crime report

The controversial “Stand Your Ground Law” has been used in two recent shootings in Florida.

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A Florida teen, Jordan Davis, was shot to death on Friday, November 23, 2012. The young man was riding in a car full of teenagers playing loud music. He was allegedly shot by Michael Dunn due to the loud music being played from the car.

You can read more here:

  • Florida man pleads not guilty to shooting teen to death over loud music
  • Michael Dunn gets life, plus 90 years for Jordan Davis killing
  • The 2016 Florida Statutes

Provide a 2- to 3-page summary of the ethical issue and address the following issues in relationship to the ethical dilemma presented:

  • Summarize the ethical dilemma presented.
  • List the actors involved in the ethical dilemma.
  • Provide a definition of morality and ethics.
  • How could this dilemma have occurred in a “good society”?
  • Discuss whether situational ethics were applied in this dilemma.
  • Provide alternative solutions to this ethical dilemma.

Support your responses with examples.

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