Current Events Crisis Analysis Paper 3

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Current Events Crisis Analysis Essay

This paper should be written in an APA-Style format.

Your paper will be evaluated on the following:

· Content

· Grammar

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· Structure and mechanics

· Relevance to the topic(s)

Note: Each essay will be submitted through Canvas

Current Events Crisis Analysis:

This assignment requires students to identify and examine a current example of a crisis taken from the news. Students will analyze various elements for consideration and apply course concepts. Students will critique the company/individual in terms of what was done well and what perhaps could have been orchestrated better and why.


Write about a company or industry that has faced or currently faces a crisis (or that is grappling with an issue which threatens to become a crisis.)

Include the following components: 1) analyze the underlying causation); 2) a stakeholder analysis; 3) review what the organization did in response, and 4) evaluate its effectiveness and determine whether other approaches might have been taken.

You should do an analysis rather than a description. In addition, you should include documentation of source material. Finally, whichever sort of topic you choose should be of real interest to you.


3-5 pages (it’s expected that you employ sources, attributions and bibliography.)

Be sure to provide informed and thoughtful answers to all of the guideline suggestions/questions.


APA Format

Visit the

Purdue Online Writing Lab

for more help with APA formatting.


I. Define the organization and its crisis / potential crisis.

II. Crises develop in four stages: Warning (detection, prevention, preparation), Point-of- no-return (containment), Cleanup (recovery), and Back-to-normal (learning). What stage(s) apply to this crisis?

III. Who do you think is in charge of managing the crisis?

a. What are their highest priorities?

b. What are their motives behind their decisions?

IV. Attempt to define the stakeholders and their concerns.

a. What are the communication strategies?

b. What are the messages?

c. Are there any inconsistencies between early response and later response?

d. Did the organization utilize any intermediaries to help manage its relationships with stakeholders?

V. Evaluate the organization’s responses.

a. Restores trust? Damaging? Honest? Explanatory? Plain speech vs. technical speech? Deflects or invites participation of those affected to seek solutions? Ignores, meets or exceeds stakeholder expectations?

b. Were concerns dismissed? Was blame cast elsewhere? Were mistakes acknowledged? Sympathetic? Were public apologies made?

VI. In your opinion, how well was the organization prepared for this crisis? Explain.

VII. If an organization’s reputation has been damaged, how might it be restored?

VIII. Can you detect or predict any potential benefits from this crisis?

Written Submission Guidelines

1. Review the detailed written assignment instructions on how to submit your assignments and how to review the comments (feedback) from your professor.

2. All written assignments on Canvas will be run through Turnitin to check for plagiarism. Your submission should not exceed 25% in similarity.

3. Written assignment dropboxes will be available within the Assignments link off the course tools menu on the left-hand side of the page within Canvas, as well as in their respective modules as outlined in the syllabus.

4. Within one week after the assignment’s deadline has passed, you will receive written feedback on your assignment.

5. Late submissions will only be accepted for a maximum of 7 days past the due date. For every day an assignment is late, 10% will be deducted from the original point value, with a maximum reduction of 50% on assignments submitted 7 days past the original due date. Please refer to the “Acceptance of Late Assignments” section of the syllabus for more information.


The following rubric will be used to evaluate your writing sample. When preparing your document, please
follow the Five C’s of Effective Writing. Make your writing: Clear, Concise, Correct, Courteous, and






(40 points

The essay illustrates
exemplary understanding
of the course material by
thoroughly and correctly:
(1) addressing the relevant
content; (2) identifying
and explaining all of the
key concepts/ideas; (3)
using correct terminology;
(4) explaining the
reasoning behind key
points/claims; and (5)
(where necessary or
useful) substantiating
points with several
accurate and original
(40 points)

The essay illustrates
solid understanding of
the course material by
correctly: (1) addressing
most of the relevant
content; (2) identifying
and explaining most of
the key concepts/ideas;
(3) using correct
terminology; (4)
explaining the reasoning
behind most of the key
points/claims; and (5)
(where necessary or
useful) substantiating
some points with
accurate examples.
(35 points)

