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Alzheimer’s & Dementia 11 (2015) 1015-1022

  • MIND diet slows cognitive decline with aging
  • Martha Clare Morrisa,*, Christy C. Tangneyb, Yamin Wanga, Frank M. Sacksc, Lisa L. Barnesd,e,f,
    David A. Bennette,f, Neelum T. Aggarwale,f

    aDepartment of Internal Medicine at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
    bDepartment of Clinical Nutrition at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA

    cDepartment of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
    dDepartment of Behavioral Sciences at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA

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    eDepartment of Neurological Sciences at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
    fRush Alzheimer’s Disease Center at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA

    Abstract Introduction: The Mediterranean and dash diets have been shown to slow cognitive decline; how-

    The authors have n

    *Corresponding a


    E-mail address: m

    1552-5260/� 2015 Th

    ever, neither diet is specific to the nutrition literature on dementia prevention.
    Methods: We devised the Mediterranean-Dietary Approach to Systolic Hypertension (DASH) diet
    intervention for neurodegenerative delay (MIND) diet score that specifically captures dietary compo-
    nents shown to be neuroprotective and related it to change in cognition over an average 4.7 years
    among 960 participants of the Memory and Aging Project.
    Results: In adjusted mixed models, the MIND score was positively associated with slower decline in
    global cognitive score (b5 0.0092; P, .0001) and with each of five cognitive domains. The differ-
    ence in decline rates for being in the top tertile of MIND diet scores versus the lowest was equivalent
    to being 7.5 years younger in age.
    Discussion: The study findings suggest that theMIND diet substantially slows cognitive declinewith
    age. Replication of these findings in a dietary intervention trial would be required to verify its rele-
    vance to brain health.
    � 2015 Th

    e Alzheimer’s Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All r

    ights reserved.

    Keywords: Cognition; Cognitive decline; Nutrition; Diet; Epidemiologic study; Aging

    1. Introduction

    Dementia is now the sixth leading cause of death in the
    United States [1] and the prevention of cognitive decline,
    the hallmark feature of dementia, is a public health priority.
    It is estimated that delaying disease onset by just 5 years will
    reduce the cost and prevalence by half [2]. Diet interventions
    have the potential to be effective preventive strategies. Two
    randomized trials of the cultural-based Mediterranean diet
    [3] and of the blood pressure lowering DASH diet (Dietary
    Approach to Systolic Hypertension) [4] observed protective

    o relevant disclosures of potential conflicts of interest.

    uthor. Tel.: 11-312-942-3223; Fax: 11-312-942-


    e Alzheimer’s Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All r

    effects on cognitive decline [5,6]. We devised a new diet that
    is tailored to protection of the brain, called the
    Mediterranean-DASH diet intervention for neurodegenera-
    tive delay (MIND). The diet is styled after theMediterranean
    and DASH diets but with modifications based on the most
    compelling findings in the diet-dementia field. For example,
    a number of prospective studies [7–10] observed slower
    decline in cognitive abilities with high consumption of
    vegetables, and in the two US studies, the greatest
    protection was from green leafy vegetables [7,8].
    Furthermore, all these studies found no association of
    overall fruit consumption with cognitive decline. However,
    animal models [11] and one large prospective cohort study
    [12] indicate that at least one particular type of fruit—
    berries—may protect the brain against cognitive loss.

    ights reserved.

    Delta:1_given name


    Delta:1_given name


    Delta:1_given name


    Delta:1_given name

    M.C. Morris et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 11 (2015) 1015-10221016

    Thus, among the unique components of the MIND diet score
    are that it specifies consumption of green leafy


    and berries but does not score other types of fruit. In this
    study, we related the MIND diet score to cognitive decline
    in the Memory and Aging Project (MAP) and compared
    the estimated effects to those of the Mediterranean and
    DASH diets; dietary patterns that we previously reported
    were protective against cognitive decline among the MAP
    study participants [13].

