Creating a Use Case


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  1. In the textbook, Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, refer to the RMO CSMS marketing subsystem Figure 3-10d on page 83.
    Write a paper in which you research use case diagrams:

     Create a diagram using Visio, Word, or your choice of program that can create a use case graphic rendering.

    Use Figure 3-12 on page 84 and Figure 3-14 on page 86 as examples of what the use case diagram should look like on the marketing subsystem chart supplied in figure 3-10d on page 83. . 
    Remember to paste a copy of the diagram in the paper.
    You need to create the diagram, not take one from the Internet. 

         2.  Write an analysis of the use case drawing that you created. Analyze the actors and how they relate to the use cases in the diagram. Your answer should show the purpose and importance of use case diagrams.
         3.  Use at least two quality resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources. 
    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

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    Create a use case diagram with supporting documentation that describes the use case and actors in detail.

  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Unacceptable Needs Improvement Competent Exemplary

Create a diagram using Visio, Word, or your choice of
program that can create a use case graphic rendering.

0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or submitted an incomplete diagram using
Visio, Word, or your choice of program that can create a use
case graphic rendering.

41.625 (27.75%)
Partially created a diagram using Visio, Word, or your choice
of program that can create a use case graphic rendering.

47.175 (31.45%)
Satisfactorily created a diagram using Visio, Word, or your
choice of program that can create a use case graphic

55.5 (37.00%)
Thoroughly created a diagram using Visio, Word, or your
choice of program that can create a use case graphic

Write an analysis of the use case drawing that was
created. Analyze the actors and how they relate to the
use cases in the diagram.

0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or submitted an incomplete analysis of the
use case drawing that was created. Also, did not submit or
incompletely analyzed the actors and how they relate to the
use cases in the diagram.

54 (36.00%)
Partially wrote an analysis of the use case drawing that was
created. Also, partially analyzed the actors and how they
relate to the use cases in the diagram.

61.2 (40.80%)
Satisfactorily wrote an analysis of the use case drawing that
was created. Also, satisfactorily analyzed the actors and how
they relate to the use cases in the diagram.

72 (48.00%)
Thoroughly wrote an analysis of the use case drawing that
was created. Also, thoroughly analyzed the actors and how
they relate to the use cases in the diagram.

Use at least two quality resources. 0 (0.00%)
No references provided.

5.625 (3.75%)
Does not meet the required number of references; some or
all references poor-quality choices.

6.375 (4.25%)
Meets required number of references; all references high-
quality choices.

7.5 (5.00%)
Exceeds required number of references; all references high-
quality choices.

Formatting, spelling, and grammar. 0 (0.00%)
More than 6 errors present.

11.25 (7.50%)
5–6 errors present.

12.75 (8.50%)
3–4 errors present.

15 (10.00%)
0–2 errors present.

Name: w04a1

Description: w04a1 – Creating a Use Case

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Description:w04a1 – Creating a Use Case


Preview: CIS510 : Advanced Systems Analysis and Design

Course Guide


Course Description

Instructional Materials

Course Learning Outcomes

Weekly Course Schedule

Week 1 – To Do List

Discuss: Introduce yourself to your classmates and your professor.

Learn: Read Chapter 1, “From Beginning to End: An Overview of Systems Analysis and Design.”

This course provides an integrated approach to system analysis and design processes. Students will explore advanced topics to evaluate and select
system development methodologies and design system solutions. The role of effective interpersonal communication techniques and integration practices
with users and user systems is emphasized.

Required Resources

J. W. Satzinger. 2016. Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World (7th ed.). Cengage Learning / Course Technology.

Microsoft. 2020. Office 365 Training Center.

Note: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio, and Microsoft Project or their equivalents such as Open Project, Dia, and OpenOffice are required. Tutorials
for Microsoft Office 365 can be found on Microsoft’s support site.

