Create Your Own Vaccine Against COVID19

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Nonbinding Recommendations

Development and Licensure of

Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19

Guidance for Industry

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Food and Drug Administration

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research

June 2020

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


Public Comment

This guidance is being issued to address the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health


This guidance is being implemented without prior public comment because the

Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) has determined that prior public participation

for this guidance is not feasible or appropriate (see section 701(h)(1)(C) of the Federal Food,

Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C. 371(h)(1)(C)) and 21 CFR 10.115(g)(2)). This

guidance document is being implemented immediately, but it remains subject to comment in

accordance with the Agency’s good guidance practices.

Comments may be submitted at any time for Agency consideration. Submit written comments to

the Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane,

Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Submit electronic comments to

All comments should be identified with the docket FDA-2020-D-1137 and complete title of the

guidance in the request.

Additional Copies

Additional copies are available from the FDA webpage titled “COVID-19-Related Guidance

Documents for Industry, FDA Staff, and Other Stakeholders,” available at

guidance-documents-industry-fda-staff-and-other-stakeholders, the FDA webpage titled “Search

for FDA Guidance Documents,” available at

information/search-fda-guidance-documents, and the FDA webpage titled “Biologics

Guidances,” available at

regulatory-information-biologics/biologics-guidances. You may also send an email request to to receive an additional copy of the guidance. Please include the docket

number FDA-2020-D-1137 and complete title of the guidance in the request.


For questions about this document, contact the Office of Communication, Outreach, and

Development (OCOD) by email at or at 800-835-4709 or 240-402-8010.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

II. BACKGROUND ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2


A. General Considerations ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

B. Manufacture of Drug Substance and Drug Product ………………………………………………. 3

C. Facilities and Inspections ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5


A. General Considerations ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

B. Toxicity Studies (Refs. 10-14) ……………………………………………………………………………….. 6

C. Characterization of the Immune Response in Animal Models ……………………………….. 7

D. Studies to Address the Potential for Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory
Disease ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

V. CLINICAL TRIALS – KEY CONSIDERATIONS …………………………………………………….. 9

A. General Considerations ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

B. Trial Populations ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10

C. Trial Design ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

D. Efficacy Considerations ……………………………………………………………………………………… 13

E. Statistical Considerations …………………………………………………………………………………… 14

F. Safety Considerations ………………………………………………………………………………………… 15


A. General Considerations ……………………………………………………………………………………… 16

B. Pharmacovigilance Activities for COVID-19 Vaccines ………………………………………… 16

C. Required Postmarketing Safety Studies ………………………………………………………………. 17


VIII. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ……………………………………………………………………….. 18

A. Additional Considerations in Demonstrating Vaccine Effectiveness …………………….. 18

B. Emergency Use Authorization ……………………………………………………………………………. 19

IX. REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


Development and Licensure of
Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19

Guidance for Industry

This guidance represents the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency)

on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public.

You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and

regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for this guidance

as listed on the title page.


FDA plays a critical role in protecting the United States from threats such as emerging infectious

diseases, including the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic which has been caused by

the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). FDA is committed to

providing timely guidance to support response efforts to this pandemic.

FDA is issuing this guidance to assist sponsors in the clinical development and licensure of vaccines

for the prevention of COVID-19.

This guidance is intended to remain in effect for the duration of the public health emergency related

to COVID-19 declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) on January 31, 2020,

effective January 27, 2020, including any renewals made by the HHS Secretary in accordance with

section 319(a)(2) of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) (42 U.S.C. 247d(a)(2)). The

recommendations described in the guidance are expected to assist the Agency and sponsors in the

clinical development and licensure of vaccines for the prevention of COVID-19 and reflect the

Agency’s current thinking on this issue.

Given this public health emergency, and as discussed in the Notice in the Federal Register of March

25, 2020, titled “Process for Making Available Guidance Documents Related to Coronavirus Disease

2019” (85 FR 16949), available at

06222 , this guidance is being implemented without prior public comment because FDA has

determined that prior public participation for this guidance is not feasible or appropriate (see section

701(h)(1)(C) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), (21 U.S.C. 371(h)(1)(C)),

and 21 CFR 10.115(g)(2)). This guidance document is being implemented immediately, but it

remains subject to comment in accordance with the Agency’s good guidance practices. However,

FDA expects that the recommendations set forth in this revised guidance will continue to apply

outside the context of the current public health emergency.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


Therefore, within 60 days following the termination of the public health emergency, FDA intends to

revise and replace this guidance with an updated guidance that incorporates any appropriate changes

based on comments received on this guidance and the Agency’s experience with implementation.

In general, FDA’s guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable

responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be

viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The

use of the word should in Agency guidance means that something is suggested or recommended, but

not required.


There is currently an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus. The virus has

been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “COVID-19.” On January 31,

2020, the Secretary of HHS issued a declaration of a public health emergency related to COVID-19

and mobilized the Operating Divisions of HHS.1 In addition, on March 13, 2020, the President

declared a national emergency in response to COVID-19.2

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic presents an extraordinary challenge to global health. There are

currently no FDA-licensed vaccines to prevent COVID-19. Commercial vaccine manufacturers and

other entities are developing COVID-19 vaccine candidates using different technologies including

RNA, DNA, protein, and viral vectored vaccines.

This guidance describes FDA’s current recommendations regarding the data needed to facilitate

clinical development and licensure of vaccines to prevent COVID-19. There are currently no

accepted surrogate endpoints that are reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit of a COVID-19

vaccine. Thus, at this time, the goal of development programs should be to pursue traditional

approval via direct evidence of vaccine safety and efficacy in protecting humans from SARS-CoV-2

infection and/or clinical disease.

This guidance provides an overview of key considerations to satisfy regulatory requirements set forth

in the investigational new drug application (IND) regulations in 21 CFR Part 312 and licensing

regulations in 21 CFR Part 601 for chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC), and nonclinical

and clinical data through development and licensure, and for post-licensure safety evaluation of

COVID-19 preventive vaccines.3 FDA is committed to supporting all scientifically sound

approaches to attenuating the clinical impact of COVID-19. Sponsors engaged in the development

of vaccines to prevent COVID-19 should also see the guidance for industry and investigators,

COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: General Considerations for Pre-IND Meeting Requests for

COVID-19 Related Drugs and Biological Products (Ref. 1).