    2. Methods

    2.1. Study population

    The analytic sample is drawn from the RushMAP, a study
    of residents of.40 retirement communities and senior pub-
    lic housing units in the Chicago area. Details of the MAP
    study were published previously [14]. Briefly, the ongoing
    open cohort study began in 1997 and includes annual clinical
    neurologic examinations. At enrollment, participants are
    free of known dementia [15,16] and agree to annual
    clinical evaluation and organ donation after death. We
    excluded persons with dementia based on accepted clinical
    criteria as previously described [15,16]. Participants
    meeting criteria for mild cognitive impairment [17]
    (n 5 220) were not excluded except in secondary analyses.
    From February 2004 to 2013, the MAP study participants
    were invited to complete food frequency questionnaires
    (FFQs) at the time of their annual clinical evaluations. Dur-
    ing that period, a total of 1545 older persons had enrolled in
    the MAP study, 90 died and 149 withdrew before the diet
    study began, leaving 1306 participants eligible for these an-
    alyses. Of these, 1068 completed the dietary questionnaires
    of which 960 survived and had at least two cognitive assess-
    ments for the analyses of change. The analytic sample was
    95% white and 98.5% non-Hispanic. The Institutional Re-
    view Board of Rush University Medical Center approved
    the study, and all participants gavewritten informed consent.

    2.2. Cognitive assessments

    Each participant underwent annual structured clinical
    evaluations including cognitive testing. Technicians, trained
    and certified according to standardized neuropsychological
    testing methods, administered 21 tests, 19 of which summa-
    rized cognition in five cognitive domains (episodic memory,
    working memory, semantic memory, visuospatial ability,
    and perceptual speed) as described previously [18]. Com-
    posite scores were computed for each cognitive domain
    and for a global measure of all 19 tests. Raw scores for
    each test were standardized using the mean and standard de-
    viation from the baseline population scores, and the stan-
    dardized scores averaged. The number of annual cognitive
    assessments analyzed for participants ranged from 2 to 10
    with 52% of sample participants having five or more cogni-
    tive assessments.

    2.3. Diet assessment

    FFQs were collected at each annual clinical evaluation.
    For these prospective analyses of the estimated dietary ef-
    fects on cognitive change, we used the first obtained FFQ
    to relate dietary scores to cognitive change from that point
    forward. Longitudinal analyses of change in MIND diet
    score using all available FFQs in a linear mixed model indi-
    cated a very small but statistically significant decrease in
    MIND score of20.026 (P 5 .02) compared to the intercept
    MIND diet score of 7.37.

    Diet scores were computed from responses to a modified
    Harvard semiquantitative FFQ that was validated for use in
    older Chicago community residents [19]. The FFQ ascer-
    tains usual frequency of intake over the previous 12 months
    of 144 food items. For some food items, natural portion sizes
    (e.g., one banana) were used to determine serving sizes and
    calorie and nutrient levels. Serving sizes for other food items
    were based on sex-specific mean portion sizes reported by
    the oldest men and women of national surveys.

    2.4. MIND diet score

    The MIND diet score was developed in three stages: (1)
    determination of dietary components of the Mediterranean
    and DASH diets including the foods and nutrients shown to
    be important to incident dementia and cognitive decline
    through detailed reviews of the literature [20–22], (2)
    selection of FFQ items that were relevant to each MIND diet
    component, and (3) determination of daily servings to be
    assigned to component scores guided by published studies
    on diet and dementia. Among the MIND diet components
    are 10 brain healthy food groups (green leafy vegetables,
    other vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, seafood,
    poultry, olive oil, and wine) and five unhealthy food groups
    (red meats, butter and stick margarine, cheese, pastries and
    sweets, and fried/fast food). Olive oil consumption was
    scored 1 if identified by the participant as the primary oil
    usually used at home and 0 otherwise. For all other diet
    score components, we summed the frequency of
    consumption of each food item portion associated with that
    component and then assigned a concordance score of 0, 0.5,
    or 1 (Table 1). The total MIND diet score was computed by
    summing over all 15 of the component scores.