Research the techniques used to collect and gather information for the design of a new system.1

Create a use case diagram with supporting documentation that describes the use case and actors in detail.2

Evaluate the efficacy of the design of a human computer interface.3

Assess the risks and mitigation strategies that are common to enterprise system implementations.4

Develop a proof of concept of a software system for a potential customer.5

NOTE: The links in this document do not function. Please refer to your course to view/download linked content.

Week 1 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter A, “The Role of the Systems Analyst.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Prepare: Complete the preparation for the Week 2 assignment, Information-Gathering Techniques.

Week 2 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 2, “Investigating System Requirements.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Gathering System Requirements.

Assignment: Complete the Information-Gathering Techniques assignment.

Week 3 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 3, “Identifying User Stories and Use Cases.”

Learn: Read Chapter 4, “Domain Modeling.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Case Diagram versus

Activity Diagram


Prepare: Complete the preparation for the Week 4 assignment, Creating a Use Case.

Week 4 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 5, “Use Case Modeling.”

Learn: Read Chapter 6, “Foundations for Systems Design.”

Learn: Read Chapter B, “The Traditional Approach to Requirements.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Build or Buy.

Assignment: Complete the Creating a Use Case assignment.

Week 5 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 7, “Designing System Architecture.”

Learn: Read Chapter 8, “Designing the User Interface.”

Week 5 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 9, “Designing the Database.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Software as a Service (SaaS) and Ease of Use.

Prepare: Complete the preparation for the Week 6 assignment, Human Computer Interface (HCI).

Week 6 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 10, “Approaches to System Development.”

Learn: Read Chapter 11, “Project Planning and Project Management.”

Learn: Read Chapter C, “Project Management Techniques.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Predictive versus Adaptive SDLC.

Assignment: Complete the Human Computer Interface (HCI) assignment.

Week 7 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 12, “Object-Orientated Design: Fundamentals.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Object-Oriented Design versus Traditional Approach.

Prepare: Complete the preparation for the Week 8 assignment, Project Risk.

Week 8 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 13, “Object-Oriented Design: Use Case Realization.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Support after Software Deployment.

Assignment: Complete the Project Risk assignment.

Week 9 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 14, “Deploying a New System.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.

Prepare: Complete the preparation for the Week 10 assignment, Technical Paper: Proof of Concept (POC).

Week 10 – To Do ListWeek 10 – To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 14, “Deploying a New System.”

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Software Deployment.

Assignment: Complete the Technical Paper: Proof of Concept (POC) assignment.

Week 11 – To Do List

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Course Conclusion.

Grading Scale

Participation Total Points % of Grade

Discussion Participation 200 20%

Assignment Total Points % of Grade

w02a1 – Information-Gathering Techniques 100 10%

w04a1 – Creating a Use Case 150 15%

w06a1 – Human Computer Interface (HCI) 150 15%

w08a1 – Project Risk 150 15%

w10a1 – Technical Paper: Proof of Concept (POC) 250 25%

Totals 1000 100%

Final Course Grade

Points Percentage Grade

900 – 1000 90% – 100% A

800 – 899 80% – 89% B

700 – 799 70% – 79% C

0 – 699 69% and below F

Unique Course Features

Grading Scale Notation

Please consult the University Catalog and your academic advisor to determine the final grade needed in this class to satisfy your specific degree conferral


Writing Assignments

The objective of the School of Information Systems’ writing assignments is to promote attitudes and skills that will improve a student’s ability to
communicate in writing, develop research skills and documentation techniques, and encourage critical analysis of data and conclusions specific to the
course learning outcomes in the information systems and technology domain.

w02a1 – Information-Gathering Techniques


Click the linked activity title to access this assignment. Take a few minutes to look over your work before you hand it in!


Create a report for your Manager on Information-Gathering Techniques.

Gathering information for a new system is important and sets the tone of the development cycle. If not done thoroughly, the project could be a failure before
it begins.

You are the Project Manager of XYZ Enterprises. Your manager gives you the task of researching the different techniques used to gather information as the
company is going to replace their Case Management System. He would like a report of all the different type of information gathering listed below. For each
technique, give reasons to use it and the best ways to accomplish using each information-gathering method.

