Critical reasoning week 5 Discussion

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This is a graded discussion: 25 points possible due Aug 10 at 1:59am

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Week 5 Discussion: In My Opinion
47 47

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Initial Post Instructions
Consider one of the following current social issues – or one of your choice:

For the initial post, address the following:

The initial post is not about how “correct” your position is; it is about how you arrived at your position
on the issue. This discussion requires application of metacognition – thinking about how you think.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Textbook: Chapter 10, 1


Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Opioid crisis
Legalization of recreational or medical marijuana


Elimination of the electoral college
Gun control

State your position on one of these issues – are you for, against, or neutral? Explain why. Avoid
vagueness or ambiguity in your response. Make your position very clear.
Examine how you have formed that opinion.

How well do you think you know the facts?

Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue?

Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you
applied System-2?

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how you

formed your opinions?

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Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more
information and clarification.

In your responses, look for another student’s post, either on the same or a different issue. Choose,
where possible, a peer whose initial post has not yet been examined by another student, and examine
it. Do you agree or disagree with your peer?

You should also look at responses to your initial post:

You may find that just the minimum three posts are not sufficient to discover whether you can identify
these elements. You will have to make a judgement call: do the minimum three and miss out on the
deep thinking required by this exercise, or go beyond the minimum three and really begin to
understand your thought processes and the concept of critical thinking.

A very valuable final post would be to discuss your judgment call: perhaps you “got it” in three;
perhaps you opted for more than three; perhaps other demands on your time did not allow you to
exercise as much deep thinking as you would have liked to do. Perhaps you did not see much value in
the discussion – a very valuable final post would be a brief statement of why you found it so. Do not be
shy about critiquing the exercise. Look at “A Poorly Crafted Assignment” in section 11.1 of the text in
which the authors critique a similar assignment.

Writing Requirements

This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:

Course Outcomes (CO): 2, 4, 5, 6

Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday

Is your initial reaction to your peer “So, right; you bet!” or is it “So wrong, you’re all wet!”
Examine carefully your thinking in response to your peers:

What part, if any, have facts, heuristics, or dominance structuring played in your response?
What part, if any, has cognitive bias played in your response?

Did your peer fairly evaluate you? Discuss this with your peer.

Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)
Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Link (webpage): Discussion Guidelines

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Due Date for Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

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( Sheffield (Instructor)
Jun 22, 2020


Greetings Students,

You are only required to post an initial answer post and ONE follow-up post in each
required discussion, each week.

Please make your TWO posts each week between Monday and Sunday. Your posts must
occur on different days with the first post occurring by Wednesday. If there are
extenuating circumstances, please communicate with your professor.

Systems Thinking is a new term for many individuals. There are many ways of thinking and this
comes as a surprise to some people. This is because our previous training and experience often
locks us into a particular way of thinking about a situation.

It is very useful to have different tools of thought in order to set about thinking about the
situation, exploring new angles, trying out different boundaries and generating a more rounded
appreciation of the situation, however complicated, familiar or unusual. A very important part of
this ability to explore and value others’ points of view, trying out their perspectives a


incorporating their insights. All these features characterize systems thinking.

Two points about these ways of thinking are worth mentioning. First, they are the basis for
genuine intellectual skills; second, some of them may initially appear strange and feel decidedly
awkward. Others you will find, more naturally. Which ones proved easy or difficult will depend on
your existing patterns of thought. This means that you will not be able to decide how useful a
particular tool will be until you have acquired a reasonable measure of proficiency and tried it on
some actual problems. Which tools work for you will also depend on the sorts of problem you

Systems thinking is useful for investigating complex situations. It involves a holistic approach
that looks at the behavior of wholes, and the many interconnections between the components,



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Edited by Sonja Sheffield ( on Jun 22 at 12:39pm

using a variety of methods. Some of these methods are systematic and orderly but in general
systematic thinking is more prevalent where situations are broken down into parts and mostly
simple, linear cause and effect relationships examined.

Let’s consider cognitive biases. By utilizing critical thinking and understanding cognitive biases,
you will be able to form an argument.

At this point you have learned a lot about how to think critically. Now you should be able to write
critically. When you are writing critically, you will be able to word your thoughts better, and your
paragraphs will be more useful – it won’t just be about word count anymore, but the word counts
will be met regardless.

Consider the following series of questions to ask yourself.

We already learned about how to determine whether an argument is valid, but you also need to
be able to defend your arguments with premises and supporting details. If you cannot do this,
your point of view will be easy to poke holes in and will collapse like a house of cards.

Think about your responses to some of the above when you start preparing your essay.


e-Book – Lovell, S. (2018) How to improve your critical thinking skills.

Is your idea/argument a good or bad one?
Is my argument valid and defensible? Is it the opposite?

It is my position on the issue rational and reasonable?
Do I deal with the complexity of the situation or do I only utilize clichés and stereotypes to
make my point?
Do I touch deeper points, or do I only scraped the surface when talking about my topic?
Do I address the other points of view properly?
Do I question my own ideas and test them for validity?
Do I have specific goals in mind with this writing?
Is the purpose of my writing clear and easily found?
What questions does this essay answer? What questions are explored? From what
perspective is my argument?
Where did I get my information? Are the sources valid? Was the information consistent in
all of my sources?
What concepts are central in my line of thinking?
What conclusions am I making? What premises do I include?
Am I making any assumptions? Are these assumptions that I should be making?

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Ashlyn Nichols


Hello Everyone,

I decided to select the issue gun control. Gun control is a touchy topic within the United
States. I am against stricter gun laws within the United States. I grew up in the country with a father
that always carried a registered firearm everywhere he went. Personally it made me feel safe when
entering a bad neighborhood or new area we haven’t visited before. I am against stricter gun laws
mainly for a couple reasons. With establishing these laws the people following them are already
law abiding citizens, and the ones that will continue to do what they please are the individuals
causing crime and harm in the community. Secondly, “gun control laws infringe upon the right to
self-defense and deny people a sense of safety” (Pros & Cons, 2020). Without citizens having a
sense of safety it could alter individuals well being and their willingness to go out in public. Lastly I
believe more gun control is not needed; education about guns and gun safety is needed to prevent
accidental gun deaths in the United States (Pros & Cons, 2020).
I feel that I am fairly educated on the topic but definitely could use more information
regarding the pros and cons on stricter gun control laws. I feel as if my opinion is biased because I
was raised in a family that was against stricter gun laws. When researching statistics on gun
control there is a lot of data collected on this issue. Yes, I do understand the statistical side of this
issue. For example, “Mexico has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and yet, in
2012, Mexico had 11,309 gun murders (9.97 gun homicides per 100,000 people) compared to the
United States that had 9,146 gun homicides (2.97 per 100,000 people)” (Pros & Cons, 2020). I
believe these statistics are very informing and easy to understand and comprehend. I believe I
have formed my opinion based on system-1 thinking because it was unconscious and quick, it took
little to no effort for me to form this opinion.

“Heuristics is a mental shortcut that allows people to solve problems and make judgments
quickly and efficiently” (Cherry, K., 2020). When developing my opinion, I based it on past events in
my child hood where my dad played a major role in establishing gun rights. So, when asked about
“stricter gun laws” I instantly establish my opinion against them.

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“Cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking that occurs when people are processing
and interpreting information in the world around them and affects the decisions and judgments that
they make.
dominance structuring” (Cherry, K., 2020). Yet my opinion varies from others I think it is important
to remember everyone has a different view on things and that is okay. When looking at the pros
and cons towards stricter gun laws I feel as if I see both views. Looking at a situation or topic from
a different aspect is extremely important when formulating an opinion.
“Dominance structuring is the psychological process through which humans achieve
confidence in their decisions” (Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A., 2016). I feel confident in my pinion
towards stricter gun control laws. I feel as if I stand up for those individuals that follow the law and
act in a professional manner while carrying a firearm. Not all individuals are dangerous that carry a
gun, I simply look at it as a protection device.


Cherry, K. (2020, January 10). How Heuristics Help You Make Quick Decisions or Biases.
Retrieved August 03, 2020, from

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

Pros & Cons – (2020, June 12). Retrieved August 03, 2020, from https://gun-


( Sheffield (Instructor)



Ashlyn, thank you for your post this week and responding to the questions posed in the
initial prompt.

Respectfully I have a few comments on what you wrote, “it made me feel safe when
entering a bad neighborhood…”. Over the years I have pondered on how a gun can make
anyone feel safe nowadays; simply because more people have guns today than ever. And I
think you would agree nobody has a fist fight anymore, nobody fights with knives, therefore,
I’m thinking just because I’m with someone that has a gun that don’t necessarily make me
feel safe because other people have guns to write? What are your thoughts about that – I’m
just curious.

And I would agree with you that you are opinion is biased because of your enculturation.

Which of the following statements about holistic thinking are true, and which are false?

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” Reply &

1. It separates causes and effects.
2. it always considers the motives of the people involved
3. it simplifies the ideas and information in a given situation.
4. It takes holes as its unit of analysis.
5. It examines each aspect of a problem separately.


Caitlyn Pienkowski



I believe we do have an Opioid crisis, not only in the US, but in the entire world. The New York
Times estimated over 400,000 people have died of opioid overdoses nationally over the past two
decades (2019). This is significant enough to say there is an opioid crisis. Healthcare is estimated
costing $78.5 billion in opioids, according to the Editorial Board, just to have thousands of people
to overdose (2019).

How well do you think you know the facts?

-I know that there could be numbers as high has 400,000 people however I was not that well
informed on that particular estimation.

Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue?

– Yes I know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue.

Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you applied

– I think I have applied System-2 thinking. System-2 thinking is useful for judgments in unfamiliar
situations, for processing abstract concepts, and for deliberating when there is time for planning
and more comprehensive consideration (Gittens, 2015). System-1 thinking applies more to an
automatic, reactive response.

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how you have

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formed your opinions?

– We get through the routine parts of our day making quick, automatic reactive heuristic judgments,
which applies making a judgement on how bad an opioid crisis is (Gittens, 2015). A cognitive bias
would be to expedite our judgments about what to believe or what to do about the opioid crisis
(Gittens, 2015). Dominance structuring, you’re able to make a decision confident enough in the
choice you have made and form a plan of action (Gittens, 2015).


Gittens, P.F.C. A. (2015). THINK Critically. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved


Editorial Board. (2019).
opioid.html?searchResultPosition=3 (

( Sheffield (Instructor)


Caitlyn, thank you for your post this week and responding to the questions posed in the
initial prompt.

I say this very respectfully but when I saw the 400,000 people having died from opioid over
divorces and I understand how many people are in the world which is billions, as I’m sure
you will agree, that number didn’t seem that great to me – but that’s just me. Why do you
see that this is significant enough- I’m curious?

What is the statistical information that you gleaned regarding this topic that you would
indicate that you understand the statistical information applicable to the issue?

Would you be able to share an example of when you have applied systems to thinking?

The fact that there are different ways of thinking comes as a surprise to most people. That’s
because our previous training and experience often locks us into a particular way of thinking
about the situation. But consider, in some instances, it is often useful to have different tools
for thought in order to set about thinking about the situation, exploring new angles, trying out
different boundaries and generating a more rounded appreciation of the situation, however
complicated, familiar or unusual.

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” Reply &

Based on what you have gleaned so far from the text, does the following describe a
person stuck in the trap through the way they think or act? Explain.

Sally and Jim spent hours with holiday brochures each year; the problem of finding the right
summer holiday for themselves and their three teenage daughters. Partly it was a problem
of timing. In the summer, all three daughters had different activities, one was an orchestra,
one rode horses and one spent a couple of weeks with her grandparents. It was also a
question of money. If all three daughters came, they couldn’t afford as expensive a holiday
as if only one cane, and there was the added complication that two of the daughters might
bring boyfriends, and what they could afford had to be considered. Finally, it was never easy
to find a place they all wanted to go. Much to Sally and Jim’s regret, they had had a family
vacation together for three years.


Christine Mercado



Professor and Class,

I decided to select the issue of vaping. I am against vaping as a number of vaping-related health
problems and deaths in the United States are on the rise. According to the CDC as of February
2020, a total of 2,807 hospitalized cases have been reported from all 50 states. Sixty eight deaths
have been confirmed in 29 states. Among the cases reported to the CDC, the median age range
was 24 years old. As 34% of patients were between the ages of 18-24 years old.

How well do you think you know the facts?

I am aware that there have been many hospitalized cases due to vaping-related health problems,
but I did not know the exact number of cases.

Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue?

Yes, I understand the statistical information that applies to this issue, it was easy to comprehend
and the CDC had a data table that showed which states had the highest cases and the age group
that was most affected.

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” Reply &
Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you applied

I think I applied System-2 thinking in forming my opinion. According to the textbook, System-


thinking is more reflective, deliberate, and analytical. As I was researching the issue of vaping, I
carefully looked at the data provided by the CDC and reflected on the facts and latest information
that was provided.

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how you have
formed your opinions?

Heuristics is cognitive shortcuts that people rely on to make quick and reactive judgments. When
forming my opinion, I relied on past experiences where I have seen vaping being a huge problem
in my high school. Cognitive bias and heuristics can play a role in forming opinions, because some
biases are related to memory and relying on this kind of systematic error can lead to bias or
selective decision making. Dominance structuring results in confidence. I am confident in my
opinion. “the more unreasonable, biased, irrational, and unrealistic we have been in our dominance
structuring, the greater the risks of poor decisions.” (Facione, 2016). As I was forming my opinion, I
applied System-2 thinking. I made sure I researched so that I was informed about the issue on
vaping. I was reflective and analytical towards the information that I read about, before forming my
opinion. I did not form my opinion by being quick and reactive.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, February 25). Outbreak of Lung Injury
Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Products. Centers for Disease Control and

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3rd. Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

( Sheffield (Instructor)

Christine, thank you for your post this week and responding to the questions posed in the
initial prompt.

So you wrote that the CDC indicated 2807 hospitalized cases were reported from all 50
states. Do you see that statistically unreasonable based on how many billions of people are
in the 50 states overall, population was?

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So would you say that the answer to the question as to how well you think you know the
facts would be limited? And the reason I asked that is because being aware that there have
been many hospitalized cases due to vaping, many is a bit of a vague term in that many
compares to what?

And I’m so glad you provided the link because I went and I looked at the statistical
information as well but I wasn’t overly convinced or panicky. What do you suppose that I’m
missing that you caught?

We can think about anything holistically. But when we apply holistic thinking to systems, we
find that some ideas and techniques are particularly useful; these ideas and techniques
constitute systems thinking.

Many people think that systems for systemic thinking is systematic thinking. Although both
words are derived from the same Greek word for “a setting or placing together”, systematic
means “having a plan or a method” while systemic means “affect the entire body or
organism”. So systematic thinking deals with orderly, methodical thinking and systemic
thinking with the behavior of wholes.

A number of solutions have been proposed to alleviate the problem. Without attempting to
evaluate their acceptability or practicability, identify which ideas arise from the reductionist,
closely focused, approach to the issue in which from a broader holistic approach.

1. Increased police powers to stop and search so that suspended drug users can be
identified more easily

2. Use aerial spraying to eliminate drug crops identified by satellite.
3. Pay farmers not to grow drug crops.
4. Legalize all drugs to eliminate the criminality associated with drug production and

5. Provide free, confidential help to anyone using illegal drugs.
6. Provide cheap, safe drugs on the free market to undercut the criminal interest.
7. Increase customs vigilance at all points of entry to the European Union


Monica Hernandez

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Professor and Class,

Vaping is one of the main social issues, as the number of vaping related illnesses and deaths are
continuing to rise, health officials identified vitamin E acetate an oily, sticky substance sometimes
used as a thickening agent in vaping products as a possible cause of the illnesses. According to
WebMD, HEALTH NEWS mentions, “Calling it a “breakthrough,” the agency says it found vitamin
E (
activeingredientid=954&activeingredientname=vitamin+e) acetate in all 29 samples of lung
( fluid from patients with vaping
( -related lung
injury ( “(Doheny 2019). So the growing use of vapes
and e-cigarettes are only contributing to the negative health consequences that smokers face. The
consequences can be affecting our social life. Some of the health problems are respiratory
infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia and also vaping appears to have a number of negative
effects on oral health. In system 2 thinking I consider the option is to give proper counseling to the
people. mainly focusing on school ( students and
recommend to keep the distance from unsupportive people to break from vaping, recommit to
quitting, proper health ( education to the family and society.

Vaping Statistics states, “According to Statistic Stats (
statistics-vape-stats-facts/) , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found that 38
percent of high school ( students and 13 percent
of middle school ( children have tried vaping. These
numbers reflect rapid growth in popularity over the past five years. Even though the e-cigarette
industry is less regulated than cigarettes, it is still illegal for minors under age 18 to buy vaping
pens”( ( factstatistics
( 2018).

Teachers guide to manage to vape in the classroom, Conduct ridiculous campaigns against vaping,
conduct debate within students and society, Psychological and emotional support for the people.
provide a facility for conduct studies based on vaping.


Doheny, K., 2020. CDC: Vitamin E Likely Culprit In Vaping Cases. [online] WebMD. Available at:
[Accessed 4 August 2020].

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2018. [online] Available at:

( Sheffield (Instructor)
” Reply &

Monica, thank you for your post this week and responding to the questions posed in the
initial prompt.

You are correct vaping is one of the main social issues today. And I am just amazed and
appalled that vaping stores are still open and doing business and much of the younger
generation are still vaping. I asked myself, “why.”?

You provided a link to statistics stats, what you know about that organization if anything?
And what about fact statistics, same question?

Could you take a look at the initial question prompts again because there are a few of the
questions you did not answer as it relates to systems one and system two thinking.

Given the following argument, what are your thoughts as to it describing a person stuck in a
trap through the way they think or act? The following goes to problem-solving and decision-

Sally and Jim spent hours with holiday brochures each year; the problem was finding the
right summer holiday for themselves and their three teenage daughters. Partly it was a
problem of timing. In the summer, all three daughters had different activities, one was in an
orchestra, one rode horses and one spent a couple weeks with her grandparents. It was
also a question of money. If all three daughters came, they couldn’t afford as expensive a
holiday as if only one came, and there was the added complication that two of the daughters
might bring boyfriends, and what they could afford had to be considered. Finally, it was
never easy to find a place they all wanted to go. Much to Sally and Jim’s regret, they had
had a family holiday together for three years.


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Wei Wen Chiang

” Reply &

I support legalization of medical marijuana. I believe the medical use of marijuana can help patient
managing his or her discomfort. According to Hill, use of marijuana for chronic pain, neuropathic
pain, and spasticity due to multiple sclerosis is supported by high quality evidence (Hill, 2015). I
believe if marijuana can help people with doctor’s order, it should be legalized.

