Crisis Intervention Resource Packet


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Case conceptualization is an important part of the assessment process, especially in crisis and trauma situations. It will help you form a solid treatment plan and provide the necessary resources to assist your client.

Select 1 of the following cases from the

Case Conceptualization Scenarios


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  • Scenario 1: Loss of a Relationship (Kara)
  • Scenario 2: Loss of a Family Member (Casey)

Complete the Biopsychosocial Assessment, based on the selected case and include a case conceptualization. Your response to each heading should be a minimum of 350 words.

Create a resource packet to provide the client in the selected case. Your resource packet should include a variety of the following:

  • A list of web resources
  • A list of books
  • A list of support groups
  • A list of exercises or activities they can do on their own
  • Any other pertinent resources

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

CCHM/558 v2

Case Conceptualization Scenarios

CCMH/558 v2

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Case Conceptualization Scenarios

Scenario 1: Loss of a Relationship

Kara is a 34-year-old Caucasian woman who is seeking counseling. In your initial session with Kara, she states that she doesn’t know how she got to this point in her life since she has a master’s degree in psychology. She stated that she “should have seen the signs” and she “should have realized the changes in his behavior.” She reports that she recently found out that her husband of 10 years, Jared, had cheated on her. She doesn’t understand how he can “abandon their family.” Kara and Jared have 2 children, a daughter who is 7 and a son who is 5. She states that Jared told her about his affair on the day before their son’s birthday, and he told her that he was leaving her. He left that night, and she had to try to explain everything to their children on her own.

It has been 3 weeks since Jared left Kara, and Kara states that she has not been eating or sleeping well and has been experiencing a lot of anxiety. She appears tired, looks down, and doesn’t make good eye contact. She speaks softly and is tearful. Kara is articulate and explains her story easily but loses track of questions being asked. She is very aware of what has happened and how she feels about it and wants to make good decisions but has trouble with staying logical and not allowing her emotions to rule her decisions. Kara has been a stay-at-home mom since their son was born and relied on Jared for full financial support. Since he left, Jared has cancelled their bank accounts and opened new accounts that she does not have access to. She states that he will pay the household bills and give her $500 a month for groceries for her and the kids, but it is not enough to support a family. She is worried about her financial situation, and she will be able to look for a job within a few months after their son starts school. Kara’s family has offered support where they can, but they do not have the financial resources to sustain this support for a long period of time since they are both retired and live on a fixed income. Kara and Jared have been living in an upper middle-class neighborhood, and Kara doesn’t want to take her children out of the neighborhood school or leave the support that she has there. She has been part of the school’s PTO and the community’s neighborhood watch program.

Kara states that her friends have been “amazing” through all of this and have offered a great deal of emotional support, but she hasn’t been interested in any of the activities that they would normally do together. She reports that she feels like she brings everyone down and it’s hard to pretend like everything is okay when she feels like she is “dying inside.”

Kara reports that she is having a very hard time processing everything emotionally and feels like she is being a bad parent and neglecting her kids. She states that she has a hard time getting out of bed and hasn’t been interacting with them much. She states that Jared was the love of her life, and she doesn’t know “how to do life without him.” She feels “lost, confused, and broken.” She has not had feelings like this in the past and doesn’t know how to handle it now. She has been a confident and happy person until now.

Scenario 2: Loss of a Family Member

Casey is a 21-year-old Hispanic man who is seeking counseling. In your first session with him, he states that he is unsure of how to go back to life the way it was before and finish his bachelor’s degree in business after losing someone he admired and looked up to. Casey reports that he recently lost his mom in a traffic accident 3 weeks prior. He states that everything he did in life was because his mom had inspired him and motivated him towards becoming who is today. He is an only child and does not have a very good relationship with his father.

He reports that the morning of the accident, he overslept and did not see his mom before she left for work and didn’t tell her he loved her. He reports that he has a lot of remorse over that, and he constantly wonders if things may have been different if he woke up on time and delayed her for a couple of minutes.

Casey states that he has been unable to focus on his schoolwork and his grades are declining. He has trouble with motivation and seeing the point of going to class. He doesn’t sleep well at night and wakes up early in the morning with a feeling of panic. His heart is racing and his chest is heavy; he breathes heavily and feels a sense of fear or dread. Casey hasn’t been eating well, and he doesn’t work out like he used to. He wants to talk to his friends, but he feels like a burden. He ruminates over the fact that he didn’t get to say goodbye or tell his mom he loved her. He states that he tries to talk to his friends, but they don’t understand, and they tell him that it’s time to “get over it.” He has tried to talk to his father and was hoping to strengthen their relationship, but his father has been very distant. He does not feel like he has a good support system, and he states that he just wants someone to understand what he is going through.

Casey appears restless and agitated during sessions and has trouble keeping his body still, shifting his weight often. He starts to say something but then forgets what he was saying. He can give a clear timeline, and he is expressive of his thoughts and feelings. He is tearful when talking about the loss but shows more frustration or anger at himself when talking about the events of that day. He appears more agitated with friends or his father and their lack of empathy.

Casey has been a good student in the past and has always had friends in his life. He experimented with marijuana one time in high school and has had a few beers but never was “the partier type” and still isn’t. He had clear goals for the future. He cherished his mom, and even though he wasn’t as close to his dad he loved him. Now he feels like everything he had from the past has crashed and gone away.

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

College of Social Sciences

Master of Science in Counseling

Biopsychosocial Assessment








Write what you observe about the client—age, sex, ethnicity, appearance, behaviors, and impressions.


Describe the problem as the client has presented it, including perspective, function impairment, and symptoms.


Describe the course of the problem and specific onset and symptoms.



Mood and Affect:

Thought Process, Content, and Perception:

Cognition, Insight, and Judgment:

Suicidal and Homicidal Assessment

If a more thorough suicide/homicide evaluation is conducted, it may be documented in a separate section.


Describe the client’s present living situation:







Social History (include history of abuse/trauma):


Substance use
(including alcohol, drugs, tobacco and caffeine intake)

Sleep habits:

Exercise habits:

Eating habits and appetite:


Have you ever been in counseling before? No Yes, Inpatient Outpatient Day Treatment

Name of Provider Clinic Year Diagnosis / Problem



Have you ever seen a Psychiatrist before? No Yes, Inpatient Outpatient Day Treatment

Name of MD: _______________________________________ Clinic: _____________________________

Was any of your previous therapy related to substance abuse? No Yes

Have you ever had serious thoughts of suicide or homicide? No Yes

Have you ever made a suicide / homicide attempt? No Yes Explain: ____________________________


Do you presently feel suicidal or homicidal? No Yes Explain: __________________________________


Describe the client’s current and historical family status and relationships, including during childhood/adolescence.


Describe assets that will facilitate progress and change, such as motivation, intelligence, self-discipline, and willingness to utilize resources.


Describe aspects’ of the client’s life circumstance that may impede progress/change, such as homelessness, major psychiatric disorder, financial hardship, etc.


Using the information gathered thus far, make a diagnosis using DSM 5.


Provide your rationale for the provided diagnosis. Describe the appropriate theory to consider using with this client. Note the basics of this theory and how it might apply to this client.

_________________________________________________ __________________

Student/Counselor in Training Date

_________________________________________________ __________________

Supervisor Date

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