1 Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M. Azar, Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists. (Jan. 31,

2020, renewed April 21, 2020), available at
2 Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak

(Mar. 13, 2020), available at

3 Novel devices used to administer COVID-19 vaccines raise additional issues which are not addressed in this guidance.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


There are many COVID-19 vaccines currently in development and FDA recognizes that the

considerations presented here do not represent all the considerations necessary to satisfy statutory

and regulatory requirements applicable to the licensure of vaccines intended to prevent COVID-19.
The nature of a particular vaccine and its intended use may impact specific data needs. We encourage

sponsors to contact the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) Office of Vaccines

Research and Review (OVRR) with specific questions.


A. General Considerations

• COVID-19 vaccines licensed in the United States must meet the statutory and
regulatory requirements for vaccine development and approval, including for

quality, development, manufacture, and control (section 351(a) of the Public

Health Service Act (PHS Act), (42 U.S.C. 262)). The vaccine product must be

adequately characterized and its manufacture in compliance with applicable

standards including current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) (section

501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)( B)) and 21 CFR Parts 210,

211, and 610). It is critical that vaccine production processes for each vaccine are

well defined and appropriately controlled to ensure consistency in manufacturing.

• COVID-19 vaccine development may be accelerated based on knowledge gained
from similar products manufactured with the same well-characterized platform

technology, to the extent legally and scientifically permissible. Similarly, with

appropriate justification, some aspects of manufacture and control may be based

on the vaccine platform, and in some instances, reduce the need for product-

specific data. FDA recommends that vaccine manufacturers engage in early

communications with OVRR to discuss the type and extent of chemistry,

manufacturing, and control information needed for development and licensure of

their COVID-19 vaccine.

B. Manufacture of Drug Substance and Drug Product

• Data should be provided to show that all source material used in manufacturing is

adequately controlled, including, for example, history and qualification of cell

banks, history and qualification of virus banks, and identification of all animal

derived materials used for cell culture and virus growth.

• Complete details of the manufacturing process must be provided in a Biologics
License Application (BLA) to support licensure of a COVID-19 vaccine (21 CFR

601.2). Accordingly, sponsors should submit data and information identifying

critical process parameters, critical quality attributes, batch records, defined hold

times, and the in-process testing scheme. Specifications should be established for

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


each critical parameter. Validation data from the manufacture of platform-related

products may provide useful supportive information, particularly in the

identification of critical parameters.

• In-process control tests must be established that allow quality to be monitored for
each lot for all stages of production (section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act (21

U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)) and, as applicable, 21 CFR 211.110(a)).

• Data to support the consistency of the manufacturing process should be provided,
including process validation protocols and study reports, data from engineering

lots, and drug substance process performance qualification.

• The manufacturing process must be adequately validated (section 501(a)(2)(B) of
the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)) and, as applicable, 21 CFR 211.100(a)

and 211.110). Validation would typically include a sufficient number of

commercial-scale batches that can be manufactured routinely, meeting

predetermined in-process controls, critical process parameters, and lot release

specifications. Typically, data on the manufacture of at least three commercial-

scale batches are sufficient to support the validation of the manufacturing process

(Ref. 2).

• A quality control system should be in place for all stages of manufacturing,
including a well-defined testing program to ensure in process/intermediate product

quality and product quality throughout the formulation and filling process. This

system should also include a well-defined testing program to ensure drug

substance quality profile and drug product quality for release. Data on the

qualification/validation for all quality indicating assays should be submitted to the

BLA to support licensure.

• All quality-control release tests, including key tests for vaccine purity, identity and
potency, should be validated and shown to be suitable for the intended purpose.

Release specifications are product specific and will be discussed with the sponsor

as part of the review of a BLA.

• If adequately justified, final validation of formulation and filling operations may
be completed after product approval if the impact on product quality is not

compromised. It is important that any data that will be submitted after product

approval be agreed upon prior to licensure and be submitted as a postmarketing

commitment using the appropriate submission category.

• For vaccine licensure, the stability and expiry date of the vaccine in its final
container, when maintained at the recommended storage temperature, should be

demonstrated using final containers from at least three final lots made from

different vaccine bulks.

• Storage conditions, including container closure integrity, must be fully validated
(21 CFR 211.166).

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


• The vaccine must have been shown to maintain its potency for a period equal to
that from the date of release to the expiry date (21 CFR 601.2 and 610.10). Post

marketing commitments to provide full shelf life data may be acceptable with

appropriate justification.

• A product specific stability program should be established to verify that licensed
product maintains quality over the defined shelf life.

C. Facilities and Inspections

• Facilities must be of suitable size and construction to facilitate operations and
should be adequately designed to prevent contamination, cross-contamination and


(section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)) and, as

applicable,21 CFR 211.42(a)). All utilities (including plumbing and sanitation)

must be validated, and HVAC systems must provide adequate control over air

pressure, micro-organisms, dust, humidity, and temperature, and sufficient

protection or containment as needed (section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act (21

U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)) and, as applicable, 21 CFR 211.46(c)) (Ref. 3). Facility and

equipment cleaning and maintenance processes must be developed and validated

(section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)) and, as

applicable, 21 CFR 211.56(c) and 211.67(b)).

• Manufacturing equipment should be qualified and sterile filtration and sterilization
processes validated. Aseptic processes should be adequately validated using

media simulations and personnel should be trained and qualified for their intended


• A quality control unit must be established and must have the responsibility for
oversight of manufacturing, and review and release of components, containers and

closures, labeling, in-process material, and final products (section 501(a)(2)(B) of

the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)) and, as applicable, 21 CFR 211.22). The

quality control unit must have the responsibility for approving validation

protocols, reports, investigate deviations, and institute corrective and preventive


• FDA recommends that vaccine manufacturers engage in early communication
with CBER’s Office of Compliance and Biologics Quality, Division of

Manufacturing and Product Quality to discuss facility preparation and inspection


• Pre-license inspections of manufacturing sites are considered part of the review of

a BLA and are generally conducted following the acceptance of a BLA filing (21

CFR 601.20). During the COVID-19 public health emergency, FDA is utilizing

all available tools and sources of information to support regulatory decisions on

applications that include sites impacted by FDA’s ability to inspect due to

COVID-19. During this interim period, we are using additional tools, where

available, to determine the need for an on-site inspection and to support the

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


application assessment, such as reviewing a firm’s previous compliance history,

and requesting records in advance of or in lieu of on-site inspections or voluntarily

from facilities and sites.