Interviewing users and stakeholders.
Distributing and collecting questionnaires.
Observing and documenting business procedures.
Collecting active user comments and suggestions.
Researching vendor solutions.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-
hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Research the techniques used to collect and gather information for the design of a new system.

Scoring Guide

Re se arche d, and gav e re asons and be st practice s for inte rv ie wing
use rs and stake holde rs. 17 %


Did not submit or incompletely
researched and gave reasons and
best practices for interviewing
users and stakeholders.

Needs Improvement

Partially researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
interviewing users and


Satisfactorily researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
interviewing users and


Thoroughly researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
interviewing users and

Re se arche d, and gav e re asons and be st practice s for distributing and
colle cting que stionnaire s. 17 %


Did not submit or incompletely
researched and gave reasons and
best practices for distributing and
collecting questionnaires.

Needs Improvement

Partially researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
distributing and collecting


Satisfactorily researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
distributing and collecting


Thoroughly researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
distributing and collecting

Re se arche d, and gav e re asons and be st practice s for obse rv ing and
docume nting busine ss proce dure s. 17 %


Did not submit or incompletely
researched and gave reasons and
best practices for observing and
documenting business procedures.

Needs Improvement

Partially researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
observing and documenting
business procedures.


Satisfactorily researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
observing and documenting
business procedures.


Thoroughly researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
observing and documenting
business procedures.

Re se arche d, and gav e re asons and be st practice s for colle cting activ e
use r comme nts and sugge stions. 17 %


Did not submit or incompletely
researched and gave reasons and
best practices for collecting active
user comments and suggestions.

Needs Improvement

Partially researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
collecting active user comments
and suggestions.


Satisfactorily researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
collecting active user comments
and suggestions.


Thoroughly researched and gave
reasons and best practices for
collecting active user comments
and suggestions.

Re se arche d, and gav e re asons and be st practice s for re se arching
v e ndor solutions. 17 %


Did not submit or incompletely
researched, gave reason for use
and best practices using
researching vendor solutions.

Needs Improvement

Partially researched, gave reason
for use and best practices using
researching vendor solutions.


Satisfactorily researched, gave
reason for use and best practices
using researching vendor solutions.


Thoroughly researched, gave
reason for use and best practices
using researching vendor solutions.

Use at le ast thre e quality re source s. 5 %


No references provided.

Needs Improvement

Does not meet the required number
of references; some or all
references poor-quality choices.


Meets required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.


Exceeds required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.

Formatting, spe lling, and grammar. 10 %


More than 6 errors present.

Needs Improvement

5–6 errors present.


3–4 errors present.


0–2 errors present


w04a1 – Creating a Use Case


Click the linked activity title to access this assignment.


In the textbook, Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, refer to the RMO CSMS marketing subsystem Figure 3-10d on page 83.

Write a paper in which you research use case diagrams:

1. Create a diagram using Visio, Word, or your choice of program that can create a use case graphic rendering.
Use Figure 3-12 on page 84 and Figure 3-14 on page 86 as exemplars.
Remember to paste a copy of the diagram in the paper.
You need to create the diagram, not take one from the Internet.

2. Write an analysis of the use case drawing that you created. Analyze the actors and how they relate to the use cases in the diagram. Your answer
should show the purpose and importance of use case diagrams.

3. Use at least two quality resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Create a use case diagram with supporting documentation that describes the use case and actors in detail.

Scoring Guide

Cre ate a diagram using Visio, Word, or your choice of program that can
cre ate a use case graphic re nde ring. 37 %


Did not submit or submitted an
incomplete diagram using Visio,
Word, or your choice of program
that can create a use case graphic

Needs Improvement

Partially created a diagram using
Visio, Word, or your choice of
program that can create a use case
graphic rendering.


Satisfactorily created a diagram
using Visio, Word, or your choice of
program that can create a use case
graphic rendering.


Thoroughly created a diagram
using Visio, Word, or your choice of
program that can create a use case
graphic rendering.

