Creation of a research paper

Exercise Content

WD2 – Exercise # 1

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 Follow along with the tutorial on how to properly format a research paper. Follow the steps, this is important.
Chapter Exercise “Safety Using Headphones and Earbuds”

NOTE: Enter in the Header your personal information not the information of the exercise
(my Name: Nayancy Rodriguez)
Save as 2-WD2-EX-A-YourName
The document  “2-Steps to create the Research Paper – Exercise 1” is a guide to create the Research Paper in exercise 1.

Be sure to save your assignment in a x format, especially if you are using an Apple or MAC computer.

Note: You need to submit the File:
Chapter Exercise “Safety Using Headphones and Earbuds”     as 2-WD2-EX-A-YourName

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The document “1- MLA Documentation Style” shows all the features of the MLA Style Research Paper.

1-MLA Documentation Style The document “2-Steps to create the Research Paper Exercise 1 ” shows the steps to do a Research Paper in exercise 1

2-Steps to create the Research Paper Exercise 1

Remember that all the Word documents that you create should be in a file with the Creation Date of this week, or after if you submit late, but not a previous date. Files Assignments with the previous date will not be accepted

Stepsto Create the Research Paper (MLA Style) in Exercise 1.

a) Open a MLA Research Paper Template and clear all the information that you don’t need.

Make sure that enter your Last Name Page # in the Header Section, to allow change the Page # in

each page. Then enter the body of the text:

Make sure to use all the features of MS Word to format a text.

b) Add Footnotes.

– Select the place where you want to add the footnote. (after “cancelling technology”

– Select Reference > Insert Footnote

– Type the footnote

The Text will be:

c) Add Citations.

– Select the place where you want to add the citation.

– Select Reference > Insert Citations

– Select the type of citation and enter the information.

– Repeat for each citation that want to add. In this exercise, we have three citations.



d) Add Works Cited

– Insert a new page to allow enter the Works Cited in a new page.

– Select Reference > Bibliography and select Works Cited

The final document will be:

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

MLA Documentation Style

To follow the MLA documentation style;

• Use a 12-pointTimes New Roman or similar font.
• Double-space text on all pages of the paper
• Using one-inch top, bottom, left, and right margins.
• Indent the first word of each paragraph one-half inch from the left margin.
• At the right margin of each page, place a page number one-half inch from the top

• On each page, precede the page number with your last name.
• Place your name and course information in a block at the left margin beginning one

inch from the top of the page.
• Center the title one double-spaced line below your name and course information.
• In the text of the paper, place author references in parentheses with the page

number(s) of the referenced information.

Works Cited
• The works cited page alphabetically lists sources that are referenced directly in the

• Place the list of sources on a separate numbered page.
• Center the title, Works Cited, one inch from the top margin.
• Double-space all lines.
• Begin the first line of each source at the left margin, indenting subsequent lines of

the same source one-half inch from the left margin.
• List each source by the author’s last name or, if the author’s name is not available,

by the title of the source.

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