How well do you think you know the facts?
I believed that I am well informed about the facts of the use of medical marijuana. I have done
some research before for another class. The benefits presented was more than the harm it will

Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue?
There are countless trials to be done in the hospitals with the usage of marijuana. Meanwhile most
of the data shows that the usage of medical marijuana has a positive outcome with managing
patient’s pain. There are some discussions about how others may obtain marijuana with people
with medical license.

Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you applied
I have applied system-2 thinking. According to the book, System-2 is more reflective, deliberative,
analytical and procedural (Facione & Gittens, 2016). I have analyzed the situation; I saw both
positive and negative side of what medical marijuana can do and try to come up with a decision.

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how you have
formed your opinions?
I believe that my experiences plays a major part when I am trying to formed my opinions. Cognitive
heuristics are the mental shortcuts when we are trying to make decisions. In this case, I use my
cancer experience and to imagine that if medical marijuana can help to relieve some of the nausea
and vomiting I have experienced, it would help others also.

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3rd. Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

Hill, K. (2015, June 23). Medical Marijuana for Treatment of Chronic Pain and Other Problems.
Retrieved August 04, 2020, from

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( Sheffield (Instructor)

” Reply &

Ann, thank you for your post for this week and answering the questions posed in the initial

When you wrote, “. . . you believe you know the facts. . .” how so exactly, by rate methods?

Do you have specific statistical information that you reviewed to make your statement, if so,
can yo provide that information or the link please.

Given the following argument, what are your thoughts as to it describing a person stuck in a
trap through the way they think or act?

Sally and Jim spent hours with holiday brochures each year; the problem was finding the
right summer holiday for themselves and their three teenage daughters. Partly it was a
problem of timing. In the summer, all three daughters had different activities, one was in an
orchestra, one rode horses and one spent a couple weeks with her grandparents. It was
also a question of money. If all three daughters came they couldn’t afford as expensive a
holiday as if only one came, and there was the added complication that two of the daughters
might bring boyfriends, and what they could afford had to be considered. Finally it was never
easy to find a place they all wanted to go. Much to Sally and Jim’s regret, they had had a
family holiday together for three years.


Britney Parkerton


Hello Professor and class,

I decided to go with gun control laws for my issue. I am against stricter gun laws and believe that
here in California the gun laws are too strict. I support an open carry policy. I am against gun
control because for one it is our right as Americans to bear arms. We have a right to protect and

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defend ourselves in danger, especially in our own homes. Secondly, people that listen to the gun
control laws are people that obey the law, and most of the people committing crimes do not follow
the law. They can easily purchase nonregistered firearms elsewhere. As far as school shootings
go, I believe that our country should focus on the mental health crisis and do more to recognize
and help children that are struggling. We also need to educate people, particularly children, more
on proper gun safety to reduce the number of accidental shootings.

I have formed this opinion regarding gun control on my own as I have gotten older. We did not
grow up with guns in our house. I have done my own research and spoken with friends and family
regarding this issue. However, I do not know any statistical information regarding gun control. I
decided to look up statistics on gun control and whether in areas with stricter gun control if there
were less violent crimes committed. The study posted in Sage Journals (2016) discussed a study
performed in 1990 that included every U.S city with a population of at least 25,000. It measured the
effectiveness of 19 different types of major gun control laws, and different levels of gun ownership.
The study showed that stricter gun control laws had no effect on lower violent crime rates.
However, the study did note that the need to present a valid license and banning alcoholics from
obtaining firearms did reduce the amount of homicides and robbery (Kleck et al.). While I know that
I need to do more research regarding gun control laws and their effectiveness I do feel like this
study helps validate my opinion.

When it comes to which system, I have used regarding gun control I would say System-2. In our
textbook Facione (2016) discusses how System-2 thinking uses more of a thorough understanding
and is good to use for judgements in new situations that are not well understood. I believe my
opinion on gun control has been formed over many years of learning about guns and gun control. I
was not raised around guns, and it was not until later in life that I decided to learn more about guns
and how I felt about owning and using them.

I do not believe that heuristics play a part in my opinion. This was not a quick decision I made to
speed up my judgment on the matter, but rather an opinion I have formed over an extended period.
I also do not believe that I use cognitive bias in my opinion. While the study I read supported my
stance on the issue I would be open to reading statistics and articles that went against my belief as
well. I am also opened to hearing out other opinions regarding gun control, and I realize that not
everybody shares the same opinions as me. However, I am firm in my stance and that would not
change, and this demonstrates dominance structuring. I am confident in my choice on being
opposed to strict gun control laws.


Fac-ione, P., & Gittens, C.A. (2016). THINK Critically (3 Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.

Kleck, G., Kovandzic, T., & Bellows, J. (2016). Does Gun Control Reduce Violent Crime?. Sage
Journals, 41 (4), 488-513.


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( Sheffield (Instructor)
” Reply &

Britney, thank you for your post and answering the questions posed in the initial question

So it would appear that your opinions on gun control is based on your enculturation; that’s

This is may an off-type question but why do you suppose even having stricter gun laws had
no impact on those states reported?

Which of the following statements about holistic thinking are true, and which are false?
Explain your answer.

1. It separate causes and effects.
2. It always considers the motives of the people involved
3. It simplifies the ideas and information in a given situation.
4. It takes wholes as its unit of analysis.
5. It examines each aspect of a problem separately.


Chloe Williams


Chloe Williams

Week 5 Discussion

Hello Professor and Class,

I will be speaking on the legalization of recreational and medical marijuana. I am all for

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legalizing medical marijuana. Marijuana is currently an illegal drug in many parts of the U.S. but I
feel that there are also many benefits to this drug. Many people use it for a reason. The main
reason I am all for legalizing medical marijuana is because it can relieve symptoms for almost
more health issues. It is even determined that it is safer to use than other medications to treat the
same symptoms (Marrow, 2020). I have a family member that suffers from bad anxiety and
depression. When using marijuana, it calms everything done for him. I witness that. Also with
cancer patients as well. I’ve seen them feel a lot better after treatments just from using marijuana. I
believe that I understand the use of legalizing marijuana for medical use. There’s always room to
learn more but I think I know enough to state my opinion. I think that I’ve applied both System-1
and System-2 thinking. My opinion was made immediately based off the experience I witness with
my family member. That’s System-1 thinking. System-2 thinking was applied after I done more
research and confirmed my opinion. There was no heuristics that played a part in my opinion.
Legalizing medical marijuana has been a discussion for a while now and I have always been with
it. I did’t just form my opinion. One cognitive bias that played a part in my opinion is the witness of
what marijuana can do medically from my family member. Same with dominance structuralism.
Seeing what marijuana can do for someone medically make me confident in my opinion. I believe
that medical marijuana should be legalized and I know that it will do good for patients in the future.

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

Marrow, Angela. 2020. Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana. Very Well Health. Retrieved from


( Sheffield (Instructor)

Chloe, thank you for your post for this week and answering the questions posed from the
initial prompt.

Can you share the additional research that you found that had a place in informing your

Let’s consider biases for a moment. “You are all invited to a fun get together at my house
where we will watch popular Japanese anime, eat caramel popcorn, paint each other’s
faces and play hide and seek in the yard”. What type of bias do you see here? I look
forward to your response.

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Adilene Alvarez



I decided to go with Vaping. I am against vaping because the harm it does to the respiratory
system and heart. Some people decide to switch from smoking tobacco cigarettes to vaping
because many believe the harm is less. However, Vaping could causes the same damage.

How well do you think you know the facts?
I do not think I am an expert on the subject. What I know is brief information I have read in articles.
Vaping and smoking cigarettes share similar side effects in a long term.

Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue?
Yes, I do understand the statistical information about vaping. In 2014 13.4% of high school
students reported using e-cigarettes in the previous 30 days, whereas 9.2% said that they used
tobacco cigarettes (Kamerow,2015). Vaping has increased throughout the years.

Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you applied
I used system-1 thinking because I based my opinion on what I know. According to the textbook,
System-1 thinking relies heavily on salient memories, heuristic thinking to arrive quickly and
confidently judgments (Facione,2016).

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how you have
formed your opinions
Heuristics, I based my opinion on articles I have read in the past. When vaping was becoming a
trend. Cognitive bias, I formed my opinion on what I think is the right thing to do, however, many
people have been vaping for years and have not presented any side effects. Dominance
structuring, I feel confident with my opinion, there are research that suggests vaping is bad for the
heart and lungs.


Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3rd. Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA

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Kamerow D. Teenagers, smoking, and vaping. BMJ : British Medical Journal (Online). 2015 Apr


Monica Hernandez

” Reply &

Hi Adilene,

I also talked about vaping. You mention that it does damage to your respiratory system, this is
very true because it can eventually lead to severe lung conditions. According to John Hopkins
Medicine it mentions, “Diacetyl is frequently added to flavored e-liquid to enhance the taste.
Inhaling diacetyl causes inflammation and may lead to permanent scarring in the smallest
branches of the airways — popcorn lung — which makes breathing difficult. Popcorn lung has
no lasting treatment”(Broderick 2020). This talks about the effects of vaping in the long run. I
feel like many individuals don’t see it as a big issue, but it is when the years go along. Thank
you for sharing!


Boderick, S., 2020. What Does Vaping Do To Your Lungs?. [online] Available at:


Amanda Torres


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Hi guys,

For my post this week I chose to talk about the social issue of gun control.

