
Technology delivers improved opportunities for success to an organization, by facilitating innovation and value creation. These same elements create increased exposure for cybersecurity risks while also providing an opportunity for defense.

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You will present to senior management of an organization that comprises of more than 1,000 employees and $100 million of turnover, detail the issues and opportunities.

In your paper, carefully organize and then deliver details of the important elements and the implied influences that relate to technology and cybersecurity. In each area, identify losses that might be incurred and key opportunities to improve the probability of success when working with people involved in creating and using technology systems.

References: Support your paper with at least 8 scholarly sources published within the last five years.

Length: 10-12 pages, APA format. Include at least 2 tables, images, or Word Art elements that you have created.

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Anwar, M., He, W., Ash, I., Yuan, X., Li, L., & Xu, L. (2017). Gender difference and employees’ cybersecurity behaviors. Computers in Human…

Blythe, J. M., & Coventry, L. (2018). Costly but effective: Comparing the factors that influence employee anti-malware behaviours. Computers in…

Choi, K.-S., & Lee, J. R. (2017). Theoretical analysis of cyber-interpersonal violence victimization and offending using cyber-routine activities…

Coles-Kemp, L., Ashenden, D., & O’Hara K. (2018). Why should I? Cybersecurity, the security of the state and the insecurity of the citizen…

de Bruijn, H., & Janssen, M. (2017). Building cybersecurity awareness: The need for evidence-based framing strategies. Government Information…

Elifoglu, I. H., Abel, I., & Taşseven, Ö. (2018). Minimizing insider threat risk with behavioral monitoring. Review of Business, 38(2), 61-73

Jonathan, Adhi, K., & Daud, J. (2017). Security system with 3 dimensional face recognition using PCA method and neural networks algorithm…

Lee, J.-A. (2018). Hacking into China’s cybersecurity law. Wake Forest Law Review, 53(1), 57-104

Proctor, R. W., & Chen, J. (2015). The role of human factors/ergonomics in the science of security: Decision making and action selection in…

Valiente, C., Jr. (2017). Addressing malware with cybersecurity awareness. ISSA Journal, 15(10), 16-22

Whitty, M., Doodson, J., Creese, S., & Hodges, D. (2015). Individual differences in cyber security behaviors: an examination of who is sharing…

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