A. General Considerations

• The purpose of nonclinical studies of a COVID-19 vaccine candidate is to define
its immunogenicity and safety characteristics through in vitro and in vivo testing.

Nonclinical studies in animal models4 help identify potential vaccine related safety

risks and guide the selection of dose, dosing regimen, and route of administration

to be used in clinical studies. The extent of nonclinical data required to support

proceeding to first in human (FIH) clinical trials depends on the vaccine construct,

the supportive data available for the construct and data from closely related


• Data from studies in animal models administered certain vaccine constructs

against other coronaviruses (SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) have raised concerns of

a theoretical risk for COVID-19 vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease

(ERD). In these studies, animal models were administered vaccine constructs

against other coronaviruses and subsequently challenged with the respective wild-

type virus. These studies have shown evidence of immunopathologic lung

reactions characteristic of a Th-2 type hypersensitivity similar to ERD described

in infants and animals that were administered formalin-inactivated respiratory

syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine and that were subsequently challenged with RSV

virus due to natural exposure or in the laboratory, respectively (Refs. 4-9).

Vaccine candidates should be assessed in light of these studies as described in

section D, below.

• FDA recommends that vaccine manufacturers engage in early communications
with FDA to discuss the type and extent of nonclinical testing required for the

particular COVID-19 vaccine candidate to support proceeding to FIH clinical

trials and further clinical development.

B. Toxicity Studies (Refs. 10-14)

• For a COVID-19 vaccine candidate consisting of a novel product type and for
which no prior nonclinical and clinical data are available, nonclinical safety

studies will be required prior to proceeding to FIH clinical trials 21 CFR


4 The preclinical program for any investigational product should be individualized with respect to scope, complexity, and

overall design. We support the principles of the “3Rs,” to reduce, refine, and replace animal use in testing when feasible.

Proposals, with justification for any potential alternative approaches (e.g., in vitro or in silico testing), should be

submitted during early communication meetings with FDA (see section VI of this document). We will consider if such

an alternative method could be used in place of an animal test method.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


• In some cases, it may not be necessary to perform nonclinical safety studies prior
to FIH clinical trials because adequate information to characterize product safety

may be available from other sources. For example, if the COVID-19 vaccine

candidate is made using a platform technology utilized to manufacture a licensed

vaccine or other previously studied investigational vaccines and is sufficiently

characterized, it may be possible to use toxicology data (e.g., data from repeat

dose toxicity studies, biodistribution studies) and clinical data accrued with other

products using the same platform to support FIH clinical trials for that COVID-19

vaccine candidate. Vaccine manufacturers should summarize the findings and

provide a rationale if considering using these data in lieu of performing

nonclinical safety studies.

• When needed to support proceeding to FIH clinical trials, nonclinical safety
assessments including toxicity and local tolerance studies must be conducted

under conditions consistent with regulations prescribing good laboratory practices

for conducting nonclincial laboratory studies (GLP) (21 CFR Part 58). Such

studies should be completed and analysed prior to initiation of FIH clinical trials.

When toxicology studies do not adequately characterize risk, additional safety

testing should be conducted as appropriate.

• Data from toxicity studies may be submitted as unaudited final draft toxicicologic
reports to accelerate proceeding to FIH clincial trials with COVID-19 vaccine

candidates. The final, fully quality-assured reports should be available to FDA

within 120 days of the start of the FIH clinical trial.

• Use of COVID-19 preventive vaccines in pregnancy and in women of
childbearing potential will be an important consideration for vaccination

programs. Therefore, FDA recommends that prior to enrolling pregnant women

and women of childbearing potential who are not actively avoiding pregnancy in

clinical trials, sponsors conduct developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART)

studies with their respective COVID-19 vaccine candidate. Alternatively,

sponsors may submit available data from DART studies with a similar product

using comparable platform technology if, after consultation with the agency, the

agency agrees those data are scientifically sufficient.

• Biodistribution studies in an animal species should be considered if the vaccine
construct is novel in nature and there are no existing biodistribution data from the

platform technology. These studies should be conducted if there is a likelihood of

altered infectivity and tissue tropism or if a novel route of administration and

formulation is to be used.

C. Characterization of the Immune Response in Animal Models

• Immunogenicity studies in animal models responsive to the selected COVID-19
vaccine antigen should be conducted to evaluate the immunologic properties of

the COVID-19 vaccine candidate and to support FIH clinical trials. The aspects of

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


immunogenicity to be measured should be appropriate for the vaccine construct

and its intended mechanism of action.

• Studies should include an evaluation of humoral, cellular, and functional immune
responses, as appropriate to each of the included COVID-19 antigens. Use of

antigen-specific enyzme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) should be

considered to characterize the humoral response. Evaluation of cellular reponses

should include the examination of CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses using

sensitive and specific assays. The functional activity of immune responses should

be evaluated in vitro in neutralization assays using either wild-type virus or

pseudovirion virus. The assays used for immunogencity evaluation should be

demonstrated to be suitable for their intended purpose.

D. Studies to Address the Potential for Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory

• Current knowledge and understanding of the potential risk of COVID-19 vaccine
associated ERD is limited, as is understanding of the value of available animal

models in predicting the likelihood of such occurrence in humans. Nevertheless,

studies in animal models (e.g., rodents and non-human primates) are considered

important to address the potential for vaccine-associated ERD.

• Post-vaccination animal challenge studies and the characterization of the type of
the nonclinical and clinical immune response induced by the particular COVID-19

vaccine candidate can be used to evaluate the likelihood of the vaccine to induce

vaccine-associated ERD in humans.