I’ll start off by saying that I am pro gun control in this country, and I believe we need stricter and
more substantial gun laws . I know that I have a bias towards guns because I have lived in Chicago
my whole life, and I was never raised around them. The only guns I saw growing up were in
movies or tv shows. That being said I work in an emergency room and I’ve seen how serious and
deadly guns can be and I think people take it for granted sometimes. In the time I’ve worked at this
ER i’ve seen multiple adult suicide attempts with guns as well as many successful adult and
pediatric fire arm deaths. Not to mention we live in a place where we constantly have to have
“active shooter” drills in schools and places of work, to prepare people for mass shooting that
continue to happen in our country. We have to explain to our children what it means and how to
prepare for a situation like that, because it’s not just some far off entity, it is very real. I feel like it’s
easier to walk into a Walmart and buy a gun than it is to have an abortion. When you make the
decision to terminate a pregnancy you have to make an appointment, be evaluated, fill out
paperwork, get another evaluation and continually get asked “if you’re sure or not.” Meanwhile, if
you obtain a license for a gun the background check isn’t as detailed, you don’t have to be
screened or evaluated mentally, and you can order a gun online.

After picking this topic I dove onto the internet to find some statistics, what I found really helped me
formulate my decision. According to, a website that helps you find statistics in your
state and city in regards to gun safety I found the following: “Nearly two-thirds of gun deaths are
suicides.” “Access to a gun triples the risk of death by suicide. Gun suicides are concentrated in
states with high rates of gun ownership.”

“In 2016, there were 20,360 deaths of people under the age of 19 in the U.S. Firearms were the
second most common cause of death.” (Zimmerman, 2019)” MVC’s were around 4,075 deaths and
firearms accounted for 3,143 deaths in the US for children that year. After reading more stats it
was clear that households with firearms put children more at risk to accidental deaths or suicide
than those who have none.

I do feel like people should be allowed have guns and a right to bare arms, but we need stricter
gun laws to keep people more accountable. I think those who wish to purchase a firearm should
have to go through multiple background checks and wait a certain amount of time before receiving
their license, and be legally required to purchase a gun safe and attend mandatory safety classes.
I do understand that there is a mental health issue in this country, and asking for people to undergo
a mental health check is honestly a bit unethical and breaks laws such as HIPPA. However, after
seeing first hand how children can gain access to guns and take their own lives, we need to
seriously make some changes. No matter how safe you think you are being, kids will and do find a
way to get in contact with these guns, and the impact on families can be devastating and fatal.

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I believe I have come to my stance on gun control based on a System -2 type thinking. From the
reading I have done for this week (Facione, 2016) I understand that this system has to do with a
good understanding of a topic or idea and can be used for situations where you might be newer
towards and not understand completely. I believe that my opinion on more gun control and
regulation is a result of seeing it first hand and years of learning of statistics and stories. I was not
influenced by my friends or family, I arrived at this conclusion on my own. I think that our current
gun regulations are not enough and something needs to be done to see a change in these
statistics for our country.


Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3rd. Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

Gun Violence in America. (2020, August 01). Retrieved August 05, 2020, from

Zimmerman, M., & Zimmerman, M. (2019, August 19). The Facts on Children and Teens Killed By
Guns. Retrieved August 05, 2020, from


Elijah Wiggin


I decided to choose the topic of vaping. I think that it is something dangerous and is harming
people. I have seen the affects vaping has on people from a medical stance. In the hospital there
have been many patients that have been admitted due to a them vaping. Some cases more
extreme than others but they have been becoming more of a medical issue. I have not done a ton
of research on it but from reading a couple articles and seeing it first hand I can tell that this is an
unhealthy alternative than smoking. “An FDA analysis of e-cigarettes from two leading brands
found that the samples contained carcinogens and other hazardous chemicals, including
diethylene glycol, which is found in antifreeze.” (Northwestern Medicine, 2020) I think that I have
formed my opinion using system 1. Making my opinion based off of reactive thinking and the facts
of what is happening.

“Heuristic thinking is the often quite useful tendency to rely on highly effective cognitive shortcuts

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when making judgements.” (Facione, P & Gittens, pg 217) Using this to make my opinion based
off of what I have experienced at work and seeing the outcome of it.

I used cognitive bias by making my own judgement on the situation based off of the facts and what
I saw. Using this bias helped me form my opinion.

“Dominance structuring is the psychological process through which humans achieve confidence in
their decisions. ” (Faciones, P & Gittens, pg 235) I am confident about the stance I have on this
topic. With the little research I have done, all the information can support my argument.

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

Northwestern Medicine. Dangers of Vaping. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from



Ashley White


Hi Professor and Class!

Vaping has become very prevalent with teenagers in the last few years. Nicotine is very addictive.
Teens probably start vaping because of peer pressure and the many different tasteful flavors the
industry uses to lure them in. I’m against it because of the many different health risks they cause
and the fact that teens don’t realize how hard it is to quit once they are addicted. Some vape pens
now contain THC and is easier to hide than smoking marijuana. When teens vape marijuana
they’re putting two vital organs at risk: their brains and their lungs(Miech, 2020).

How well do you think you know the facts?
Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue?

I know the facts because I have two older boys- one graduated and one senior, and my daughter

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just started middle school. They speak a lot about peers their age vaping. My 17 year old was first
introduced to vaping when he was in the school bathroom in 7th grade. In 2018, 67% of high
school students and 49% of middle school students who used tobacco products in the past 30
days reported using a flavored tobacco product during that time(CDC, 2020).

Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you applied

I used system 2 to form my opinion. System 2 is more reflective and analytical reasoning when

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how you have
formed your opinions?

My immediate thought was that I’m against vaping because I have children that could become
addicted and develop health problems. Heuristics aloud me to make this discussion very quickly.
Dominance structuring is my end decision, to be against vaping, after all other possibilities were
ruled out.


Disease Control, C. (2020, July 07). Youth and Tobacco Use. Retrieved August 05, 2020, from

Meich, R. (2020, August 03). Vaping and Marijuana: What You Need to Know. Retrieved August
05, 2020, from


Jasmine Burgess


When it comes to gun control, I am neutral on this issue. I consider myself to be neutral on this
issue because I feel gun control is necessary because an individual should be able to protect
themselves in dangerous situations, but I also believe that with gun control, there can be an
increase in gun violence because more individuals will be able to carry a firearm. If an individual
and their family experience someone who is threatening their lives, I feel that they should be able
to protect themselves against this dangerous person using the firearm as a warning and potentially

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firing a shot if needed. There has always been one question in my mind about gun control which is,
how can we really determine how the firearm will be used once the citizen has legal possession?
The firearm can be used in situations of protection which can be beneficial, but the firearm can also
be used as an intimidation tactic or a means of retaliation. The beneficial part of gun control is that
every firearm is registered to an individual so if a person uses their registered firearm and kills
someone, there can be an investigation and the owner of the firearm will be held accountable

I believe that I can receive more information about gun control and the laws behind this issue to
gain a better understanding of how gun control will be beneficial to civilians. I do not know much
about the statistical information that applies to this issue. I used system-2 thinking because I did
not form my stance on gun control out of the “heat of the moment”. Gun control has been a topic
that has been spoken about a great deal in my family. My neutral stance comes from evaluating
situations that I see on the news regarding home invasions and robberies knowing that a situation
of a murdered victim may have had a different outcome if they owned a firearm but also realizing
that more guns on the streets means more gun violence.

Considering the gun control issue in terms of heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring
has played a role in how I formed my opinion on this issue by helping me to consider situations
with and without gun control laws. Making such a quick judgement of supporting gun control would
not necessarily be a sound decision. On an issue like this, it is best to evaluate the situations that
happen in life and how gun control can be beneficial or not beneficial in these situations.

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3rd. Ed. Pearson: Boston, MA.

Henderson, H. (2005). Gun Control: Vol. Rev. ed. Facts on File, Inc.


Aliyah Castleberry


Professor and Class,

For this week’s post, I am going to be discussing my position on the legalization of recreational or
medical marijuana. Personally, I support the legalization of recreational and medical marijuana. I

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support the legalization of marijuana in all forms for multiple reasons. The first being that
marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a natural plant. Plants are typically much better for us than
many drugs that are whipped up in labs. Second, if we were to legalize marijuana, there would be
no longer be thousands of people arrested or in prison each year for possession of marijuana.
Third, with the legalization of marijuana, I think there would be a decrease in opioid usage. Finally,
with the legalization of marijuana, physicians would be able to prescribe the drug for a variety of
things such as anxiety or pain instead of prescribing other drugs with potentially severe adverse

I feel that I am fairly well informed on the facts considering I have written multiple academic papers
on the legalization of marijuana.

This question is a bit tricky. I have done my fair share of research on this topic and I do believe that
I know and understand the statistical information as it applies to the issue, but with that said, I do
admit that there is a lot that I do not know about the matter. From the research I have done, there
is a large benefit to the use of marijuana itself in regard to other pharmacological means. I would
like to point out that there are negatives to the use of marijuana, but these are primarily present in
underage use. There have been studies done which prove that marijuana use in adolescence can
inhibit cognitive development.

According to the definitions in the book, I have formed my opinion using System-2 thinking. I
believe that I have applied this form of thinking because I reflected on the information observed, I
analyzed it, and I then reflected on it. I recognize that there are valid arguments for both the
positives and negatives of legalizing marijuana, and I respect both opinions.

I do not believe that heuristics played a part in forming my opinion. This opinion is something that I
have developed over time. If you would have asked me 7 years ago what I thought about the
legalization of marijuana, I would have said that there is no need for it. But now, after multiple

How well do you think you know the facts?
Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue?
Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you
applied System-2?

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how you
have formed your opinions?