Write an analysis of the use case drawing that was cre ate d. Analyze the
actors and how the y re late to the use case s in the diagram. 48 %


Did not submit or submitted an
incomplete analysis of the use case
drawing that was created. Also, did
not submit or incompletely analyzed

Needs Improvement

Partially wrote an analysis of the
use case drawing that was created.
Also, partially analyzed the actors
and how they relate to the use
cases in the diagram.


Satisfactorily wrote an analysis of
the use case drawing that was
created. Also, satisfactorily
analyzed the actors and how they


Thoroughly wrote an analysis of the
use case drawing that was created.
Also, thoroughly analyzed the actors
and how they relate to the use
cases in the diagram.

the actors and how they relate to
the use cases in the diagram.

relate to the use cases in the

Use at le ast thre e quality re source s. 5 %

No references provided.
Needs Improvement
Does not meet the required number
of references; some or all
references poor-quality choices.
Meets required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.
Exceeds required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.
Formatting, spe lling, and grammar. 10 %
More than 6 errors present.
Needs Improvement
5–6 errors present.
3–4 errors present.
0–2 errors present.

w06a1 – Human Computer Interface (HCI)

Click the linked activity title to access this assignment.

Everything we touch that is electronic has a Human to Computer Interface (HCI). Some companies put a lot of effort into the user experience; some, not so
much. Some are very complex with enormous functionality (computer operating systems and smartphones) and some are much simpler (ATMs, gas station
pumps, lottery ticket machines, movie dispensing machines).

For this assignment, choose either a simple interface (one with a few options) or a singular function of a more complex item (like a singular function of your
smartphone, such as to create and send an email). Remember that there are several options for many of these. Visit the interface that you chose.

Note: Keep your selection to something simple, as you will find there are many options even in a simple task.

Write a paper in which you address the following:

1. Research history and background of the HCI (just a few of paragraphs).
2. From your chosen HCI, describe all the steps and options that are available to use and complete the task.
3. Build an Activity Diagram such as those on pages 138 Figure 5-5 and 139 Figure 5-6 of the textbook. Use Visio, MS Word, or your choice of program

that can create an activity diagram. You need to create the diagram, not take one from the internet.
4. Reflect on the experience. Do you feel the process you chose was well designed? Do you think it can be improved?
5. Use at least two quality resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-
hand menu of your course.

Include charts or diagrams created in Visio, Word, or an open source alternative to create the diagram. The completed diagrams or charts must be
imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Evaluate the efficacy of the design of a human computer interface.

Scoring Guide

Re se arch history and background of the HCI. 15 %


Did not submit or incompletely
researched history and background
of the HCI.

Needs Improvement

Partially researched history and
background of the HCI.


Satisfactorily researched history
and background of the HCI.


Thoroughly researched history and
background of the HCI.

From the chose n HCI, de scribe all the ste ps and options that are
av ailable to use and comple te the task. 20 %


Did not submit or incompletely
described all the steps and options
that are available to use and
complete the task.

Needs Improvement

Partially described all the steps and
options that are available to use
and complete the task.


Satisfactorily described all the
steps and options that are available
to use and complete the task.


Thoroughly described all the steps
and options that are available to
use and complete the task.

Build an activ ity diagram. 25 %


Did not submit or incompletely built
an activity diagram.

Needs Improvement

Partially built an activity diagram.


Satisfactorily built an activity


Thoroughly built an activity diagram.

Re fle ct on the e xpe rie nce . Do you fe e l the proce ss you chose was we ll
de signe d? Do you think it can be improv e d? 25 %


Did not submit or incompletely
reflected on the experience. Did not
submit or incompletely discussed
the design and possible

Needs Improvement

Partially reflected on the experience
and discussed the design and
possible improvements.


Satisfactorily reflected on the
experience and discussed the
design and possible improvements.


Thoroughly reflected on the
experience and discussed the
design and possible improvements.