• To support proceeding to FIH clinical trials, sponsors should conduct studies
characterizing the vaccine-induced immune response in animal models evaluating

immune markers of potential ERD outcomes. These should include assessments

of functional immune responses (e.g., neutralizing antibody) versus total antibody

responses and Th1/Th2 balance in animals vaccinated with clinically relevant

doses of the COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

• COVID-19 vaccine candidates with immunogenicity data demonstrating high
neutralizing antibody titers and Th1-type T cell polarization may be allowed to

proceed to FIH trials without first completing postvaccination challenge studies in

appropriate animal models, provided adequate risk mitigation strategies are put in

place in the FIH trials. In these situations, postvaccination challenge studies are

expected to be conducted in parallel with FIH trials to ensure the potential for

vaccine-associated ERD is addressed prior to enrolling large numbers of human

subjects into Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. For COVID-19 vaccine candidates for

which other data raise increased concerns about ERD, postvaccination animal

challenge data and/or animal immunopathology studies are critical to assess

protection and/or ERD prior to advancing to FIH clinical trials.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


• The totality of data for a specific COVID-19 vaccine candidate, including data

from postvaccination challenge studies in small animal models and from FIH

clinical trials characterizing the type of immune responses induced by the vaccine

will be considered in determining whether Phase 3 studies can proceed in the

absence of postvaccination challenge data to address risk of ERD.


A. General Considerations

• Understanding of SARS-CoV-2 immunology, and specifically vaccine immune
responses that might predict protection against COVID-19, is currently limited

and evolving. Thus, while evaluation of immunogenicity is an important

component of COVID-19 vaccine development, at this time, the goal of

development programs should be to pursue traditional approval via direct evidence

of vaccine efficacy in protecting humans from SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or


• Clinical development programs for COVID-19 vaccines might be expedited by
adaptive and/or seamless clinical trial designs (described below) that allow for

selection between vaccine candidates and dosing regimens and for more rapid

progression through the usual phases of clinical development.

• Regardless of whether clinical development programs proceed in discrete phases
with separate studies or via a more seamless approach, an adequate body of data,

including data to inform the risk of vaccine-associated ERD, will be needed as

clinical development progresses to support the safety of vaccinating the proposed

study populations and number of participants and, for later stage development, to

ensure that the study design is adequate to meet its objectives.

• FDA can provide early advice, and potentially concurrence in principle, on plans
for expedited/seamless clinical development. However, sponsors should plan to

submit summaries of data available at each development milestone for FDA

review and concurrence prior to advancing to the next phase of development.

• Conducting clinical trials in the setting of a public health emergency presents
operational challenges. FDA has issued guidance to provide general

considerations to assist sponsors in assuring the safety of trial participants,

maintaining compliance with good clinical practice (GCP), and minimizing risks

to trial integrity for the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency. It

should be noted that not all of the recommendations in that guidance may be

applicable to vaccine development, given some of the different considerations for

these products (Ref. 15).

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


B. Trial Populations

• Once acceptable pre-clinical data are available, FIH and other early phase studies
(which typically expose 10–100 participants to each vaccine candidate being

evaluated) should first enroll healthy adult participants who are at low risk of

severe COVID-19. Exclusion of participants at higher risk of severe COVID-19

from early phase studies is necessary to mitigate potential risk of vaccine-

associated ERD until additional data to inform that potential risk becomes

available through ongoing product development.

o As the understanding of COVID-19 pathogenesis continues to evolve,
exclusion criteria should reflect the current understanding of risk factors for

more severe COVID-19, such as those described by the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention (Ref. 16).

o Older adult participants (e.g., over 55 years of age) may be enrolled in FIH
and other early phase studies so long as they do not have medical

comorbidities associated with an increased risk of severe COVID-19. Some

preliminary safety data in younger adults (e.g., 7 days after a single

vaccination) should be available prior to enrolling older adult participants,

especially for vaccine platforms without prior clinical experience.

o If possible, early clinical studies should also exclude participants at high risk
of SARS-CoV-2 exposure (e.g., healthcare workers).

• Sponsors should collect and evaluate at least preliminary clinical safety and
immunogenicity data for each dose level and age group (e.g., younger versus older

adults) to support progression of clinical development to include larger numbers

(e.g., hundreds) of participants and participants at higher risk of severe COVID-19.

o Preliminary immunogenicity data from early phase development should
include assessments of neutralizing vs. total antibody responses and Th1 vs.

Th2 polarization.

o Additional data to further inform potential risk of vaccine-associated ERD and
to support progression of clinical development, if available, may include

preliminary evaluation of COVID-19 disease outcomes from earlier clinical

development and results of non-clinical studies evaluating protection and/or

histopathological markers of vaccine-associated ERD following SARS-CoV-2


• To generate sufficient data to meet the BLA approval standard, late phase clinical

trials to demonstrate vaccine efficacy with formal hypothesis testing will likely

need to enroll many thousands of participants, including many with medical

comorbidities for trials seeking to assess protection against severe COVID-19.

o Initiation of late phase trials should be preceded by adequate characterization
of safety and immunogenicity (e.g., in a few hundred participants for each

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


vaccine candidate, dose level, and age group to be evaluated) to support

general safety, potential for vaccine efficacy, and low risk of vaccine-

associated ERD.

o Results of non-clinical studies evaluating protection and/or histopathological
markers of vaccine-associated ERD following SARS-CoV-2 challenge and

COVID-19 disease outcomes from earlier clinical development are other

potentially important sources of information to support clinical trials with

thousands of participants.

• Although establishing vaccine safety and efficacy in SARS-CoV-2 naïve
individuals is critical, vaccine safety and COVID-19 outcomes in individuals with

prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, which might have been asymptomatic, is also

important to examine because pre-vaccination screening for prior infection is

unlikely to occur in practice with the deployment of licensed COVID-19 vaccines.

Therefore, COVID-19 vaccine trials need not screen for or exclude participants

with history or laboratory evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection. However,

individuals with acute COVID-19 (or other acute infectious illness) should be

excluded from COVID-19 vaccine trials.