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academic assignments, research, and thought on the matter, I support it. The opinion I have
formed is based on both research and observation of other’s experiences.

Thank you,

Aliyah Castleberry
Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3rd. Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

Salerno, A. (2019, December 23). The Economic Benefits of Legalizing Cannabis Usage.
Retrieved August 05, 2020, from


Jasmine Burgess

” Reply &

Hi Aliyah,

I enjoyed reading about your stance when it comes to the legalization of marijuana. I too
support the legalization of marijuana because of the many benefits it can have on the
economy. As you mentioned, it can be used for medicinal purposes and aid in pain relief and it
can decrease the amount of arrest and incarcerated individuals. With this being said,
legalization of marijuana can contribute to a better economy because its legal use can benefit
the economy financially. If marijuana is legalized, the government and states can begin to tax
for the purchases. Also, less tax dollars will have to go towards the prison system because
there will be no arrested for possession of marijuana causing a decrease in the number of
inmates. Those tax dollars can go towards more beneficial things. I feel that you thoroughly
thought about your stance on this issue and used your evaluations to make a sound
judgement of the issue! Thanks


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Juliana Shahly


In regard to vaping, I am not for it or against it. I believe that smoking, in general, can be bad for
health whether using a vape or cigarette. I believe that vaping works for some people instead of
cigarettes. For example, some people feel that lowering the nicotine percentage on pods can help
them slowly quit smoking. Of course, vaping is not good for health, but we cannot stop everyone
from smoking. Most people know that cigarettes and vaping are not good for health but still do It
anyway. I feel that it is up to the person to not smoke or vape. Also, there are people I have known
in the past who use to vape and were healthy. While researching the topic of vaping Buus et al.
(2019) state that most people who vape are young adults and teenagers.

I am not an expert on vapes, but I have done my research on the information of vaping because I
have known people in my past who have vaped. Also, I have researched academic journals on the
issue of vaping.

I do understand the statistical information that applies to this issue because Buus et al. (2019)
state that most people who vape are teenagers and young adults.

According to Facione and Gittens (2016), System-2 critical thinking is based on resolving the issue
at hand and uses evidence-based practice to monitor the issue, which is what I used in forming my

Heuristics is a judgment made quickly based on the issue at hand because usually there is no time
for reflective thinking (Facione & Gittens, 2016). When forming my opinion on vaping, I used my

How well do you think you know the facts?
Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue?
Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you
applied System-2?

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how
you have formed your opinions?

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critical thinking skills on the people I have known in my past who have vaped. Cognitive heuristics
are judgments that are based on real-life experiences, which could lead to bias (Facione & Gittens,
2016). For example, since I used people I have known in my past, it could cloud my opinion on
vaping because of those real-life experiences with those individuals but I made sure that I did my
research before assuming anything. Lastly, dominance structuring is being confident in the opinion
that was chosen (Facione & Gittens, 2016). For instance, I am confident in my opinion on vaping
because I made sure that my opinion was unbiased and reasonable (Facione & Gittens, 2016).


Buus, D., Alzoubaidi, M., & Jamous, F. (2019). Vaping Induced Lung Injury: A Case Report. South
Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association, 72(10), 446-449.

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.



Lynne Gallagher


The CDC reports that since the year 1999, over 450,000 people have died from drug overdose and
in the year 2018 two thirds of the deaths have been related to opioid overdose (CDC, 2020). I do
agree that opioid use is a crisis that requires our attention. In recent years the amount of deaths
related with opioids has increased for synthetic opioids that are illegally made and can frequently
be found mixed with heroin and cocaine. More programs and resources need to be used to help
identify those at risk or opioid overdose and to encourage those with addictions to seek help. Law
enforcement also needs to be utilized to help control the risk of addiction as a result of prescribed
medications and to help in cracking down on drug traffickers. This means more prescription
oversight and thorough investigations of prescribing practices of physicians, particularly those who

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have treated patients that have suffered an opioid overdose. Many who are at risk do not have
access to treatment facilities and struggle to get the help they need. Families are repeatedly torn
apart, subjected to significant amounts of stress and worry and many children are suffering due to
neglect from parent’s struggling with addiction.

I formed this opinion through personal experience with family members with addiction and from
research on the topic. While there is some emotion that has played a part in my opinion, statistics
also support that many Americans are affected by this crisis, at the minimum, 450,000 families
since 1999. These statistics do not include those that are currently being affected by someone
struggling with an addiction, which can cause emotional, mental and physical abuse, neglect, and

I do believe that I have a good grasp on the facts supporting the opioid crisis. I know it is a problem
and it is something that I have researched for years. The numbers are increasing and the ingenuity
of users and drug traffickers is constantly changing, which is supported by the increase in the
number of deaths caused by synthetic opioids that are not prescribed. I do feel that my research on
the ways to improve the crisis could use more time and evidence.

I do know and understand the statistics surrounding the opioid crisis. I understand that there are
different methods of accessing opioids such as prescription drugs (i.e. morphine, codeine,
tramadol…etc), illegally made fentanyl that is (commonly added to heroin and cocaine), and
heroin. I also understand the signs of opioid addiction weight loss, change in sleeping habits, and
behavioral changes. I would like to understand better the programs that are being tested to assist
in better drug prescribing practices, treatment programs and law enforcement initiatives.

System 1 thinking involves what some may call a gut-reaction or an emotional response. This type
of thinking relies strongly on what emotions the topic elicits or intuition (Facione & Gittens, 2016).
System 1 is essential for making quick decisions when we do not have the luxury of time. System 2
involves a more well thought out process that typical requires time, research and explanations.
Think Critically even mentions that this system allows you to self-analyze and correct your thought
process (Facione & Gittens). I do believe system 1 is the most heavily used process in forming my
opinion. However, my emotional response and experiences have influenced me to do more
research regarding the opioid crisis. My opinion is not solely based on emotion.

I would agree that heuristics has played some part in my opinion, mainly being that the initial
statistics of deaths related to opioid use in conjunction with my first-hand knowledge of the
damaging effects allowed me to be satisfied with the amount of research I have already found. I do
not see much affect from cognitive biases in my opinion as I do assume opioid addiction is a higher
risk for anyone based on their race, gender, economic status or background, unfortunately is a
crisis that affects almost ever group and community.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2020). Opioid overdose: Data overview.

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Facione, P. A., & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Think critically (3rd ed.). Pearson.


Amber Frill


Personally, I am heavily against the electoral college. Lets start with why it was started: because
when the country was founded there were no cell phones, news papers took months to circulate
and there was no good way to keep track of everyone. Speakers were nominated and sent from
the states with the understanding that the speaker would vote along with the majority of their state.
The first time the electoral college did not vote alongside the people was in 1876 during the
presidential race between Hayes and Tilden. Tilden won with 184 electoral votes but there were
accusations of voter fraud and a panel was set with the task of making some sort of decision. the
compromise was that Hayes assumed Presidency as long as federal soldiers were withdrawn from
the south.

In July of 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that an individual state can require that the electoral
college representative has to vote with the states popular vote amid question that there may be
personal agendas in the 2020 presidential debate. I think personally that there should be one
person one vote and abolish the electoral college entirely. we have the technology now to enable
us to do so and there truly is not a reason not to.

Fadem, B. (2020, July 14). Supreme Court’s “faithless electors” decision validates case for
the national popular vote interstate compact.
validates-case-for-the-national-popular-vote-interstate-compact/) (2017, September 1). The Electoral College: Top 3 pros and

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TIME. (2019, May 15). These presidents won the Electoral College — But not the popular
vote. Time.

( Sheffield (Instructor)

” Reply &

Amber, thank you for your post for this week and sharing your thoughts on the topic you

Just to inform you, pro is not a scholarly source and should not be used. Have you
looked at any other places that have deepened your understanding of the Electoral College?

Also, there are additional questions that you are being asked to answer. See the initial
question prompt.

One should not venture into a problem-solving, decision-making situation and be unaware of
biases. There are three (3) primary biases that directly affect critical thinking. Can you think
of what they are? Explain each as best as you can in your own words.


Lovell, Scott. Critical Thinking: The Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Critical Thinking Skills,
Becoming Better at Problem Solving, Mastering Logical Fallacies and Avoiding Cognitive
Biases (p. 11). Kindle Edition.


Melissa Shetto


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Hello Prof and class,

My chosen topic for discussion is the legalization of recreational or medical marijuana. I am
positively against this legalization and I came to this decision after researching both the positive
and negative impacts that will emerge from using and producing recreational or medicinal
marijuana especially if teenagers and college students have access to them. While there are many
benefits the in my opinion the cons outweigh the pros. For instance, areas impacted could be the
public health care system when it comes to rehabilitation as marijuana is highly addictive according
to studies as well as traffic accidents that could result from individuals driving under the influence
of the drug. According to Jones et al. (2018) studies done in Colorado and Alaska between 201


and 2015 on college students indicated grades have suffered as well as an increase in the drug
compared to the rest of the U.S since its legalization in 2014.

I have come across numerous facts that further deepened my understanding of the
repercussions we stand to face if the use of marijuana was to be legalized in all the states in the
country. For instance, statistics show that, for example, “16.21% of Colorado teens and 18.86% of
teens in Alaska reported marijuana use in the past year, compared to an average of 12.29% for the
United States overall in 2015-2016.” ( , (2018).
According to this article, commercializing of recreational and medical marijuana may increase
black market and cartel opportunities as they may undercut prices set by sellers licenced by the
states. Yes, I understand statistical information that applies to this topic.

