critical listening exercise

Your post should be a minimum of 100 words, but not more than 300. Your posts should also use the public speaking and narrative terms you’ve learned in reading the course text and cite the page number: (Lucas, p. XX-XX). Please make sure to avoid all grammatical and spelling errors; there is a spell check function in Schoology!

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The following guidelines for Internet etiquette will enhance all courses. Students who do not adhere to these guidelines can find their discussion board posts moderated and their participation grades significantly reduced.

Asynchronous discussion enhances learning as you share your ideas, perspectives, and experiences with the class. You will develop and refine your thoughts through the writing process. We are a learning community and you will all learn from each other. Following are some guidelines:

· Use a clear descriptive subject line for each post. Even in threads with auto-generated subject lines, you can change the text.

· It takes time for discussions to build. Return to discussions several times throughout the week.

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· Stick to one topic for each thread of discussion. If you want to introduce a new concept, start a new thread.

· If responding to a previous post, briefly re-state or quote the text AND include the person’s name to which you are responding.

· Expand on discussion contributions beyond “I agree.”

· Write posts in a style that encourages interaction and develops a meaningful dialogue.

· Integrate references to the course readings into your comments and include reference citations

1. Show professionalism and courtesy to your classmates AND your professor in ALL communications.
2. Use correct spelling and grammar.
3. Use a positive tone.
4. Be brief and respectful of other’s time.
5. Remember anything that you write in digital communication can be forwarded or copied.
6. Use humor appropriately and consider adding an emoticon to show your intent. Avoid sarcasm.

Your post should be a minimum of 100 words, but not more than 300. Your posts should also use the public speaking and narrative terms you’ve learned in reading the course text and cite the page number: (Lucas, p. XX-XX). Please make sure to avoid all grammatical and spelling errors; there is a spell check function in Schoology! You must also respond to TWO of your classmates’ posts. Use constructive criticism to question your classmates’ posts where appropriate. Any post over 500 words will not be graded. 

· Your thoughtful explanatory post: 5

· Inclusion of narrative/public speaking terms: 5

· Response to classmates: 5

· Absence of grammatical/spelling errors: 5

“The The Moth: True Stories Told Live Radio Hour features true stories told live on stage without scripts, notes, props, or accompaniment. Each Moth Radio Hour mixes humorous, heartbreaking, and poignant tales that captivate, surprise, and delight audiences with their honesty and bravery. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers. The storyteller and the audience embark on a high-wire act of shared experience, which is both terrifying and exhilarating.” ~The Atlantic

Go to the following link: 

Diana Spechler, “Natural Selection”

   *sensitivity alert: there are some curse words in this speech.
Watch the video at least 3 times. Record your answers to the questions below. 

How did the storyteller begin their story? Did they begin with traditional public speaking techniques—like a quotation, a question, or arousing curiosity—or did they use a different method—such as starting with the cliffhanger, starting in the middle of the story, or starting with a mysterious twist in the story?  Describe what you heard and provide examples to demonstrate.

Which of the following narrative themes did the speaker use to organize her story? Use examples from the speech to demonstrate:

Stock characters/stock functions:  In these stories, there are recognizable characters: a hero, a villain, a helpful sidekick, and a princess to be rescued—think the narrative ofStar Wars.

Little puzzles: These stories offer clues to the climax of the story little by little, with a big reveal at the end—think mysteries or the TV show Law and Order.

Protagonist/Antagonist: These stories have two major characters- a person who is trying to get something done, and another who is trying to stop them! Think sports, like football or boxing.

Equilibrium: These stories frequently start happily, with the main character’s life in order, but before you know it, an event has happened that has caused chaos! By the end of the story, however, the story has resolved and the main character’s equilibrium is restored, and things are even better!—think romantic comedies.

Story endings are notoriously difficult. How did they end their story? Was it open or closed-ended (i.e. was the story finished, or did it seem like it could continue into the future without a clear resolution)? 

Did they conclude their story with a quotation, a dissolve, or crescendo ending, or a “tie-back” (ending in the same fashion as they began, coming back to the same point of the story)? If not, what method did they use to end? Provide an example from the story to demonstrate.

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