• FDA encourages the inclusion of diverse populations in all phases of vaccine
clinical development. This inclusion helps to ensure that vaccines are safe and

effective for everyone in the indicated populations.

o FDA strongly encourages the enrollment of populations most affected by
COVID-19, specifically racial and ethnic minorities.

o Evaluation of vaccine safety and efficacy in late phase clinical development in
adults should include adequate representation of elderly individuals and

individuals with medical comorbidities.

o FDA encourages vaccine developers to consider early in their development
programs data that might support inclusion of pregnant women and women of

childbearing potential who are not actively avoiding pregnancy in pre-

licensure clinical trials (Ref. 17).

o It is important for developers of COVID-19 vaccines to plan for pediatric
assessments of safety and effectiveness, given the nature of the COVID-19

public health emergency, and to help ensure compliance with the Pediatric

Research Equity Act (PREA) (section 505B of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C.

355c)) (Ref. 18). The epidemiology and pathogenesis of COVID-19, and the

safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, may be different in children

compared with adults. In order to ensure compliance with 21 CFR Part 50

Subpart D (Additional safeguards for children in clinical investigations),

considerations on the prospect of direct benefit and acceptable risk to support

initiation of pediatric studies, and the appropriate design and endpoints for

pediatric studies, should be discussed in the context of specific vaccine

development programs.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


C. Trial Design

• Early phase trials often aim to down-select among multiple vaccine candidates
and/or dosing regimens via randomization of participants to different treatment

groups. While including a placebo control and blinding are not required for early

phase studies, doing so may assist in interpretation of preliminary safety data.

• Later phase trials, including efficacy trials, should be randomized, double-blinded,
and placebo controlled.

o An individually randomized controlled trial with 1:1 randomization between
vaccine and placebo groups is usually the most efficient study design for

demonstrating vaccine efficacy. Other types of randomization, such as cluster

randomization, may be acceptable but require careful consideration of

potential biases that are usually avoided with individual randomization.

o An efficacy trial that evaluates multiple vaccine candidates against a single
placebo group may be an acceptable approach to further increase efficiency,

provided that the trial is adequately designed with appropriate statistical

methods to evaluate efficacy.

o If the availability of a COVID-19 vaccine proven to be safe and effective
precludes ethical inclusion of a placebo control group, that vaccine could serve

as the control treatment in a study designed to evaluate efficacy with non-

inferiority hypothesis testing.

• Protocols for adaptive trials should include pre-specified criteria for adding or
removing vaccine candidates or dosing regimens, and protocols for seamless trials

should include pre-specified criteria (e.g., safety and immunogenicity data) for

advancing from one phase of the study to the next.

• Follow-up of study participants for COVID-19 outcomes (in particular, for severe
COVID-19 disease manifestations) should continue as long as feasible, ideally at

least one to two years, to assess duration of protection and potential for vaccine-

associated ERD as immune responses to the vaccine wane.

• Efficacy trials should include contingency plans for continued follow up and
analysis of safety and effectiveness outcomes in the event that a safe and effective

vaccine becomes available (e.g., as demonstrated in a planned interim analysis or

as demonstrated in another clinical trial). In that case, discussion with the agency

may be necessary to address ethical arguments to break the blind and offer vaccine

to placebo recipients.

• In cases where statistical equivalency testing of vaccine immune responses in
humans is required to support manufacturing consistency (clinical lot-to-lot

consistency trial), this testing can be incorporated into the design of an efficacy

trial and does not need to be conducted in a separate study.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


D. Efficacy Considerations

• Either laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 or laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2
infection is an acceptable primary endpoint for a COVID-19 vaccine efficacy trial.

o Acute cases of COVID-19 should be virologically confirmed (e.g., by RT-

o SARS-CoV-2 infection, including asymptomatic infection, can be monitored
for and confirmed either by virologic methods or by serologic methods

evaluating antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 antigens not included in the vaccine.

• Standardization of efficacy endpoints across clinical trials may facilitate
comparative evaluation of vaccines for deployment programs, provided that such

comparisons are not confounded by differences in trial design or study

populations. To this end, FDA recommends that either the primary endpoint or a

secondary endpoint (with or without formal hypothesis testing) be defined as

virologically confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection with one or more of the following


o Fever or chills
o Cough
o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
o Fatigue
o Muscle or body aches
o Headache
o New loss of taste or smell
o Sore throat
o Congestion or runny nose
o Nausea or vomiting
o Diarrhea

• As it is possible that a COVID-19 vaccine might be much more effective in
preventing severe versus mild COVID-19, sponsors should consider powering

efficacy trials for formal hypothesis testing on a severe COVID-19 endpoint.

Regardless, severe COVID-19 should be evaluated as a secondary endpoint (with

or without formal hypothesis testing) if not evaluated as a primary endpoint. FDA

recommends that severe COVID-19 be defined as virologically confirmed SARS-

CoV-2 infection with any of the following:

o Clinical signs at rest indicative of severe systemic illness (respiratory rate ≥ 30
per minute, heart rate ≥ 125 per minute, SpO2 ≤ 93% on room air at sea level

or PaO2/FiO2 < 300 mm Hg)

o Respiratory failure (defined as needing high-flow oxygen, noninvasive
ventilation, mechanical ventilation or ECMO)

o Evidence of shock (SBP < 90 mm Hg, DBP < 60 mm Hg, or requiring vasopressors)

o Significant acute renal, hepatic, or neurologic dysfunction

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


o Admission to an ICU
o Death

• SARS-CoV-2 infection (whether or not symptomatic) should be evaluated as a

secondary or exploratory endpoint, if not evaluated as a primary endpoint.