I formed my opinion using both the system 1 and system 2 thinking whereby I made my
decision to not support this topic immediately after picking my topic because it is something, I am
quite familiar with. Thereafter I started to research for more information in order to support my
position. I then came across information that shed some light on the advantages of having
marijuana legalized, and this led me to use the system 2 thinking because I now took time to really
think critically and weigh both information supporting and opposing my topic. This enabled me to
draw up a more logical judgement which is to still oppose the subject of my topic.

I observed that heuristics played a role when I first chose my topic and made the decision to
oppose it. I did not use too much effort to make this judgement. I acknowledge that cognitive bias
as what initially led me to oppose my topic because at the back of my mind i have always been
made to believe that nothing good ever came from using marijuana let alone have it made legal to
use for either medical or recreational purposes. After doing my research I observed that
dominance structuring played a role in strengthening my initial decision because I now had enough
evidence to support my decision.


The impact of the legalization of recreational marijuana on college students. (n.d.). | Science, health and medical journals, full text articles and

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Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3rd. Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA

Pros & Cons – (2018, November 13). Retrieved August 05, 2020, from (

( Sheffield (Instructor)

Edited by Sonja Sheffield ( on Aug 6 at 9:37am

” Reply &

Melissa, thank you for your post for this week and sharing your thoughts on the topic you

Just to inform you, pro is not a scholarly source and should not be used. Have you
looked at any other places that have deepened your understanding of the use of marijuana?

We humans applaud our ability to be rational, objective thinkers. In reality this is not the
case at all. We all have the tendency to overestimate our rationality to the point of denying
reality. The many ways in which we do this are collectively called cognitive biases. Our brain
may be the most complicated thinking machine but it is not without limitations. In our attempt
to understand the world around us through our lens we simplify things and fall prey to
cognitive biases. Sometimes these biases are caused by heuristics or mental shortcuts
which help us reach quick judgments when we have little time. At other times our judgment
is clouded by situational factors and inner motivations and emotions.

The anchoring effect is also a cognitive bias that could be apparent in the healthcare area.
Can you think of an instance where this bias would be apparent in healthcare? Explain.

Holm, Charles. The 25 Cognitive Biases: Uncovering The Myth Of Rational Thinking (p. 28).
UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.


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Jessica Woods


Hello Professor Sheffield and class

For this discussion, I chose the topic of the legalization of recreational and medical marijuana. In
my opinion, I believe the use of marijuana, medical and recreational, should be legalized and
regulated like alcohol, cigarettes, and e-cigarettes. Marijuana has been proven to be less
dangerous than alcohol and cigarettes, and it actually has benefits such as decreased stress, pain
management, decreased seizures for those with epilepsy, and many others.

I believe I have a pretty good grasp on the facts of this topic. According to the U.S. Drug
Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) fact sheet, “No deaths from overdose of marijuana have been
reported”. (DEA, 2020a). Currently, marijuana is listed by the DEA as a schedule 1 drug and is not
a narcotic. (DEA, 2020b). Marijuana was made illegal in the early 1900s due to the fear of Mexican
immigrants into the United States. With them, they brought many substances used in their culture
at the time for medicinal purposes. One of them happened to be marijuana. The media played on
the public’s fear of the unknown. This is when the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed and it
became illegal. “The idea was to have an excuse to search, detain, and deport Mexican
immigrants. That excuse became marijuana.” (Burnett & Reiman, 2014). Most Americans didn’t
know that they were already using this substance in the medications they currently bought because
the ingredient was listed as cannabis.

I do believe I know and understand the statistical information that applies to this issue. No one has
ever died from using this substance. If it is smoked, it is known to be a lung irritant, but so are
cigarettes and tobacco. A person with epilepsy who used marijuana is statistically less likely to
have a seizure than the person who does not use marijuana. Economically, the states that have
legalized recreational use have seen growth. Also, the tax dollars used to take care of those
imprisoned due to marijuana charges could be used elsewhere.

I believe I have applied System-2 thinking in forming my opinion on this topic. “System-2 thinking is
useful for judgments in unfamiliar situations, for processing abstract concepts, and for deliberating

How well do you think you know the facts?
Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue?
Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you applied

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when there is time for planning and more comprehensive consideration.” (Facione & Gittens,
2016). My opinion has been formed over time as I have researched this topic in the past.

I do not believe heuristics, cognitive bias, or dominance structuring have played a part in how I
have formed my opinion. “Cognitive heuristics are natural human decision-making shortcuts we all
rely upon in real life to expedite our judgments about what to believe or what to do.” (Facione &
Gittens, 2016). I did not make a “snap decision”. My opinion was formed based on researching the
topic through the years as states have voted on legalization topics. Even though I do have a strong
opinion on this subject that’s not to say that it couldn’t be changed.


Burnett, M., & Reiman, A. (2014). How Did Marijuana Become Illegal in the First Place? Retrieved
August 05, 2020, from
first-place (

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson: Boston, MA.

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. (2020a). Drug fact sheet: marijuana/cannabis. Retrieved
August 05, 2020, from
2020_0 ( )

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. (2020b). Controlled substances – alphabetical order.
Retrieved August 05, 2020, from
( )

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how you have
formed your opinions?


Brittany Varnes


Hi Professor and Class,

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” Reply &

Elimination of the Electoral College

I think it is time we get rid of the Electoral College as the determiner of the president. I believe the
occupant of the White House should be determined through the popular vote. The electors
represent less than a significant number of citizens whose vote carries the weight; 538 individuals
deciding for more than 300 million voters is absurd. West (2019) notes that it is hard to trust that
the electoral college would espouse the choice of the Americans in electing the president.

According to West (2019), the founding fathers established the Electoral College as a body that
had an upper hand when it came to having information about presidential candidates. However,
things are different today and Americans have become more enlightened courtesy of technology.
Bulks of information can now be shared in very short periods and over long distances, which
questions the rationale for the Electoral College as a body of informed men. The body has also led
to the segregation of minority states that have low voter turn out as presidential campaigns focus
on states with high voter turn-out such as Florida and North Carolina (Pruitt, 2019).

The argument proposed in this post relies on empirical evidence that indicates the incompetence of
the Electoral College. Political Scientists have also termed the body as an irrelevant institution
whose time has lapsed and blame it for causing the popular decision to stumble. My argument has
come about from a thorough reflective (System-2) analysis of the operations of the Electoral
College since its inception, which has been nurtured through dominance structuring.


West, M. D. (2020). It’s time to abolish the Electoral College.

Pruitt, S. (2019). The History of the Electoral College Debate. Retrieved from

( Sheffield (Instructor)


Brittany, thank you for your post for this week and sharing your thoughts on the topic you

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Edited by Sonja Sheffield ( on Aug 6 at 9:21am

” Reply &

You know you just taught me something in your post and that is when you wrote, “… It is
hard to trust that the electoral college would espouse the choice of the Americans in electing
the president.” I thought we were a democratic society – but I guess not huh? Whatever
happened to for the people, by the people? I actually had to sit back and cogitate on that for
a moment.

If I made Brittany, you have provided some good information from West and Pruitt, but
remember the question is asking for your thoughts as to the electoral college. I don’t see
that here in your post; am I missing something?

What are your thoughts about the following scenario as it relates to bias? What type of bias
would you say this is? Explain.

In a study by Baron & Hershey (1988), participants were given a hypothetical scenario about
a surgeon deciding to carry out a risky operation. The surgeon was shown to be well aware
of the success rate. Participants were then told either the patient had died or lived. The
surgeon’s decision to operate was considered a mistake when the patient had died and the
right choice when the patient had lived.


Holm, Charles. The 25 Cognitive Biases: Uncovering The Myth Of Rational Thinking (p. 16).
UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.


Dijana Rahmanovic


The topic I chose to write about is legalization of recreational or medical marijuana. I disagree with
legalizing marijuana. However, I do agree with decriminalizing it. I used to be on the side of simply
legalizing the use of marijuana until I realized the difference between that and decriminalizing it. To
legalize marijuana just means to make a space for it in a world of capitalism and consumerism,
where the country itself (and big companies) can profit off of its now legal marketization. To
decriminalize it means to ensure the that legal action can no longer be taken against those who

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” Reply &

deal or purchase it from dealers; it means that many people put in prison for being involved in
marijuana buying or selling could have a chance of reduced or expunged sentences and it
legitimizes a job that was not legally recognized before. In other words, decriminalization means
marijuana would, “stay illegal, but the legal system would not prosecute a person for possession
(Svrakic, D). I think I know enough to form my own opinion on the topic of marijuana legalization,
but not enough to participate in a debate. I would not say that I currently know statistical
information that applies to this subject, however, I do know where to find resources for that


Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA

Svrakic, D. M., Lustman, P. J., Mallya, A., Lynn, T. A., Finney, R., & Svrakic, N. M. (2012).
Legalization, decriminalization & medicinal use of cannabis: a scientific and public health
perspective. Missouri medicine, 109(2), 90–98.

I think I have formed my opinion using System 2 thinking. Understanding the true meaning of
decriminalization and legalization and how they apply to this situation requires a deeper thought
process. According to the definitions provided by our text book, heuristics can be applied to this
situation when we make a conscious decision to either vote for legalization without understanding
what it means- i.e. taking the shortcut- or consider alternative solutions to this problem (Gittens,
2015). Cognitive bias is applied when we take into consideration our own belief and values system
when making our decision as to what side we will argue for and dominance structuring is applied
when we argue our opinion with confidence.



