Crisis Intervention DQ 1 week 3 student reply Lisney Caraballo

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Name the DSM-IV-TR indicators necessary for a diagnosis of PTSD? (at least five of condition/symptoms, with two in each category, include specific symptoms in children)

This question has different parts:

You must mention the five (5) conditions, 2 characteristics in each category.

Also specific symptoms in childre

Do you know anyone that suffers from PTSD, if you do, please share a brief description about the case.

DSM-IV makes a seminal contribution to patient care, especially in the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders. The aforementioned is through the provision of rigorous and reliable diagnoses for psychiatric conditions. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD is one of the psychiatric conditions that can be diagnosed through the DSM-IV-TR Criteria (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Rockville, 2009).

• One of the indicators of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is feelings of intense fear, helplessness, and horror. The aforementioned indicator is especially observed among children who have undergone situations that may have threatened their lives; this may include being involved or witnessing an accident, animal bites, natural disasters, and invasive medical procedures (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2016).

• Persistent avoidance of stimuli that may be associated with Trauma also indicates PTSD. Those mentioned above may include avoiding conversations or thoughts about Trauma.

• Recurrent intrusive and distressing recollections about a traumatic event indicate PTSD. In children, it may through frightening dreams.

• Increased Arousal absence before Trauma also indicates PTSD; this may include hypervigilance, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and difficulty falling asleep.

• When the duration of disturbance exceeds one month for the entire above mentioned Criteria’s, it can also be interpreted as PTSD (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2016).

Yes I have known of a young teenager who has had PTSD. The teenager had a history of neglect since he was a child. The teenager depicted symptoms PTSD symptoms such as hyperactivity, behavioral dyscontrol, attachment issues and inattention. Similarly, he experienced difficulties forming strong emotional relationships with individuals for fear of withdrawal.


Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Rockville. (2009). Substance abuse treatment: addressing the specific needs of women.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2016). Table 8, DSM-IV to DSM-5 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Comparison Children 6 Years and Younger – DSM-5 Changes – NCBI Bookshelf. Retrieved 20 January 2021, from

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