Crisis Outline

Submita three-page (minimum 750 words) crisis communication plan outline. The plan can be for an

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organization of your choice. This is an outline for a crisis communication plan and not a crisis plan.
(You will use this outline to complete a plan in another lesson. The plan outline should, at a
minimum, include the following items:

 The introduction should engage the reader in the crisis communication plan and clearly present a summary of

the main points.

 Explain the purpose, scope and goal of the plan.

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 Include assumptions or assumed situations, which is a result of assessing risk for your organization.

 Define expected audiences—both internal and external.

 Include a communication strategy.

 Include a concept of operations for communications.

 Discuss the human dynamics and communications aspects of the blame game and the resolution stages you

plan to implement in your crisis communication plan.

 Assign tasks to key leaders and staff.

 Provide resource management details.

 Include planned scripts, which can be placed in an appendix.

Research sources to link your plan’s elements to theories, and support your ideas. You must include
a minimum of two sources, at least one source from a reputable Online Library. The resources need
to be in APA format.

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