Danin Sibert


Hello class,

I decided to focus on the opioid crisis in America. This is an issue that I have to see on a daily
basis and I have also had a few family members fall victim to drug abuse. “2018 data shows that
every day, 128 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids” (National Institute on
Drug Abuse, 2020). The bay area especially is infested with this drug problem and it is very

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common to see drug paraphernalia on the sidewalk as I am taking my son for a walk or out on a
jog. Drug addiction starts for various different reasons, but with the high cost of living in the bay
area leads to many homeless on the streets. Then if they are not already battling drug addiction, it
often soon follows. The opiod crisis affects much more than just the people that are addicted. “An
important effect of the current opioid epidemic is on children whose parents are unable to provide
appropriate care” (Quast, Bright, and Delcher, 2019). Although I see homeless people that are
addicted to opioids, this is far more common than what you would initially think. It often starts from
prescriptions for issues that eventually become an addiction after realizing the high that they can
give off. Opioid addiction can be a silent battle before you start noticing symptoms on people you
may know. I have lost family members that have battled in and out of drug addiction before i had to
eventually give up hope. Since this issue is so close to home both emotionally and physically an
issue where I live, I do believe I am using more type-1 thinking on this situation rather than type-2.
The textbook states that, “System-1 thinking relies heavily on situational cues, salient memories,
and heuristic thinking to arrive quickly and confidently at judgments, particularly when situations
are familiar and immediate action is required” (Facione & Gittens, 2016, p 194). However, I have
explored this topic quite a lot to be educated enough to form strong arguments about it so I do feel
like I connect with type-2 thinking in that context. Dominance structuring has influenced my ideas
because I am very confident in my stance on the situation. Heuristics influenced me to choose this
topic out of the lists because of the previous knowledge and opinions I already had on the subject.
I try to be a strong critical thinker on this subject, and look at the situation from all angles without
trying to just think about the situation around me.

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020, June 10). Opioid Overdose Crisis. Retrieved August 06,
2020, from

Quast, T., Bright, M. A., & Delcher, C. (2019). The relationship between foster care entries and
high-dose opioid prescribing in California. Addictive Behaviors, 93, 52-58.


( Sheffield (Instructor)


Danin, thank you for your post for this week and sharing your thoughts on the topic you

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” Reply &

Goodness I didn’t know the drug problem was so bad that you can actually see drug
paraphernalia on the sidewalk – good grief!

You know to the points that you may I have a question: so if many drug addicts are
homeless and/or children and I would think that homeless people don’t have a job; how do
they get the drugs? I probably should look this up but since you done some research on it
perhaps you already know.

Thinking holistically does not mean that one cannot do anything to simplify the issue at
hand. Owing to our inability to think of many things simultaneously, it is essential to simplify
complex situations in some way like using multiple partial views. A holistic approach
emphasizes that the simplification should be accomplished in a way that does not overlook
the significant connectedness. There are two conclusions that follow directly from this but I
will only list one for now.

The holistic thinker will welcome techniques that generate many approaches, where as the
reductionist thinker will be looking for criteria for reducing the approaches to just one.


Golding, A. (2018). Thinking in systems: Strategies for problem solving, planning and
critical thinking. Strategies and Decision

1. Since many situations we will not know which the significant connections and factors
are, we should not expect our first attempt to analyze the situation to lead us to the
best representation or answer. In general, we should expect to need several attempts
at approaching the situation before gaining the confidence that we have identified the
important features. This is in contrast to the reductionist approach, which usually
presumes that there is one, and only one, right approach and right answer until
proven otherwise.


Marija Mozuraityte


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” Reply &

Hello Class

I found gun control to be an interested topic. I am against stricter gun laws as I believe everyone
had a right to own guns, have them on hand, and feel safe. In today’s day and age there is so
much danger around us that it’s important to be protected. I believe those who obey laws are the
ones who set a standard for gun control. In an article it states, “Having a gun is by far the most
effective way from people to protect themselves from criminals. Women and the elderly have the
most to gain from owning a gun because they’re likely to be at a major disadvantage in physical
strength.” This is very true to my thoughts and feelings of feeling safe or not in public. I feel as
though I have to be extra aware of my surrounding because I am a female and as I said in. today’s
day and age, its simply scary. You never know who will be angry and pull out their gun. In our text
book, it states (Facion 2016) “If she’d had a gun to protect herself, she’d be alive today” This is true
as a gun will and can make individuals protect themselves and feel safe.

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA

Lott, John “The War on Guns.” (20160 Google Books, Google,



Brian Tipton


Good evening Professor and class,

I chose the topic of opioid crisis. I have a long running relationship with this topic as my younger
brother is a heroin addict. I am new to this as I have never been exposed to opiod use. I am
completely against illegal opiate substances and highly addictive prescribable medicines.

Watching my brother struggle with addiction, performing cpr and using narcan to bring him back
after an overdose has helped to lead me to the position I feel on opiates and the physicians who
abuse their authority to prescribe such drugs.

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How well do you think you know the facts?

Research has shown that the toll opiates has on the United States is rising on a daily basis. In
2016, 2.4 million Americans were estimated to have an opioid use disorder, ranging from the
misuse of prescription opioids to the abuse of heroin and other illicit opioids.
( This includes 0.6% of
adolescents 12 to 17 years of age and 1.1% of young adults 18 to 25 years of age. In 2015, 50 000
Americans died of overdose, of which 33 000 (63%) were from opioids.
( Despite policies to regulate
drug supplies and increase access to treatment, overdose death rates have doubled in the past 10
years and have continued to rise for adults.
( (Ryan, 2018) I was
dumbfounded upon reading this and realizing the numbers and and age ranges.

Do you know and understand statistical information that applies to the issue? I thought I
understood the statistical information that applies to opiate use and overdoses. In fact I really had
no idea to the extent until I attended counseling sessions with my brother. I realized then I had
some learning to do. The statistics change daily.

Do you think you have formed your opinion using only System-1 thinking, or have you applied
System-2? I feel started off as a system 1 thinker because I was so mad and just reacted without
educating myself. Today I am more of a system 2 thinker as I process, educate and form ideas and

What part have heuristics, cognitive bias, and dominance structuring played in how you have
formed your opinions? Heuristics essentially is just shortcut allowing people to solve problems and
make fast and efficient conclusions. I quickly jumped to my conclusions regarding opiate use. Not
sure it was very efficient but it was a quick conclusion.

Cognitive Bias, “Cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking that occurs when people are
processing and interpreting information in the world around them and affects the decisions and
judgments that they make, dominance structuring” (Cherry, K., 2020). I feel like this hits home as at
the initial time I did not research and fact check what I was hearing. I just believed it was true and
formed my opinions based off what being said.

Dominance structuring has helped me be confident on my stance with opiate addiction. I have
researched and educated myself to better understand the seriousness of the crisis and who all it
effects, This crisis has no genre, age limit or demographic. It effects every walk of life.

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

Ryan, S. Pediatrics (April 2018) Retrieved Aug. 4, 2020 from


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( ; DOI:

( Sheffield (Instructor)

” Reply &

Brian, thank you for your post for this week and sharing your thoughts on the topic you
chose. Well said and I understand your bias.

Just some additional information on thinking holistically. Thinking holistically does not mean
that one cannot do anything to simplify the issue at hand. Owing to our inability to think of
many things simultaneously, it is essential to simplify complex situations in some way like
using multiple partial views. A holistic approach emphasizes that the simplification should be
accomplished in a way that does not overlook the significant connectedness. There are two
conclusions that follow directly from this, but I will only list one for now.

In order to simplify the situation without reducing the connectedness it will normally be
necessary to reduce the level of detail in the representation. This will usually involve
regarding the situation in a more abstract fashion. This is another strong characteristic of
systems thinking – that in tackling an issue first steps are to go up several levels of
abstraction; the later stages involve coming back down to earth (even using reductionist
methods where appropriate) in relating the general conclusion reached to the specific issue
in hand

Would you be able to define the exact type of cognitive bias in your case?

Golding, A. (2018). Thinking in systems: Strategies for problem solving, planning and
critical thinking. Strategies and Decision


Dianne Cruz

8/6/20, 11:11 PM
Page 44 of 52


” Reply &

Hello Class,

For this week I chose the topic of Immigration. I know this can be a very controversial topic but it is
something that is talked about a lot now. When it comes to immigration I am totally against
immigrants being treated differently and unfair just because of where they were born. I understand
there are immigrants who do disrupt society BUT so do people who were born here in the U.S. I
believe immigrants who come into this country peacefully, those who don’t get in trouble with the
law and those who come to the United States for a better future should be treated equally. When
people ask why I support immigrants, it’s simple. My background and where I cam from has shown
me how differently immigrants can be treated. As a Mexican female, I have experienced first hand
what it is like to be treated differently just because of the way you look, and because of where my
family came from.

There are always new news or new statistics about immigrants coming into the United States. I
think this is something I am pretty well informed about since it is something that has affected my
family for years. System 1 was used to form my opinion, this is the answer I give fast it is not
something I have to sit and think about for hours before I pick a side. Information, facts, and
statistics have been collected on immigrants for years this is not something that does not have
much research. By just typing “immigration” in the google box you get hundreds of articles. “The
U.S. government first began collecting data on the nativity of the population in the 1850 census.
That year, there were 2.2 million immigrants, representing nearly 10 percent of the population.”
(Jeanne Batalova, 2020). This is why I think system 1 was used, having knowledge on this topic
makes my opinion fast and I don’t have to put much so much effort in forming my opinion.

Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3rd. Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

Jeanne Batalova, J. (2020, March 31). Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and
Immigration in the United States. Retrieved from
immigration-united-states (

( Sheffield (Instructor) !