• The above diagnostic criteria may need to be modified in certain populations; for

example, in pediatric patients and those with respiratory comorbidities. Sponsors

should discuss their proposed case definitions with the Agency prior to initiating


E. Statistical Considerations

• To ensure that a widely deployed COVID-19 vaccine is effective, the primary
efficacy endpoint point estimate for a placebo-controlled efficacy trial should be at

least 50%, and the statistical success criterion should be that the lower bound of

the appropriately alpha-adjusted confidence interval around the primary efficacy

endpoint point estimate is >30%.

o The same statistical success criterion should be used for any interim analysis
designed for early detection of efficacy.

o A lower bound ≤30% but >0% may be acceptable as a statistical success
criterion for a secondary efficacy endpoint, provided that secondary endpoint

hypothesis testing is dependent on success on the primary endpoint.

• For non-inferiority comparison to a COVID-19 vaccine already proven to be
effective, the statistical success criterion should be that the lower bound of the

appropriately alpha-adjusted confidence interval around the primary relative

efficacy point estimate is >-10%.

• For each vaccine candidate, appropriate statistical methods should be used to
control type 1 error for hypothesis testing on multiple endpoints and/or interim

efficacy analyses.

• Late phase studies should include interim analyses to assess risk of vaccine-
associated ERD (see section F) and futility.

• Study sample sizes and timing of interim analyses should be based on the

statistical success criteria for primary and secondary (if applicable) efficacy

analyses and realistic, data-driven estimates of vaccine efficacy and incidence of

COVID-19 (or SARS-CoV-2 infection) for the populations and locales in which

the trial will be conducted.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


F. Safety Considerations

• The general safety evaluation of COVID-19 vaccines, including the size of the
safety database to support vaccine licensure, should be no different than for other

preventive vaccines for infectious diseases. Safety assessments throughout

clinical development should include:

o Solicited local and systemic adverse events for at least 7 days after each study
vaccination in an adequate number of study participants to characterize

reactogenicity (including at least a subset of participants in late phase efficacy


o Unsolicited adverse events in all study participants for at least 21–28 days
after each study vaccination.

o Serious and other medically attended adverse events in all study participants
for at least 6 months after completion of all study vaccinations. Longer safety

monitoring may be warranted for certain vaccine platforms (e.g., those that

include novel adjuvants).

o All pregnancies in study participants for which the date of conception is prior
to vaccination or within 30 days after vaccination should be followed for

pregnancy outcomes, including pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and congenital


• The pre-licensure safety database for preventive vaccines for infectious diseases
typically consists of at least 3,000 study participants vaccinated with the dosing

regimen intended for licensure. FDA anticipates that adequately powered efficacy

trials for COVID-19 vaccines will be of sufficient size to provide an acceptable

safety database for each of younger adult and elderly populations, provided that no

significant safety concerns arise during clinical development that would warrant

further pre-licensure evaluation.

• COVID-19 vaccine trials should periodically monitor for unfavorable imbalances
between vaccine and control groups in COVID-19 disease outcomes, in particular

for cases of severe COVID-19 that may be a signal for vaccine-associated ERD.

o Studies should include pre-specified criteria for halting based on signals of
potential vaccine-associated ERD.

o FDA recommends use of an independent data safety monitoring board
(DSMB) (Ref. 18) for vaccine-associated ERD and other safety signal

monitoring, especially during later stage development.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations



A. General Considerations

• As with all licensed vaccines, there can be limitations in the safety database accrued

from the pre-licensure clinical studies of a COVID-19 vaccine. For example:

o The number of subjects receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in pre-licensure
clinical studies may not be adequate to detect some adverse reactions that may

occur infrequently.

o Pre-licensure safety data in some subpopulations likely to receive a COVID-19
vaccine (e.g., pregnant individuals, or individuals with medical comorbidities)

may be limited at the time of licensure.

o For some COVID-19 vaccines, the safety follow-up period to monitor for
possible vaccine-associated ERD and other adverse reactions may not have

been completed for all subjects enrolled in pre-licensure clinical studies before

the vaccine is licensed.

• For COVID-19 vaccines, it is likely that during the early postmarketing period, a
large population might be vaccinated in a relatively short timeframe. Thus, FDA

recommends early planning of pharmacovigilance activities before licensure.

• To facilitate accurate recording and identification of vaccines in health records,
manufacturers should consider establishment of individual Current Procedural

Terminology (CPT) codes and the use of bar codes to label the immediate


B. Pharmacovigilance Activities for COVID-19 Vaccines

• Routine pharmacovigilance for licensed biological products includes expedited
reporting of serious and unexpected adverse events as well as periodic safety

reports in accordance with 21 CFR 600.80 (Postmarketing reporting of adverse


• FDA recommends that at the time of a BLA submission for a COVID-19 vaccine,
applicants submit a Pharmacovigilance Plan (PVP) as described in the FDA

Guidance for Industry; E2E Pharmacovigilance Planning (Ref. 20). The contents

of a PVP for a COVID-19 vaccine will depend on its safety profile and will be

based on data, which includes the pre-licensure clinical safety database, preclinical

data, and available safety information for related vaccines, among other


• The PVP should include actions designed to address all important identified risks,
important potential risks or important missing information.

Pharmacoepidemiologic studies or other actions to evaluate notable potential risks,

such as vaccine-associated ERD, should be considered. FDA may recommend

one or more of the following as components of a PVP for a COVID-19 vaccine:

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


o Submission of reports of specific adverse events of interest in an expedited
manner beyond routine required reporting;

o Submission of adverse event report summaries at more frequent intervals than
specified for routine required reporting;

o Ongoing and/or extended safety follow-up (under an IND) for vaccine-
associated ERD of subjects enrolled in pre-licensure clinical studies;

o A pharmacoepidemiologic study to further evaluate (an) important identified
or potential risk(s) from the clinical development program, such as vaccine-

associated ERD or other uncommon or delayed-onset adverse events of special


o A pregnancy exposure registry that actively collects information on
vaccination during pregnancy and associated pregnancy and infant outcomes

(Ref. 21).

C. Required Postmarketing Safety Studies

• Section 505(o)(3) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 355(o)(3)) authorizes FDA to
require certain postmarketing studies or clinical trials for prescription drugs

approved under section 505(b) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 355(b)) and

biological products approved under section 351 of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. 262)

(Ref. 22). Under section 505(o)(3), FDA can require such studies or trials at the

time of approval to assess a known serious risk related to the use of the drug, to

assess signals of serious risk related to the use of the drug, or to identify an

unexpected serious risk when available data indicate the potential for a serious

risk. Under section 505(o)(3), FDA can also require such studies or trials after

approval if FDA becomes aware of new safety information, which is defined at

section 505-1(b)(3) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 355-1(b)(3)).