    2.5. DASH and Mediterranean diet scores

    We used the DASH diet scoring of the Exercise and Nutri-
    tion Interventions for Cardiovascular Health (ENCORE)
    trial [23] in which 10 dietary components were each scored
    0, 0.5, or 1 and summed for a total score ranging from
    0 (lowest) to 10 (highest) diet concordance. The Mediterra-
    nean diet score was that described by Panagiotakos et al. [3]
    that includes 11 dietary components each scored 0–5 that are
    summed for a total score ranging from 0 to 55 (highest die-
    tary concordance). We used serving quantities specific to the
    traditional Greek Mediterranean diet [3] to score

    Table 1

    MIND diet component servings and scoring

    Diet component 0 0.5 1

    Green leafy*


    �2 servings/wk .2 to ,6/wk �6 servings/wk

    Other vegetablesy ,5 serving/wk 5 to ,7 wk �1 serving/d
    Berriesz ,1 serving/wk 1/wk �2 servings/wk
    Nuts ,1/mo 1/mo to ,5/wk �5 servings/wk
    Olive oil Not primary oil Primary oil used

    Butter, margarine .2 T/d 1–2/d ,1 T/d
    Cheese 7 1 servings/wk 1–6/wk ,1 serving/wk
    Whole grains ,1 serving/d 1–2/d �3 servings/d
    Fish (not fried)k Rarely 1–3/mo �1 meals/wk
    Beansx ,1 meal/wk 1–3/wk .3 meals/wk
    Poultry (not

    ,1 meal/wk 1/wk �2 meals/wk

    Red meat and

    7 1 meals/wk 4–6/wk ,4 meals/wk

    Fast fried foods** 4 1 times/wk 1–3/wk ,1 time/wk
    Pastries and

    7 1 servings/wk 5–6/wk ,5 servings/wk

    Wine .1 glass/d or

    1/mo–6/wk 1 glass/d

    Total score 15

    Abbreviation: MIND, Mediterranean-DASH diet intervention for neuro-

    degenerative delay.

    *Kale, collards, greens; spinach; lettuce/tossed salad.
    yGreen/red peppers, squash, cooked carrots, raw carrots, broccoli, celery,

    potatoes, peas or lima beans, tomatoes, tomato sauce, string beans, beets,

    corn, zucchini/summer squash/eggplant, coleslaw, potato salad.
    xBeans, lentils, soybeans.
    kTuna sandwich, fresh fish as main dish; not fried fish cakes, sticks, or

    {Chicken or turkey sandwich, chicken or turkey as main dish, and never

    eat fried at home or away from home.
    #Cheeseburger, hamburger, beef tacos/burritos, hot dogs/sausages, roast

    beef or ham sandwich, salami, bologna, or other deli meat sandwich, beef

    (steak, roast) or lamb as main dish, pork or ham as main dish, meatballs

    or meatloaf.

    **How often do you eat fried food away from home (like French fries,

    chicken nuggets)?
    yyBiscuit/roll, poptarts, cake, snack cakes/twinkies, Danish/sweet rolls/

    pastry, donuts, cookies, brownies, pie, candy bars, other candy, ice cream,

    pudding, and milkshakes/frappes.

    M.C. Morris et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 11 (2015) 1015-1022 1017

    concordance in contrast to the use of sex-specific within pop-
    ulation median servings used by other studies so that the
    scoring metric aligned with the actual Mediterranean diet.

    2.6. Covariates

    Total energy intake was computed based on responses of
    frequency of consumption of the FFQ food items. Nondiet-
    ary variables were obtained from structured interview ques-
    tions and measurements at the participants’ annual clinical
    evaluations. Age (in years) was computed from self-
    reported birth date and date of the first cognitive assessment
    in this analysis. Education was based on self-reported years
    of regular schooling. Apolipoprotein E genotyping was per-
    formed using high throughput sequencing as previously
    described [24]. Smoking history was categorized as never,