8/6/20, 11:11 PM
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” Reply &

Diane, thank you for your post for this week and sharing your thoughts on the topic you

Yes I will agree that immigration is a very controversial topic. When you say that immigrants
are being treated unfair[sic], keep in mind unfair is a pretty vague and ambiguous term; can
you be more specific? And one more clarification I’d like you to make – when you say that
immigrants who come to the United States for better future should be treated equally, what
does equally look like to you?

Let’s consider a health system as an example. In order to apply the principles of systems
thinking in the health system, you need to ask yourself: what is required in order to keep the
system running well? You will then find that health is necessary, and it is important also that,
once health has been attained, it is sustained. In order to have a health system that runs
well, you will need to look at its health and sustainability as core goals. What would the next
question be?

Golding, A. (2018). Thinking in systems: Strategies for problem solving, planning and
critical thinking. Strategies and Decision


Lorika Roche

Hello Professor and class,

I am for the elimination of the electoral college. The electoral college was created by the Founding
Fathers in order to keep uninformed and uneducated voters from having too much weight in
Presidential elections (National Archives, 2019). However, with the rise of the media and the
internet, voters are now able to do the research needed when it comes to all political elections.
Furthermore, the electoral college puts so much emphasis on the swing states that many smaller
states see very few, if any, in-person campaigns or rallies from Presidential candidates.

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” Reply &

Additionally, the electoral college discourages people from voting. I have had so many discussions
with people who (still) refuse to vote in Presidential elections because they believe their vote does
not matter. To many people, the results of the 2016 election confirmed their beliefs and they refuse
to vote in the upcoming 2020 elections because of it.

As for how I formed my opinion, I have done multiple papers on the topic for several courses over
the years and my stance has always remained the same. I do not know the statistics by heart, but I
do understand them and can always find the information needed to support my position on the
topic. Over the years, I have formed my opinion using both System-1 and System-2 thinking. My
immediate reaction to the topic always follows System-1, especially following the results of the
2016 Presidential election. It is a strong emotional reaction, often fueled by indignation. However,
having to support my position with facts, I turn to System-2 thinking, especially since the electoral
college has only gone against the majority vote in five elections.

The only heuristics that play a role in my decision stance for this topic is affect heuristics (Facione,
P., Gittens, C.A., 2016, p. 199). I mentioned earlier that my stance on this topic is usually fueled by
indignation, however, that only began after the 2016 election. Beforehand, I would approach with
research from both sides, so the use of an emotional response developed overtime. Due to this,
cognitive bias played a small role in my decision, however the foundation of my decision came
from prior research. That prior research has fueled my dominance structuring considering my
opinion has not changed since the years I have formed it.

ReferencesFacione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

National Archives. (2019, December 17). Electoral College History. Retrieved August 5, 2020, from


( Sheffield (Instructor)


Lorika, thank you for your post for this week and sharing your thoughts on the topic you
chose. Good response and well thought out.

Do you know I did not know the rationale behind the creation of the electoral college?
Interesting I say. But owing to a question you mentioned that “with the rise of the media and
the Internet, voters are now able to do research needed…” Would that be applicable to any
and all media and any and all information from the Internet? I’m just trying to narrow down
why those venues if all of those venues are credible.

It’s a shame that people who still do not vote based on their belief that it doesn’t matter,

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when in fact it does; as you probably already know not voting is about for the candidate who
is winning.

And while it’s understandable that you don’t know the statistics by heart, did you consider
looking at some statistics that are recent in order to form your opinion at this point?

And finally what cognitive bias played that role in your decision?

Systems thinking is not a technical subject because it involves activities in everyday
happenings. Nevertheless, systems thinking has not been widely used as a management or
problem–solving approach for very long, and so its details might sound new to many of us.

Give me your thoughts as to defining a system and a subsystem?

Golding, A. (2018). Thinking in systems: Strategies for problem solving, planning and
critical thinking. Strategies and Decision


Scott O’Malley

Professor and Class,

For this discussion, I decided to choose the topic of gun control. I think gun control is a difficult
topic because it is in our rights through the 2 amendment that people are able to bear arms. I
understand that people like guns for protection, hunting , and shooting ranges. But I feel it is
unnecessary to let people carry and own assault rifles. I am in favor of shot guns for use of
hunting or security along with handguns but I believe people shouldn’t own assault rifles that are
used in the army. In the end I am in favor of gun control. When it comes to my knowledge on the
facts of guns and what gun control would result in. to gain better knowledge I looked up stats on
gun control and found out that on an average of 313 people are shot a day with 103 of them being
killed. (Brady, 2019) Of the 313, 95 of those who are shot are from other people compared to the
63 of those who committed suicide or accidental shootings (Brady, 2019). On average of 21 kids
are shot a day ( brady, 2019). In the end, the US averages 114,000 people shot a year and 40,000


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of them end of dying (Brady,2019). Of the 40,000 who die, 14000 of them are murdered (Brady,
2019). I believed I used the system 2 thinking because I am able to come up with pros for both
sides as well as cons. I don’t believe all guns should be taken away but only some. When it
comes to heuristics, I judge the topic based on the multiple shootings that have taken place in the
US in the past 15 years. Because of the shootings, that helped lead my belief in stricter gun
control. Cognitive, it helped me remember the pros of guns. Dominance, it helped me believe not
all gun owners are bad but the stricter laws are still necessary.

Key Statistics. Brady.

Gittens, P.F.C. A. (2015). THINK Critically. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved

( Sheffield (Instructor)

” Reply &

Scott, thank you for your post for this week and providing your thoughts regarding Systems

You provided statistics from Brady; I am not familiar with these attorneys but what do you
know about their credibility? Explain.

You also indicated that the heuristics used consisted of judging based on multiple shootings;
did Brady provide this information or other studies? Explain.

Finally, I am not quite understanding your responses to Cognitive and Dominance. Need
more information here please.

Can you provide me with the important role of critical thinking and system thinking summed
up in just a few points insofar as is relativity to systems thinking?


Golding, A. (2018). Thinking in systems: Strategies for problem solving, planning and critical
thinking. Strategies and Decision

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Navjeet Mattu

Hello Everyone,

USA is a land of immigrants; it is important to have a better system in place for them today. I am for
immigration and reform in the system. I come from a family of immigrants who came to USA with
not much but created a business and now employees’ other people and contribute to the
community. As from a family of immigrants, I have several family friends who are also immigrants,
where most work either jobs not many people compete for or own their own businesses. According
to Minority Business Developing Agency, one in every ten immigrants own or are partners in a
business (Fairlie, 2017). Anyone who can produce more jobs for immigrants/citizens of their
community, they are helping the economy which helps everyone.

I believe seeing firsthand people who have not been treated properly by the system, reading news
regarding immigration, and researching on my own, I have a strong understanding of what I am
saying. To make this judgement, I would say I used system-2, as this way I am balancing out the
pros and cons to this argument. This can seem heuristic to others, as allowing all immigrants will
not be the best, but therefore it is a more complex situation, it would require a more complex
solution. I am open to more changes and different opinions versus a dominance structuring, that
can lock one in a set decision. I can see how my opinion might seem cognitive bias, since it effects
people I might know. But understanding that I am a USA citizen, I do understand how important it is
for the nation to focus on their citizens before others, but a broken system is still broken and needs



Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking critically. 3 . Ed. Pearson:Boston, MA.

Fairlie, R. W. (2017, April 19). Research Summary: Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Small Business
Owners, and their Access to Financial Capital. Retrieved August 06, 2020, from


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” Reply &

( Sheffield (Instructor)

Edited by Sonja Sheffield ( on Aug 6 at 8:09am

” Reply &

Navjeet, thank you for your response for this week and providing your thoughts on Systems

Very valid points and well said. Are you saying that you do or do not have a cognitive bias?
I couldn’t get that from your post. Please advise and explain.

Systems Thinking Question: Can you think of some of the main system areas enhanced by
critical thinking?

Golding, A. (2018). Thinking in systems: Strategies for problem solving, planning and critical
thinking. Strategies and Decision


Jesse Alvare


In the matter of gun control, I am against additional government involvement. The simplest reason
is that there are people in the world who are violent and they will be violent whether they have legal
access to a fire arm or not. I feel that simply taking away all access to guns won’t stop the problem
of violence, but will perpetuate a multitude of other crimes and issues within societies. Though I
can’t quote specific statistics or data, I know from personal experience gun carriers are typically
law-abiding citizens who simply want a hobby or the opportunity to protect themselves if a situation
ever arises. I have, however, researched and grasped the statistics concerning both the effects of
gun violence and gun control. Availability heuristics play a large role in our perception of gun
violence simply because we see destruction daily through every media platform imaginable. It is

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” Reply &

easy to come to the conclusion that atrocities involving guns happen every minute of every day
because the media so often circulates such stories. I believe that System-1 thinking kicks in when
making this opinion for all of us because it is mostly tied to political affiliations and the feeling
associated with each party’s belief. Concerning the cognitive bias that relates to the quick
judgements in System-1 thinking, Kahan and Braman (2003) conclude in an article about gun-risk
perceptions that “The social norms that construct individuals’ cultural world views act as a cognitive
filter, causing them to credit certain risks and supporting certain evidence and to dismiss others” (p.
1324). The political constructs around gun control lead me to be quick to judgement in the
preference of less control.


Kahan, D. M., & Braman, D. (2003). More statistics, less persuasion: A cultural theory of

gun-risk perceptions. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 151(4),37.


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