The essay illustrates
rudimentary understanding
of the course material by:
(1) mentioning, but not
fully explaining, the
relevant content; (2)
identifying some of the key
concepts/ideas (though
failing to fully or accurately
explain many of them); (3)
using terminology, though
sometimes inaccurately or
inappropriately; and (4)
incorporating some key
claims/points, but failing to
explain the reasoning
behind them (or doing so
(30 points)

The essay illustrates poor
understanding of the
course material by (1)
failing to address or
incorrectly addressing the
relevant content; (2)
failing to identify or
explaining/defining key
concepts/ideas; (3)
ignoring or incorrectly
explaining key
points/claims and the
reasoning behind them;
and (4) incorrectly or
inappropriately using
(20 points)

(40 points

The essay reflects expert
reasoning by:
(1) synthesizing material;
(2) making connections
between relevant
ideas/claims/points; (3)
presenting an insightful
and thorough evaluation
of the relevant issue or
problem; (4) identifying
and discussing important
nuances in the relevant
material; and (5)
identifying and discussing
key assumptions and/or
(40 points)

The essay reflects fairly
strong reasoning by:
(1) synthesizing material,
(2) making appropriate
connections between
some of the key
ideas/claims/points; (3)
accurately evaluating the
issue/problem; and (4)
identifying ad discussing
key assumptions and/or
(35 points)

The essay reflects basic
reasoning by:
(1) synthesizing some of
the material, though
remains vague and
undeveloped; (2) making a
few connections between
ideas/claims/points, but
ignoring or inaccurately
connecting others; (3)
evaluating the
issue/problem at a very
basic/superficial level; and
(4) ignoring assumptions
and implications.
(30 points)

The essay reflects
substandard or poor
reasoning by: (1) failing to
synthesize the material or
doing so inaccurately; (2)
failing to make
connections between
ideas/claims/points or
doing so inaccurately; and
(3) failing to evaluate the
issue or problem.
(20 points)

(20 points

The essay is clear, and
concise as a result of: (1)
appropriate and precise
use of terminology; (2)
absence of tangents and
coherence of thoughts;
and (3) logical
organization of ideas and
thoughts. (4) complete
sentences, free of spelling
errors and uses correct
grammar, (5) follows
correct formatting style,
(6) falls between the
minimum and maximum
page requirement.
(20 points)

The essay is mostly clear
as a result of: (1)
appropriate use of
terminology and minimal
vagueness; (2) minimal
number of tangents and
lack of repetition; and (3)
fairly good organization
(4) complete sentences,
few spelling errors and
grammar mistakes, (5)
follows correct
formatting style with
minimal mistakes, (6)
falls between the
minimum and maximum
page requirement.
(15 points)

The essay is often unclear
and difficult to follow due
to: (1) some inappropriate
terminology and/or vague
language; (2) ideas
sometimes being
fragmented, wondering
and/or repetitive; and (3)
poor organization. (4)
incomplete sentences, has
spelling errors and uses
acceptable grammar, (5)
barely follows correct
formatting style, (6) does
not fall between the
minimum and maximum
page requirement.
(10 points)

The essay does not
communicate ideas/points
clearly due to: (1)
inappropriate use of
terminology and vague
language; (2) reliance on
disjointed and
thoughts and clauses; and
(3) lack of recognizable
organization. (4) no
sentence structure, many
spelling errors and
unacceptable grammar, (5)
does not follow correct
formatting style, (6) does
not fall between the
minimum and maximum
page requirement.
(5 points)

Evaluation Criteria

Outstanding: (90-100)
The essay/paper demonstrates superior application of communication concepts and principles
outlined in the readings and exercises. The assignment does not contain errors in content,
reasoning, writing, grammar and mechanics.
Above Average: (80-89)
The essay/paper demonstrates above average application of communication concepts and
principles outlined in the readings and exercises. The assignment has a few minor content,
reasoning, writing, grammar and mechanics.
Satisfactory: (70-79)
The essay/paper demonstrates satisfactory application of communication concepts and
principles outlined in the readings and exercises. The assignment has a moderate number of
errors in content, reasoning, writing, grammar and mechanics.
Poor: (1-69)
The essay/paper has an inconsistent application of communication concepts and principles
outlined in the readings and exercises and/or has frequent and serious errors in content,
reasoning, writing, grammar and mechanics.
Incomplete: (0)
The essay/paper was not submitted before the due date and/or was not completed according
to the published instructions.

/100 Total

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