Create a Data Visualization using 3 principles of story telling


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Create a data visualization that uses the 3 key principles of storytelling found below. This can be done in any tool including Excel, Tableau, Power Bi, etc. In your post:

  1. Share a screenshot of your data visualization;
  2. Explain how you came to create the data visualization; and
  3. What it means in terms of the data being displayed.

Here are three principles of storytelling:

Principle 1: Educate, don’t fabricate. Storytelling with data in workforce analytics is about presenting facts using words and images that convey a message to the audience. It is not about embellishing the facts, concocting information that does not exist, or selectively omitting information. In summary, don’t make things up and don’t leave out relevant information.

• Principle 2: Enlighten, don’t overwhelm. Storytelling in workforce analytics should highlight key insights and associated recommendations. Your audience does not need to know about all the excruciating details and multiple iterations of your analysis; present just the most relevant. In summary, don’t show up with a 40-page presentation when 3 pages will suffice.

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• Principle 3: Convince, don’t confuse. Storytelling in workforce analytics is about informing decision making and guiding your audience convincingly by clearly stating the actions needed. It is not about confusing the audience by leaving them overwhelmed and directionless. In summary, don’t leave your audience wondering what to do. These principles are a guide to help ensure that professionalism is maintained and the story stays true to the data.

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