    past, and current smoker. All other covariates were based
    on data collected at the time of each cognitive assessment
    and were modeled as time-varying covariates to represent
    updated information from participants’ previous evalua-
    tions. Avariable for frequency of participation in cognitively
    stimulating activities was computed as the average fre-
    quency rating, based on a 5-point scale, of different activities
    (e.g., reading, playing games, writing letters, visiting the li-
    brary) [25]. Hours per week of physical activity was
    computed based on the sum of self-reported minutes spent
    over the previous two weeks on five activities (walking for
    exercise, yard work, calisthenics, biking, and water exercise)
    [26]. Number of depressive symptoms was assessed by a
    modified 10-item version of the Center for Epidemiological
    Studies-Depression scale [27] that has been related to inci-
    dent dementia. Body mass index (BMI, weight in kg/height
    in m2) was computed from measured weight and height and
    modeled as two indicator variables, BMI�20 and BMI�30.
    Hypertension history was determined by self-reported med-
    ical diagnosis, measured blood pressure (average of 2 mea-
    surements �160 mm Hg systolic or �90 mm Hg diastolic),
    or current use of hypertensive medications. Myocardial
    infarction history was based on self-reported medical diag-
    nosis or interviewer recorded use of cardiac glycosides
    (e.g., lanoxin, digitoxin). Diabetes history was determined
    by self-reported medical diagnosis or current use of medica-
    tions. Medication use was based on interviewer inspection.
    Clinical diagnosis of stroke was based on clinician review
    of self-reported history, neurologic examination, and cogni-
    tive testing history [28].

    2.7. Statistical methods

    We used separate linear mixed models with random ef-
    fects in SAS to examine the relations of the MIND diet score
    to change in the global cognitive score and in each cognitive
    domain score. The basic-adjusted model included terms for
    age, sex, education, apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4, smoking
    history, physical activity, participation in cognitive activ-
    ities, total energy intake, MIND diet score, a variable for
    time, and multiplicative terms between time and each model
    covariate, the latter providing the covariate effect on cogni-
    tive decline. For all analyses, we investigated both linear
    (MIND diet score modeled as a continuous term) and
    nonlinear associations (MIND diet score modeled in tertiles)
    with the cognitive scores. Because the study results were
    identical for the two sets of models, we report the effect es-
    timates for the continuous linear term in tables and text and
    the tertile estimates in Fig. 1. Nonstatic covariates (e.g.,
    cognitive and physical activities, BMI, depressive symptoms
    and cardiovascular conditions) were modeled as time-
    varying except when they were analyzed as potential effect
    modifiers in which case only the baseline measure for that
    covariate was modeled. Tests for statistical interaction by
    potential effect modifiers were computed in the basic-
    adjusted model by modeling two-way and three-way

    Fig. 1. Rates of change in global cognitive score over 10 years forMAP par-

    ticipants with MIND diet scores in the highest tertile of scores (- – -; median,

    9.5; range, 8.5–12.5), the second tertile of scores (.; median, 7.5; range,
    7.0–8.0), and the lowest tertile of scores (—; median, 6; range, 2.5–6.5).

    The rates of change were based on the mixed model with MIND diet score

    modeled as two indicator variables for tertile 2 and tertile 3 (tertile 1, the

    referent) and adjusted for age, sex, education, smoking, physical activity,

    participation in cognitively stimulating activities, and total energy intake.

    For tertile 3: b5 0.0366, standard error5 0.0101, and P5 .003 and for ter-
    tile 2: b 5 0.0243, standard error 5 0.0099, and P 5 .01. Abbreviations:
    MAP, Memory and Aging Project; MIND, Mediterranean-DASH diet inter-

    vention for neurodegenerative delay.

    Table 2

    Baseline characteristics* of analyzed MAP participants according to tertile

    of MIND diet score

    Characteristic n

    MIND diet score tertile

    Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3

    M.C. Morris et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 11 (2015) 1015-10221018

    multiplicative terms betweenMIND diet score, time, and the
    effect modifier, with the three-way multiplicative term test
    for interaction set at P � .05. We compared the relative ef-
    fects of the MIND, Mediterranean and DASH diet scores
    on cognitive decline by computing standardized b coeffi-
    cients (b to four decimal places/standard error) for each
    diet score based on the parameter estimates of the basic
    model. We then performed formal statistical tests using
    Meng et al.’s [29] revision of Hotelling’s [30] procedure
    for comparing two nonindependent correlation coefficients,
    in this case, the correlations between the diet scores and
    cognitive change from the basic model. To provide an esti-
    mate of the equivalent age difference in years to the differ-
    ence in decline rates for tertiles 3 and 1 of the MIND diet
    score, we computed the ratio of the beta coefficients [b
    (time ! age)/b (time ! tertile 3 MIND score) in the
    basic-adjusted model.