• For COVID-19 vaccines, FDA may require postmarketing studies or trials to
assess known or potential serious risks when such studies or trials are warranted.


• Diagnostic assays used to support the pivotal efficacy analysis (e.g., RT-PCR)
should be sensitive and accurate for the purpose of confirming infection and

should be validated before use.

• Assays used for immunogenicity evaluation should be suitable for their intended
purpose of assessing relevant immune responses to vaccination and be validated

before use in pivotal clinical trials.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations



A. Additional Considerations in Demonstrating Vaccine Effectiveness

• Given the current state of knowledge about COVID-19, the most direct approach
to demonstrate effectiveness for a COVID-19 vaccine candidate is based on

clinical endpoint efficacy trials showing protection against disease (see section V.

D. above).

• Once additional understanding of SARS-CoV-2 immunology, and specifically
vaccine immune responses that might be reasonably likely to predict protection

against COVID-19, is acquired, accelerated approval of a COVID-19 vaccine

pursuant to section 506 of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 356) and 21 CFR 601.40

may be considered if an applicant provides sufficient data and information to meet

the applicable legal requirements. For a COVID-19 vaccine, it may be possible to

approve a product under these provisions based on adequate and well-controlled

clinical trials establishing an effect of the product on a surrogate endpoint (e.g.,

immune response) that is reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit.

• A potential surrogate endpoint likely would depend on the characteristics of the
vaccine, such as antigen structure, mode of delivery, and antigen processing and

presentation in the individual vaccinated. For example, an immune marker

established for an adenovirus-based vaccine cannot be presumed applicable to a

VSV-based vaccine, given that the two vaccines present antigen in different ways

and engender different types of protective immune responses.

• Since SARS-CoV-2 represents a novel pathogen, a surrogate endpoint reasonably
likely to predict protection from COVID-19 should ideally be derived from human

efficacy studies examining clinical disease endpoints. If the surrogate endpoint is

derived from other data sources, sponsors should consult the FDA to reach

agreement on the use of the surrogate endpoint.

• An adequate dataset evaluating the safety of the vaccine in humans would need to
be provided for consideration of licensure.

• For drugs granted accelerated approval, postmarketing confirmatory trials have
been required to verify and describe the predicted effect on clinical benefit. These

studies should usually be underway at the time of the accelerated approval, 21

CFR Part 601, Subpart E, and must be completed with due diligence (section

506(c)(3)(A) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 356(c)(3)(A)) and 21 CFR 601.41).

• If it is no longer possible to demonstrate vaccine effectiveness by way of
conducting clinical disease endpoint efficacy studies, the use of a controlled

human infection model to obtain evidence to support vaccine efficacy may be

considered. However, many issues, including logistical, human subject protection,

ethical, and scientific issues, would need to be satisfactorily addressed. At this

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


time no controlled human infection models for SARS-CoV-2 have been

established or characterized.

B. Emergency Use Authorization

• An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) may be issued only after several
statutory requirements are met (section 564 of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-

2)) (Ref. 23). Among these requirements is a determination by FDA that the

known and potential benefits of a product, when used to diagnose, prevent, or treat

serious or life-threatening diseases, outweigh the known and potential risks of the


• Issuance of an EUA (Ref. 23) may be appropriate for a COVID-19 vaccine
provided the standard for issuing an EUA is met. Issuance of an EUA for a

COVID-19 vaccine prior to the completion of large randomized clinical efficacy

trials could reduce the ability to demonstrate effectiveness of the investigational

vaccine in a clinical disease endpoint efficacy trial to support licensure, and such

clinical disease endpoint efficacy trials may be needed to investigate the potential

for vaccine-associated ERD. Thus, for a vaccine for which there is adequate

manufacturing information, issuance of an EUA may be appropriate once studies

have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine but before the

manufacturer has submitted and/or FDA has completed its formal review of the

biologics license application.

• In the case of investigational vaccines being developed for the prevention of
COVID-19, any assessment regarding an EUA would be made on a case by case

basis considering the target population, the characteristics of the product, the

preclinical and human clinical study data on the product, and the totality of the

available scientific evidence relevant to the product.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations



1. COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: General Considerations for Pre-IND Meeting Requests
for COVID-19 Related Drugs and Biological Products; Guidance for Industry, May 2020,

2. Guidance for Industry: Process Validation: General Principles and Practices, January 2011,

3. Guidance for Industry: Content and Format of Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls
Information and Establishment Description Information for a Vaccine or Related Product,

January 1999,

4. Perlman S and Dandekar AA, 2005, Immunopathogenesis of Coronavirus Infections:
Implications for SARS, Nat Rev Immunol 5: 917-927,

5. Haagmans BL, Boudet F, Kuiken T, deLang A, et al., 2005, Protective immunity induced by
the inactivated SARS coronavirus vaccine, Abstract S 12-1 Presented at the X International

Nidovirus Symposium, Colorado, Springs, CO.

