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1Respond to the following discussion post in 150 words or more. Use proper citations when referring to information from the text or when using outside resources. Two peer responses required for each discussion post.

After reviewing this website- , discuss the issues that the NYCLU brought to light with the practices of the NYPD. What reforms did the court order in its’ 2013 and 2018 remedial orders?

2Respond to the following discussion post in 150 words or more. Use proper citations when referring to information from the text or when using outside resources. Two peer responses required for each discussion post.

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Define exigent circumstances and provide a brief summary of the three cases that may make entering homes to arrest without arrest warrants reasonable.mes to arrest without arrest warrants reasonable.

3Respond to the following discussion post in 150 words or more. Use proper citations when referring to information from the text or when using outside resources. Two peer responses required for each discussion post.

Research the case of Wilson v. Arkansas (1995). The SCOTUS decided that Sharlene Wilson’s conviction for possession of illegal drugs, seized during a no-knock entry into her home, didn’t meet Fourth Amendment “reasonable search” requirements. Provide an overview of the case, describing the facts involved and why the court ruled in this manner.

4Respond to the following discussion post in 150 words or more. Use proper citations when referring to information from the text or when using outside resources. Two peer responses required for each discussion post.

Research the case of Wilson v. Arkansas (1995). The SCOTUS decided that Sharlene Wilson’s conviction for possession of illegal drugs, seized during a no-knock entry into her home, didn’t meet Fourth Amendment “reasonable search” requirements. Provide an overview of the case, describing the facts involved and why the court ruled in this manner.

Review the attached video and discuss the case of Breonna Taylor and the concerns today that still exist with the no-knock entry warrants.

Watch Video

The Truth Behind the ‘No-Knock’ Police Raids that Led to Breonna Taylor’s Death

Duration: 22:15

User: n/a – Added: 6/11/20

5Respond to the following discussion post in 150 words or more. Use proper citations when referring to information from the text or when using outside resources. Two peer responses required for each discussion post.

List the five factors that form the “totality of circumstances” that courts use to determine witness reliability and discuss how important these factors are in determining if a witness has identified the right suspect. Give one example of a case that you are familiar with where one of these factors impacted the identity of a suspect.

6Respond to the following discussion post in 150 words or more. Use proper citations when referring to information from the text or when using outside resources. Two peer responses required for each discussion post.

Review several articles on the shooting death of Korryn Gaines and the wrongful death trial. Identify and discuss the civil rights violations involved in this case that garnered national attention.

7Respond to the following discussion post in 150 words or more. Use proper citations when referring to information from the text or when using outside resources. Two peer responses required for each discussion post.

At what point does the right to counsel kick in? Identify the 7 stages of the Criminal Process where the Right to Counsel applies. Explain the importance of at least two of these stages. Does the right to counsel mean the right to the lawyer of your choice? Also what does “effective counsel” mean? What does the two-prong effective counsel test clarify?

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