    Age, mean y 960 81.9 81.7 80.5

    Male, percent 960 28 26 23

    APOE ε4, percent 823 22 26 21

    Education, mean y 960 14.3 15.1 15.6

    Cognitive activities, mean 959 3.1 3.2 3.4

    Total energy intake, mean kcal 960 1665 1788 1794

    Smoking, percent never 960 40 38 42

    Physical activity, mean h/wk 958 2.5 3.4 4.3

    Depressive symptoms, mean


    959 1.4 0.9 0.9

    BMI, mean 927 27.5 27.1 26.7

    Hypertension, percent 954 79 76 72

    Diabetes, percent 960 24 20 17

    Heart disease history, percent 959 18 12 18

    Clinical stroke history, percent 870 11 7 9

    Abbreviations: MAP, Memory and Aging Project; MIND,

    Mediterranean-DASH diet intervention for neurodegenerative delay;

    APOE, apolipoprotein E; BMI, body mass index.

    *Characteristics were standardized by age in 5-year categories.

    3. Results

    The analytic sample aged, on average, 81.4 years (67.2),
    was primarily female (75%), had a mean educational level of
    14.9 years (62.9), and was demographically comparable
    with the entire MAP cohort of 1545 participants (mean
    age, 80.1 years; 73% female; mean education, 14.4 years).
    Computed MIND scores from food frequency data on
    MAP study participants averaged 7.4 (range, 2.5–12.5).
    MIND diet scores were positively correlated with both the
    Mediterranean (r 5 0.62) and the DASH (r 5 0.50) diet
    scores. MAP participants with the highest MIND diet scores
    tended to have a more favorable risk profile for preserving
    cognitive abilities including higher education, greater partic-
    ipation in cognitive and physical activities, and lower prev-
    alence of cardiovascular conditions (Table 2).

    The overall rate of change in cognitive score was a
    decline of 0.08 standardized score units per year. In mixed
    models adjusted for age, sex, education, total energy intake
    APOE ε4, smoking history, physical activity, and participa-
    tion in cognitive activities, the MIND diet score was posi-
    tively and statistically significantly associated with slower
    rate of cognitive decline (Table 3). Compared to the decline
    rate of participants in the lowest tertile of scores, the rate for
    participants in the highest tertile was substantially slower
    (Fig. 1). The difference in rates was the equivalent of being
    7.5 years younger. The MIND diet score was statistically
    significantly associated with each cognitive domain, partic-
    ularly for episodic memory, semantic memory, and percep-
    tual speed (Table 3).

    TheMediterranean and DASH diets have demonstrated ef-
    fects on the reduction of cardiovascular conditions and risk
    factors [31–34], which raises the possibility that the
    association of the MIND diet with cognitive decline may be
    because of its effects on cardiovascular disease. To
    investigate potential mediation by these factors, we
    reanalyzed the basic model for the global cognitive score
    and each cognitive domain score with the inclusion of terms
    for hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, and diabetes;
    however, the effect estimates did not change (Table 3).

    Depression and weight have complex relations with de-
    mentia; they are known both as risk factors (depression
    and obesity) and as outcomes of the disease (depressive
    symptoms and weight loss). Both factors are also affected
    by diet quality. Therefore, we examined in the basic model
    what impact additional control for these variables might
    have on the observed association between the MIND diet
    score and cognitive decline but these adjustments also did
    not change the results for any of the cognitive measures

    M.C. Morris et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 11 (2015) 1015-1022 1019

    (e.g., for global cognitive function b 5 0.0092, standard
    error 5 0.0022, P , .0001).