Use at le ast two quality re source s. 5 %

No references provided.
Needs Improvement
Does not meet the required number
of references; some or all
references poor-quality choices.
Meets required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.
Exceeds required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.
Formatting, spe lling, and grammar. 10 %
More than 6 errors present.
Needs Improvement
5–6 errors present.
3–4 errors present.
0–2 errors present.

w08a1 – Project Risk

Click the linked activity title to access this assignment.

Considering that enterprise system implementations fail 40 percent of the time, there is substantial risk involved—risk that, in many cases, can put a
company out of business.

Research project risk and feasibility. For each of the following risk categories, discuss:

1. What the type of risk is.
2. Ways to help mitigate the risk category.

Examine your current place of work, or an organization of your choice, and write a paper in which you discuss:

Organizational Risks.
Technical Risks.
Resource Risks.
Schedule Risks.
Use at least three quality resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-
hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Assess the risks and mitigation strategies that are common to enterprise system implementations.

Scoring Guide

Examine organizational risks in the curre nt workplace or anothe r
organization. 21 %


Did not submit or incompletely
examined organizational risks in

Needs Improvement

Partially examined organizational
risks in the current workplace or
another organization.


Satisfactorily examined
organizational risks in the current
workplace or another organization.


Thoroughly examined
organizational risks in the current
workplace or another organization.

the current workplace or another

Examine te chnical risks in the curre nt workplace or anothe r
organization. 21 %


Did not submit or incompletely
examined technical risks in the
current workplace or another

Needs Improvement

Partially examined technical risks in
the current workplace or another


Satisfactorily examined technical
risks in the current workplace or
another organization.


Thoroughly examined technical
risks in the current workplace or
another organization.

Examine re source risks in the curre nt workplace or anothe r
organization. 21 %


Did not submit or incompletely
examined resource risks in the
current workplace or another

Needs Improvement

Partially examined resource risks in
the current workplace or another


Satisfactorily examined resource
risks in the current workplace or
another organization.


Thoroughly examined resource
risks in the current workplace or
another organization.

Examine sche dule risks in the curre nt workplace or anothe r
organization. 21 %


Did not submit or incompletely
examined schedule risks in the
current workplace or another

Needs Improvement

Partially examined schedule risks in
the current workplace or another


Satisfactorily examined schedule
risks in the current workplace or
another organization.


Thoroughly examined schedule
risks in the current workplace or
another organization.

Use at le ast thre e quality re source s. 6 %

No references provided.
Needs Improvement
Does not meet the required number
of references; some or all
references poor-quality choices.
Meets required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.
Exceeds required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.
Formatting, spe lling, and grammar. 10 %
More than 6 errors present.
Needs Improvement
5–6 errors present.
3–4 errors present.
0–2 errors present.

w10a1 – Technical Paper: Proof of Concept (POC)

Click the linked activity title to access this assignment.

Your company is a 4-year-old startup called XYZ Software Enterprises. XYZ produces a point of sale system and was awarded a Proof of Concept (POC)
to one of the largest and oldest restaurants in the industry (you know, the ones in the commercials all the time). The restaurant wants XYZ to prove that the
software will do what the sales people said it could do.

Your Proof of Concept will include four parts:

Part 1: Gantt Chart.
Part 2: Testing and User Acceptance Report.
Part 3: Use Case Diagram.
Part 4: Activity Diagram.

Part 1: Gantt Chart

A Gantt Chart (see page 353, Figure 11-18 in your textbook) needs to be created for the entire process of the Proof of Concept. There is a two-month
deadline from today to complete the POC.

Using Visio or Excel, create a Gantt Chart that includes all of the items listed below and adds five more tasks minimum from the concepts learned from the

The initial meeting—today.
Should appear as the first line.

Teams selected to participate in the project (1 week).
Information gathering (add the information gathering methods you will use and how long each will take).
System configurations based on information gathering methods (2 weeks).
Create Activity Chart based on information gathering (information to create chart supplied).
Create Use Case Diagram based on information gathering (information to create chart supplied).
Show the finished configurations to the team and get feedback (1 day).
Make changes based on feedback (3 days).
Install the system in the test store (2 days).
Train staff (1 day).
Run a live test of POC (2 weeks).

