create a theory paragraphs


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You are a psychologist studying the relationship between video game playing and college performance.  As part of your research, you are looking at studies on gaming and GPA.  You have found three articles that look at the relationship between gaming and grade point average (NOTE:  These three sources are NOT in correct APA format—some are lacking important info that you will need to fix on your References page): 

weaver, kim, metzer, & szendrey. (2013). the impact of video games on student gpa, study habits, and time management skills: what’s the big deal. ISSUES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 14(1), 122-128.

Wright, J. (2011). the effects of video game play on academic performance. Modern psychological studies, 17, 1,

Wakil, S. Omer, and B Omer. Impact of Computer Games on Students Gpa. European journal of education studies. Published in 2017.

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  1. Locate and read these three articles. All three articles can be easily retrieved from Google Scholar.
  2. Identify what these three articles have in common, in terms of the relationship between gaming and college GPA.
  3. Write a one paragraph summary of these three articles. Your paragraph should begin with a one sentence summary of what the three articles have in common in terms of their findings IN YOUR OWN WORDS, followed by cited research from each of the three articles that support your opening summary sentence. 
  4. DO NOT START YOUR PARAGRAPH WITH “The three articles that Dr. Frei assigned were…” or “The three articles I read all had this in common…”.
  5. Proper APA citation is required (authors’ last names’ and year of publication).
  6. Quotes require page numbers!
  7. On a separate page, list your references. Your references should be in alphabetical order by first author’s last name, with a hanging indent, and APA formatted.   Put the word References at the top of the page, centered, as per APA formatting.  Do not skip lines between references
  8. Your paragraph and your references should be 12 points Times New Roman font and double spaced.


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