    We also investigated potential modifications in the esti-
    mated effect of the MIND diet score on cognitive decline
    by age, sex, APOE ε4, education, physical activity, low
    weight (BMI �20), obese (BMI �30), and each of the
    cardiovascular-related conditions (hypertension, myocardial
    infarction, stroke, and diabetes). However, there was no sta-
    tistical evidence that the diet effect on the global or individ-
    ual domain cognitive scores differed by level or presence of
    any of these risk factors (data not shown).

    To examine whether the observed MIND diet—cognitive
    decline relation—may be due to dementia effects on dietary
    behaviors or to reporting accuracy, we reanalyzed the data
    after eliminating 220 participants who had mild cognitive
    impairment at the baseline; the resulting decline rate for
    higher MIND diet score (b 5 0.0104, P , .00001) was
    even more protective, by 9.5%, compared with that of the
    entire sample (b 5 0.0095).

    We also investigated the potential effects of dietary
    changes over time on the observed associations of baseline
    MIND diet score with cognitive change. We reanalyzed
    the data after excluding 144 participants whose MIND diet
    scores either improved (top 10%) or decreased (bottom
    10%) over the study period. The protective estimates of ef-
    fect of the MIND diet score on change in global cognitive
    score increased considerably (b 5 0.0120, P , .00001) in
    the basic-adjusted model. The estimated effects of the
    MIND diet on the individual cognitive domains also
    increased by 30%–78% with the exception of visuospatial
    ability, which had little change (b 5 0.0072, P 5 .02).

    In a previous study of the MAP participants [35], we
    observed protective relations of both the MedDiet and
    DASH diet scores to cognitive decline. A comparison of these
    diet components and scores is provided in Supplementary
    Table 1.We analyzed the data for these twodiet scores in sepa-
    rate basic-adjusted models of the global cognitive scores and
    compared the standardized regression coefficients for all three
    diet scores. The MIND diet score was more predictive of
    cognitive decline than either of the other diet scores; the stan-
    dardized b coefficients of the estimated diet effects were 4.39
    forMIND, 2.46 for theMedDiet, and 2.60 forDASH.The cor-
    relation between the MIND score with cognitive change was
    statistically significantly higher compared with that for either
    the MedDiet (P5 .02) or the DASH (P5 .03) scores.

    4. Discussion

    In this community-based study of older persons, we
    investigated the relation of diet to change in cognitive func-
    tion using an �a priori-defined diet composition score
    (MIND) based on the foods and nutrients shown to be pro-
    tective for dementia. HigherMIND diet scorewas associated
    with slower decline in cognitive abilities. The rate reduction
    for persons in the highest tertile of diet scores compared with
    the lowest tertile was the equivalent of being 7.5 years

    younger. Strong associations of the MIND diet were
    observed with the global cognitive measure as well as with
    each of the five cognitive domains. The strength of the esti-
    mated effect was virtually unchanged after statistical control
    for many of the important confounders, including physical
    activity and education as well as with the exclusion of indi-
    viduals with the lowest baseline cognitive scores.