Note: The five or more additional tasks can be sub-tasks for information gathering methods as well some other sub-task or major task not in the initial list.
You may add items from the SDLC, specific item or items on testing, or any other concept you think should be part of the POC process learned in the
course of this semester.

Note: Remember that events in a Gantt chart can happen at the same time as other events. Some items also cannot start until others are completed.
Everything has an estimated time frame and it is displayed in the chart.

Part 2: Testing and User Acceptance Report

As part of the expected documentation in the POC, XYZ wants a report on Testing and User Acceptance.

Your manager is asking you to research the testing criteria they listed in the POC documents.

The POC document states that they are looking for the following:

System and Stress Testing.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT).

For both categories, research and report on the following:

1. What these tests are.
2. Why the industry leader would want these particular tests.
3. The best ways, in detail, to accomplish the tests so that your company meets the criteria they are looking for.

These items can be added to your Gantt Chart (Part 1).

Part 3: Use Case Diagram

The restaurant, as part of the information gathering, outlined a use case in a chart, which is below.
Your manager assigned you to create the Use Case Diagram using Visio, MS Word, or any other software. (See the diagrams on Page 84 and 85 of the

Paste the diagram into the created report.


Order Food
Waiter, Patron,

Serve Food Waiter
Cook Food Chef
Pay for

Waiter, Patron

Eat Food Patron

Part 4: Activity Diagram

As a part of the information gathering process, a chart of items was provided by XYZ.

Your manager has asked that you use Visio, MS Word, or any other software with which you are familiar to create the Activity Diagram (see pages 138
Figure 5-5 and 139 Figure 5-6 in the textbook.)

Paste the diagram into the created report.


Activity Diagram

Host or Hostess seats
Server takes drink order
Server opens order for
table in POS system
Server places drink order
in the POS system
System sends drink order
to the Bar
Bar makes drinks
Server brings drinks to
Server takes food order
Server adds food order in
the POS system
Order goes to kitchen
Chef and staff cook the
Food Runner brings food
to table
Server takes dessert
Server adds dessert
order to POS
Chef and Staff create
Food Runner brings
desserts to table
Server creates check in
Server collects payment
and enters it in POS
Server adds tipped
amount to POS
Server closes table in

Additionally, you must do the following:

Use at least 3 quality resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-
hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Develop a proof of concept of a software system for a potential customer.

Scoring Guide

Cre ate a Gantt Chart base d on the list prov ide d and add at le ast fiv e
more task ite ms le arne d from the course to the list. 20 %


Did not submit or incompletely
created, or copied a Gantt chart
from the Internet.

Needs Improvement

Partially created the Gantt Chart
and/or made the 1–5 required
additions to the chart.


Satisfactorily created the Gantt
Chart and made the 3–5 required
additions to the chart.


Thoroughly created the Gantt Chart
and made the 5 or more required
additions to the chart.

Re se arch and re port why the re staurant would want to pe rform the
Syste m and Stre ss Te sting, what the se te sts are , and the be st way to
accomplish the m. 15 %

Unacceptable Needs Improvement Competent Exemplary

© 2020 Strategic Education, Inc.

Did not submit or incompletely
researched and reported why the
restaurant would want to perform
the System and Stress Testing,
what these tests are, and the best
way to accomplish them.

Partially researched and reported
why the restaurant would want to
perform the System and Stress
Testing, what these tests are, and
the best way to accomplish them.

Satisfactorily researched and
reported why the restaurant would
want to perform the System and
Stress Testing, what these tests
are, and the best way to
accomplish them.

Thoroughly researched and
reported why the restaurant would
want to perform the System and
Stress Testing, what these tests
are, and the best way to
accomplish them.

Re se arch and re port why the re staurant would want to pe rform the Use r
Acce ptance Te sting (UAT), what the te st is, and the be st way to
accomplish it. 15 %


Did not submit or had incompletely
researched and reported why the
restaurant would want to perform
the User Acceptance Testing (UAT),
what the test is, and the best way to
accomplish it.