6. Tseng C-T, Sbrana E, Iwata-Yoshikawa N, Newman P, et al., 2012, Immunization with SARS
Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS

Virus, PloS One, 7(4): e35421,

7. Yasui F, Kai C, Kitabatake M, Inoue S, et al., 2008, Prior Immunization With Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) – associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Nucleocapsid Protein

Causes Severe Pneumonia in Mice Infected with SARS-CoV, J Immunol, 181(9): 6337-6348,

8. Bolles M, Deming D, Long K, Agnihothram S, et al., 2011, A Double-Inactivated Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Vaccine Provides Incomplete Protection In Mice

And Induces Increased Eosinophilic Proinflammatory Pulmonary Response Upon Challenge,

J Virol 85(23) 12201-12215,

9. Agrawal AS, Tao X, Algaissi A, Garron T, et al., 2016, Immunization With Inactivated
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Vaccine Leads To Lung Immunopathology

On Challenge With Live Virus, Hum Vaccin Immunother, 12(9): 2351-2356,

10. Guidance for Industry: Considerations For Plasmid DNA Vaccines For Infectious Disease
Indications, November 2007,

11. Guidance for Industry: Content And Format Of Chemistry, Manufacturing, And Controls
Information And Establishment Description Information For A Vaccine Or Related Product,

January 1999,

12. Guidance for Industry: Considerations For Developmental Toxicity Studies For Preventive

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations


And Therapeutic Vaccines For Infectious Disease Indications, February 2006,

13. World Health Organization, WHO Guidelines On Nonclinical Evaluation Of Vaccines,
Annex 1, WHO Technical Report Series, 2005; 927:31-63,

EX%201Nonclinical.P31-63 ?ua=1.

14. World Health Organization, Guidelines On The Nonclinical Evaluation Of Vaccine
Adjuvants And Adjuvanted Vaccines, Annex 2, WHO Technical Report Series, TRS 987:59-

100, ?ua=1.

15. FDA Guidance on Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products during COVID-19 Public
Health Emergency; Guidance for Industry, Investigators, and Institutional Review Boards,

March 2020 and updated June 2020,

16. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) At Risk
for Severe Illness, last reviewed May 14, 2020,


17. Pregnant Women: Scientific and Ethical Considerations for Inclusion in Clinical Trials; Draft
Guidance for Industry, April 2018,*

18. Draft Guidance for Industry: How to Comply with the Pediatric Research Equity Act,
September 2005,*

19. Guidance for Industry: Establishment and Operation of Clinical Trial Data Monitoring
Committees, March 2006,

20. Guidance for Industry: E2E Pharmacovigilance Planning, April 2005,

21. Postapproval Pregnancy Safety Studies; Draft Guidance for Industry, May 2019,*

22. Guidance for Industry: Postmarketing Studies and Clinical Trials — Implementation of
Section 505(o)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, April 2011,

23. Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products and Related Authorities; Guidance for
Industry and Other Stakeholders, January 2017,

* When finalized, this guidance will represent FDA’s current thinking on this topic. ?ua=1 ?ua=1 ?ua=1*

Templatefor Exam 3

Premise: The year is 2045. You are on Mars and COVID19 has broken out in

the human population. You must propose the creation of a vaccine and
get it to the inhabitants on the other side of the planet who just arrived
before they perish. (they have no electricity set up at this time and are

isolating until your vaccine is delivered).

If successful, your proposal will be funded, your vaccine will be created
using your strategy and your proposal here will be delivered to the far
side inhabitants so they can read and understand what you have created
and implement dosing/treatment/supply information to the people
regarding using your vaccine.

———————–Delete this section

[Name of your vaccine here]
Creator: [Your name here]

Company: [Your vaccine company name here]

Use this section to educate your audience on the background information they need to
understand the topic you will address in your paper. Be sure to address the important
points in each section. You can use the points listed as subheadings in your paper.
Each subheading section should contain at least 250 words as a guideline.

1. Explain what vaccines are:

2. How the immune system interacts with vaccines:

3. Discuss/explain briefly the different types of vaccine strategies (ie-killed, modified
live, attenuated, mRNA etc.):

Vaccine strategy
Use this section to discuss:

1. The vaccine strategy you have chosen to use:

2. What the strategy is and how it works in detail:

3. Why this strategy is the one you chose to use for your vaccine (pros and cons of the

The Technology
Use this section to describe in detail the technology behind your vaccine. You must
include the NCBI detail of the part of the virus you chose to use. Screen shot with
your computer details showing –(to show it is your work as you did in your
VACCINE OR 3d PRINTING DESCRIBE WHO,WHAT,HOW in this section. If robots or 3D
will be used in manufacturing, add them to the manufacturing section.

1. If it is a protein you target, discuss the protein in detail (what it is, what it does,
where is it found in/on the virus etc.) Paste the protein codes from NCBI :

2. If it is the full virus you are using in your vaccine (include the genome BLAST of the
virus) and discuss the genome version you chose from the BLAST (where the specimen
came from, why you chose that version, note if there are other versions available as
well) :

Manufacturing Plan
Explain in detail how you will build out your facility:

1. Manufacturing facility (size, location, number of vaccines that can be delivered in a
day etc.) Describe your vision :

2. Facility considerations (air handling, sterility, batch control, personal protective
equipment etc.) :

3. Vaccine delivery methodology (how you will deliver your vaccine to regions with no
electricity. You need to keep your vaccine cold you must describe how you plan to

keep it cold with no electricity all the way to the healthcare provider to administer
your vaccine :


(insert your creative here in this section. Make sure
it is large enough to view. If it is a podcast insert
the sound file in the word document
Bring the fun, in this section. You will apply your chosen profession to this section.
Explain how you will let the public know your vaccine exists. Why they should
consider asking for it from their healthcare team. Address concerns they may have,
why your vaccine is safe. You can use Canva as you did to make your infographic in the
first assignment. Do not make an infographic! Take a look through the tons of other
digital options you have available to use free in Canva.

Some examples of possible creatives:

If you are an entrepreneur, you can make a pitch deck for your vaccine

If you are a design/marketing/ business student- you can make an Instagram story,
digital poster, Tick Tok type video etc.

If you are a film maker, you can make a video {2-minute max}

If you are a psychology major perhaps create an audio file discussing some of the
psychological concerns surrounding vaccines the inhabitants may have ( Podcast style)

I don’t like to tell you what to create for this section. I like to leave it up to you to
bring your passions and creativity and interests to this section. Create what you feel
your interests and strengths bring to addressing marketing the bringing awareness of
your vaccine to the public.

How to: Inserting a Sound File in Your Word Document

1. Position the insertion point where you want the sound inserted.
2. Choose Object from the Insert. Word displays the Object dialog box.
3. Click on the Create from File tab. (See Figure 1.)
4. Use the controls on the dialog box to locate a sound file that you want included with

your document.

5. Click on OK.

Add your references here using APA style here in order

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