    The MIND diet was based on the dietary components of
    the Mediterranean and DASH diets, including emphasis on
    natural plant-based foods and limited intake of animal and
    high saturated fat foods. However, the MIND diet uniquely
    specifies consumption of berries and green leafy vegetables
    and does not specify high fruit consumption (both DASH
    and Mediterranean), high dairy (DASH), high potato con-
    sumption, or .1 fish meal per week (Mediterranean). The
    MIND modifications highlight the foods and nutrients
    shown through the scientific literature to be associated
    with dementia prevention [21,22,36]. A number of
    prospective cohort studies found that higher consumption
    of vegetables was associated with slower cognitive decline
    [7–10] with the strongest relations observed for green
    leafy vegetables [7,8]. Green leafy vegetables are sources
    of folate, vitamin E, carotenoids, and flavonoids, nutrients
    that have been related to lower risk of dementia and
    cognitive decline. There is a vast literature demonstrating
    neuroprotection of the brain by vitamin E, rich sources of
    which are vegetable oils, nuts, and whole grains [21]. Die-
    tary intakes of berries were demonstrated to improve mem-
    ory and learning in animal models [11] and to slow cognitive
    decline in the Nurses’ Health Study [12]. However, the pro-
    spective epidemiologic studies of cognitive decline or de-
    mentia do not observe protective benefit from the
    consumption of fruits in general [7–10]. These dietary
    components have been demonstrated to protect the brain
    through their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
    (vitamin E) [37,38] and inhibition of b-amyloid deposition
    (vitamin E, folate, flavonoids, and carotenoids) [38–42]
    and neurotoxic death (vitamin E and flavonoids) [43].
    Studies of fish consumption observed lower risk of dementia
    with just one fish meal a week with no additional benefit
    evident for higher servings per week [44–46]. Thus, the
    highest possible score for this component of the MIND
    diet score is attributed to one or more servings per week.
    Mediterranean diet interventions supplemented with either
    nuts or extra-virgin olive oil were effective in maintaining
    higher cognitive scores compared with a low-fat diet in a
    substudy of PREDIMED [6], a randomized trial designed
    to test diet effects on cardiovascular outcomes among Span-
    iards at high cardiovascular risk. The MIND diet compo-
    nents directed to limiting intake of unhealthy foods for the
    brain target foods that contribute to saturated and trans fat in-
    takes; these include red meat and meat products, butter and
    stick margarine, whole fat cheese, pastries and sweets, and
    fried/fast foods. Fat composition that is higher in saturated
    and trans fats and lower in polyunsaturated and monounsat-
    urated fats lead to blood-brain barrier dysfunction and

    Table 3

    Estimated effects (b)* of theMIND diet score on the rate of change in global cognitive score and change in five cognitive domains amongMAP participants over

    an average 4.7 years of follow-up in adjusted* mixed models

    Estimated effects Global cognition












    ny 960 949 945 932 934 957
    b 0.0090 0.0079 0.0069 0.0057 0.0088 0.0049

    Standard error 0.0023 0.0027 0.0026 0.0025 0.0024 0.0024

    P value .0001 .003 .007 .02 .0002 .04


    ny 818 808 804 793 794 816
    b 0.0095 0.0080 0.0105 0.0077 0.0084 0.0050

    Standard error 0.0023 0.0028 0.0027 0.0025 0.0024 0.0024

    P value ,.0001 .004 .0001 .002 .0003 .04
    Basic 1 cardiovascular conditionsx

    ny 860 850 846 835 836 858
    b 0.0106 0.0090 0.0113 0.0077 0.0097 0.0060

    Standard error 0.0023 0.0028 0.0027 0.0025 0.0023 0.0024

    P value ,.0001 .001 ,.0001 .002 ,.0001 .01

    Abbreviations: MIND, Mediterranean-DASH diet intervention for neurodegenerative delay; MAP, Memory and Aging Project.

    *b 5 beta coefficient from the model for the interaction term between MIND diet score and time.
    yn 5 total number of participants with complete data for model.
    zBasic model includes age at the first cognitive assessment, Mind diet score, sex, education, participation in cognitive activities, APOE ε4 (any ε4 allele),

    smoking history (current, past, and never), physical activity hours per week, total energy intake, time and interaction terms between time and each model co-

    xBasic model plus history of stroke, myocardial infarction, diabetes, hypertension, and interaction terms between each covariate and time.
    kComposite score of the following seven instruments: Immediate memory test and delayedmemory test from Story A Logical Memory subset of theWechsler

    memory scale-revised; immediate word recall and delayed word recall of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD) word list

    recall; CERAD word list recognition; and immediate memory test and delayed memory test of the East Boston Story.
    {Composite score of the following three instruments: Verbal fluency from CERAD; 15-item version of the Boston naming test; and 15-item reading test.
    #Composite score of the 15-item version of judgment of line orientation and the 16-item version of standard progressive matrice.

    **Composite score of the following four measures: Oral version of the symbol digit modalities test; number comparison; and two indices from a modified

    version of the Stroop neuropsychological screening test.
    yyComposite score of the following three instruments: digit span subtests-forward of the Wechsler memory scale-revised; digit span subtests-backward of the

    Wechsler memory scale-revised; and digit ordering.

