattacks that are encountered by most in cyberspace is malware attacks that exploit the vulnerabilities of the information system of organizations to launch an attack thus making their data and system unavailable for their customers or employees or to steal the confidential data and information that can cause financial loss to the organization. Some of the forms of malware attacks include hacking, viruses, worms, bot attacks, Trojan Horses. These attacks can hinder security by attaching themselves to files or can be sent through emails to infect files. One of the biggest cyberattacks hit the Capital One, a financial Corporation where the hacker working alone was able to attack the company’s website and was able to retrieve important information about its customers, including more than 10,000 Social security numbers, 80,000 bank accounts, credit scores, and balances.

Hacking is also one of the major concerns that we have to face in cyberspace where not only organizational data but your private data can be stolen as well. Hackers usually exploit the vulnerabilities in your passwords or systems to get access to someone’s confidential data that they can be used by them to blackmail people into demanding ransom or into asking them to accept whatever they say. Hacking can lead to very disastrous effects not only on individuals or organizations but cities and countries compromising their information, thus leaving them vulnerable to wars and attacks.

One of the major components of Cyberspace is Social Media, which is used by people to connect with people across the globe. According to statistics, Facebook has over 2.5 billion monthly users, Twitter 330 million monthly users, and Instagram almost 1 billion monthly users. Social Media started as a platform to connect with other people, but over time emerged as a place to start and promote business, an opportunity of freedom for people to express their views and opinions about different topics ranging from politics, to food, to clothes designing, etc.  Comment by Mary Harward: Reference to support this statement would be good here

The more it Social Media becomes a necessity for people, they started to share more information about themselves on socials platforms, thus creating billions of data and make it difficult to secure it. Attackers and hackers took that as an opportunity to launch attacks through web browsers, mobiles, and computers that people use to access Social Media. By 2008, Kaspersky lab got more than 43,000 infectious files related to Social media (Jang-Jaccard & Nepal, 2014). 

Attacks on Social Media are related to information privacy that is related to one’s right or claim to control how his or her personal information can be used and is more personal related to an individual more as compared to an organization. Comment by Mary Harward: Reference?

One of the major threats that we encounterencountered on Social Media is catfishing, where people fabricate their identity to connect with other by hiding their real identity. They use another identity mostly of the opposite gender or a celebrity or famous brand to deceive people in order to steal money from them or to blackmail them or harm them. According to a statistic, 64 % of catfishers are women; 27 % of them use the identity of the opposite gender, whereas 43 % use the identity of other people. Comment by Mary Harward: Reference needed here to support these statistics

One of theAnother major threats that people encounter on Social Media is cyberbullying, where an individual or group of people harass others using their personal or confidential information that can either be a photograph, tweets, or comment that was shared and has become immensely common, especially among teenagers. It happens in two forms cyberstalking and trolling, where cyberstalking is considered more dangerous as it can be a potential threat to the victim’s life as a stalker investigates victims every activity through their social media account. On the other hand, trolling is defined as expressing mean comments or verbally abusing them on their pictures or tweets or posts.  Comment by Mary Harward: Reference? Comment by Mary Harward: Reference?

Other than software and Social media, vulnerabilities in hardware can also be exploited to launch attacks, as they are also the most important component of cyberspace because the internet is basically the connection of computers through protocols and networks. One of the dangerous attack through hardware is Trojan Hardware that can affect the system on different levels as it may accept inputs that should be rejected, or its IP address can be exploited to launch denial of service attack or accept more data than necessary thus making system corrupt or unavailable to use. Comment by Mary Harward: Reference to support this statement would be good here

There are a lot of threats that are related to cyberspace, but its need can not be denied as it is required in every field in today’s world. Many efforts have been made to make it secure and to punish people who committed crime. The Cyber Security Standards have been generated to ensure security, confidentiality, and integrity in cyberspace and make use of devices, networks, protocols, software, organizations, and individuals to ensure that those standards are met. They can also be viewed as some rules and obligations that must be applied in order to maintain the privacy and security of data and information generated online. 

(cyber-security-standards, n.d.).

One of the common standards is ISO 27001 that requires an organization to maintain an information security management system that states the rules and responsibilities that individuals in the organization must fulfill in order to maintain security. According to this standard, all the technology is to be updated; software should exist without vulnerabilities, and organizations should be audited after a specific amount of time .

(cyber-security-standards, n.d.).

Another standard is FINRA that stands for Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and ensures that the system is up to date and secure for bodies in the organization that handles financial processes and funds. According to this standard, the system needs to be secured as well as measures should be taken to ensure secure organization and customers data . 

(cyber-security-standards, n.d.).

