Cultural consideration presentation

My two parts are ONLY: attention and sensation

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PSY/450: Diversity And Cultural Factors In Psychology

Wk 2 Team – Cultural Considerations Presentation [due Mon]

Wk 2 Team – Cultural Considerations Presentation [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resource: Grading Guide: Cultural Considerations Presentation
    Your Learning Team has been chosen to develop a training model for a local company that provides mental health services.
    Consider the topics and models covered on attachment, cognition, moral reasoning, developmental models, language, attention, sensation, and perception.
    Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that provides this organization with scenarios that would help them to identify when cultural aspects should be considered. Each slide should list the model or theory addressed and a scenario to help the organization grasp the key concepts. 

    Incorporate a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed references.
    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
    Submit your assignment.

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