    M.C. Morris et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 11 (2015) 1015-10221020

    increased Ab aggregation [22]. Fish are a rich source of
    long-chain n-3 fatty acids which have been shown to reduce
    Ab formation and oxidative damage and to increase synaptic
    proteins and dendritic spine density [47,48].

    The study findings are supported by a number of strengths
    including the prospective study design with up to 10 years of
    follow-up, annual assessment of cognitive function using a
    battery of standardized tests, comprehensive assessment of
    diet using a validated questionnaire, and statistical control
    of the important confounding factors. Another important
    strength is that the MIND diet score was devised based on
    expansive reviews of studies relating diet to brain function
    [20–22,36]. None of the studies included in these reviews
    were conducted in the MAP study cohort. The fact that the
    food components were selected independently of the best
    statistical prediction of the outcome in the MAP study
    population lends validity to the MIND diet as a preventive
    measure for cognitive decline with aging.

    A limitation of the study is that the dietary questionnaire
    had few questions to measure some of the dietary compo-
    nents and limited information on frequency of consumption.
    For example, a single item each provided information on con-
    sumption of nuts, berries (strawberries), beans, and olive oil.

    However, this imprecision in the measurement of the MIND
    scorewould tend to underestimate the diet effect on cognitive
    decline. Another limitation is the self-report of diet which
    some studies suggest can lead to biased reporting in over-
    weight [49] and cognitively impaired [50] adults. Concern
    that biased diet reporting could explain the findings is miti-
    gated by the fact that statistical control for factors such as
    obesity, education, age, and physical activity had no impact
    on the estimated MIND diet effect and the association re-
    mained strong in analyses that omitted the participants with
    mild cognitive impairment and whose diet scores changed
    over the study period. Furthermore, we observed no modifi-
    cation in the effect by level of these potential confounders.

    The primary limitation of the study is that it is observa-
    tional and thus the findings cannot be interpreted as a
    cause-and-effect relation. Replication of the findings in
    other cohort studies is important for confirmation of the as-
    sociation; however, a diet intervention trial is required to
    establish a causal relation between diet and prevention of
    cognitive decline. Furthermore, the findings were based on
    an old, largely non-Hispanic white study population and
    cannot be generalized to younger populations or different
    racial/ethnic groups.

    M.C. Morris et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 11 (2015) 1015-1022 1021

    The MIND diet is a refinement of the extensively studied
    cardiovascular diets, the Mediterranean and DASH diets,
    with modifications based on the scientific literature relevant
    to nutrition and the brain. This literature is underdeveloped
    and, therefore, modifications to the MIND diet score would
    be expected as new scientific advances are made.


    The study was funded by grants (R01AG031553 and
    R01AG17917) from the National Institute on Aging.

    Supplementary data

    Supplementary data related to this article can be found at


    1. Systematic review: We performed extensive reviews
    of the literature on nutrition and neurodegenerative
    diseases and cognitive decline to devise a brain
    healthy diet called MIND. The reviews included an-
    imal models, prospective epidemiologic studies, and
    randomized trials of nutrients, individual foods, and
    whole diets.

    2. Interpretation: The MIND diet builds on previously
    tested diets, particularly the Mediterranean and
    DASH diets, for prevention of dementia outcomes
    by incorporating specific foods and intake levels
    that reflect the current state of knowledge in the field.

    3. Future directions: In the present study, theMIND diet
    was strongly associated with slower cognitive
    decline and had greater estimated effects than either
    the Mediterranean diet or the DASH diet. Future
    studies should evaluate and confirm the preventive
    relation of the MIND diet to cognitive change in
    other populations. As the field develops, the MIND
    dietary components should be modified to reflect
    new knowledge on nutrition and the brain.


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      MIND diet slows cognitive decline with aging
      1. Introduction
      2. Methods
      2.1. Study population
      2.2. Cognitive assessments
      2.3. Diet assessment
      2.4. MIND diet score
      2.5. DASH and Mediterranean diet scores
      2.6. Covariates
      2.7. Statistical methods
      3. Results
      4. Discussion
      Supplementary data

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