Another standard related to health has also been generated that is to be followed by hospitals to ensure that the data of their patients is highly secured and cannot be leaked known as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. To meet this standard, hospitals have to make sure that there all transactions are encrypted, their network system is ensured; there is no unauthorized access. The hospitals furthermore have to ensure that all health-related critical data about patients is secured .

(cyber-security-standards, n.d.).

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard that is to be followed by organizations that accept payments like banks. This standard is to establish security for organizations that store personal information of their customers as well as their credit card information, their social security numbers. To meet the requirements of this standard, the organization must ensure that its system is up-to-date and vulnerabilities free and should be tested for any threats after a time period .

(cyber-security-standards, n.d.).

General Data Protection Regulation is a standard that has been defined by the European government that is associated with the protection of data of all users that uses the internet. According to this standard, it must be ensured that data is ensued and is not being used by someone who is unauthorized to access the data. The basic purpose of this standard is to provide a safe environment on the internet for users so they can feel secure and safe while sharing their information on the internet.

In addition to these standards, many laws and rules have been established to manage security and privacy in cyberspace, but still, the cyberspace is not completely secured. (Kayla, 2019) One of the major examples of this is the Facebook User Data breach in 2018, in which more than 540 million user accounts were exposed and were published on cloud computing services provided by Amazon. The personal data of users without their permission was extracted by a politics consulting firm called Cambridge Analytica. Another leak happened where Facebook unintentionally made emails from many users’ public.

Although there have been many strategies, standards have been developed and are implemented, but still, cyberspace is not completely secure, even after the laws sometimes software is hacked, or its vulnerabilities are exploited, catfishing, cyberbullying, identity theft still occurs. According to statistics (33 Alarming Cybercrime Statistics You Should Know in 2019, 2019), the cybercrime industry generates $ 1.5 trillion revenue per year as of 2018, whereas Social media contributes to over $ 3,25 billion revenue for cybercrimes. According to 2019 statistics, 85 %organizations experienced phishing and social media attacks.


With the increase in the use of the internet, the need for cybersecurity has also increased to protect and secure the information in the cyberspace. To ensure privacy, security, confidentiality, integrity, it is very important to apply security standards. To deal with the rising challenges and threats of cyberr attacks, many standards have been generated to ensure the security and integrity of the information. The main standards include ISO 27001, FINRA, and Health Insurance portability and accountability. Despite having so many standards to overcome the challenges, still, the information remains at a risk of being affected by the cyber attacks. Users across the globe still deal with stress that comes along with threats they face on Social Media that includes catfishing, hacking, identity theft, cyberbullying, etc. Although many efforts had been made are still being made, but the amount of data generated online makes it difficult to secure completely yet.


Cheong, L., & Chang, V. (2007). The Need for Data Governance: A Case Study. ACIS 2007 Proceedings, 11. Comment by Mary Harward: Notes: Not all italics on your reference list!
Hanging indentations needed
Not all words are capitalized in article and book titles.
List references in alpha order by author last name
Review the APA Workshops I posted in our course to rework your reference list.
ESPECIALLY the APA Workshop in Week 3 of our course.

Perez, S., & Whittaker, Z. (2018, September 29). Everything you need to know about Facebook’s data breach affecting 50M user. From Tech Crunch:

33 Alarming Cybercrime Statistics You Should Know in 2019. (2019, November 14). From Hashed out: 33 Alarming Cybercrime Statistics You Should Know in 2019Read more at:—-here-are-the-top-cybercrime-stats-t

Craigen, D., Diakun-Thibault, N., & Purs, R. (2014). Defining Cybersecurity. Technology Innovation Management Review, 4(10), 9.

Cyber Security Standards. (n.d.). From Governance:

cyber-security-standards. (n.d.). From educba:

Eugen, P., & Petrut, D. (2018). Exploring the New Era of Cybersecurity Governance. Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, 18(1), 358-363.

Irfan, A. (2018, June 15). How Much Data Is Generated Every Minute? [Infographic]. From Social Media Today:

Jang-Jaccard, J., & Nepal, S. (2014). Asurveyofemergingthreatsincybersecurity. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 80(5), 21.

Kayla, M. (2019, October 31). biggest-cyberattacks-2019. From Vxchange:

Shafqat, N., & Masood, A. (2016, January). Comparative Analysis of Various National Cyber Security Strategies. (IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 14(1).

Sutherland, E. (2017). Governance of Cybersecurity – The Case of South Africa. African Journal of Information and Communication, 20, 83-112.

Tunggal, A. (2020, January 15). Why is Cybersecurity Important? From UpGuard:

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