Needs Improvement

Partially researched and reported
why the restaurant would want to
perform the User Acceptance
Testing (UAT), what the test is, and
the best way to accomplish it.


Satisfactorily researched and
reported why the restaurant would
want to perform the User
Acceptance Testing (UAT), what the
test is, and the best way to
accomplish it.


Thoroughly researched and
reported why the restaurant would
want to perform the User
Acceptance Testing (UAT), what the
test is, and the best way to
accomplish it.

Cre ate a Use Case Diagram from the supplie d chart. 15 %


Did not submit or incompletely
created a Use Case Diagram from
the supplied chart.

Needs Improvement

Partially created a Use Case
Diagram from the supplied chart.


Satisfactorily created a Use Case
Diagram from the supplied chart.


Thoroughly created a Use Case
Diagram from the supplied chart.

Cre ate an Activ ity Diagram from the supplie d chart. 20 %


Did not submit or incompletely
created an Activity Diagram from
the supplied chart.

Needs Improvement

Partially created an Activity
Diagram from the supplied chart.


Satisfactorily created an Activity
Diagram from the supplied chart.


Thoroughly created an Activity
Diagram from the supplied chart.

Use at le ast thre e quality re source s. 5 %
No references provided.
Needs Improvement
Does not meet the required number
of references; some or all
references poor-quality choices.
Meets required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.
Exceeds required number of
references; all references high-
quality choices.
Formatting, spe lling, and grammar. 10 %
More than 6 errors present.
Needs Improvement
5–6 errors present.
3–4 errors present.
0–2 errors present

Creating a Use Case

Jennifer LeClair




Instructor Name: Dr. Austin Umezurike


Assignment 2:

Creating a Use Case


With this paper I will show how a use case diagram should be used. I base this paper from fig. 3

– 11 pages 78 – 80 in our textbook titled: System


and Design in a Changing World, 6th

edition, by Satzinger, Jackson, and Burd. In the Use Case Diagram that I make, I will depict a

use case for a


subsystem. I will also be describing the overview of the diagram. I

will also provide an analysis of the characters.

Use Case Introduction

An activity that a system performs is known as a use case. It is mostly in response to the

user. Use case analysis is a technique that is used for identifying the functional requirements of

the software system. A use case is to designate the point of view from a client and customer, this

is a use cases main purpose. An analytical role in the development process is done by the

developer. The other definition of a use case is as an objective or as an actor. Actors are with a

particular system and they want to achieve. In the use case diagram that I create, I will show the

actors and use cases for the RMO CSMS subsystem for marketing.

Marketing Subsystem


Marketing Merchandising


The overview of this use case diagram has the following: It shows the system boundary,

the association and the actors. The one that does the interaction with the system by entering or

receiving data is called a group, actor, external agent or person. Another part of the whole system

are the system boundaries. System boundaries are the computerized part of the application along

with the users who operate it. When a customer places a relationship between certain things such

as a certain employee in a department and an order, this would be a logical association. In my

diagram I have included two actors, one is representing marketing and the other represents



The events and actions that define the interactions with a system and the role in order to

be able to discover a goal is a list of actions or steps in an event in a use case. The elements that

make up a use case diagram and the connections that are between a use case and the actors is an

association. This lets us know that there is communication between the actors and the use case.

On the marketing side they need to be able to update / add promotions, production and business

partners. On the merchandising side they need to be able to update / add production information

and accessory packages.


The important part of a use case diagram is that you can identify the users so that your

diagram has the ability to make communication with other users, and management. My use case

diagram showed a way to analyze a subsystem for a CSMS market.


Satzinger, J., Jackson, R., & Burd, S. (2012). Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World (6th Ed.). Cambridge, Ma: Course Technology.

Miles, R., Hamilton, K. (2006). Learning UML 2.0: A Pragmatic Introduction to UML (1st Ed). Sebastopol, CA. O’Reily Media.

Use Case of Standards Development. (2016). Journal of AHIMA, 87(1), 24 – 29.


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